BAP Enthusiast said:
There is absolutely no way this ends well for the US. I just don't understand how these people can look at a mirror and think "this is fine" and continue to stuff their massive gullet with candy, sweets, chips, and other processed garbage while ordering takeout 3 times a day. It's going to eventually crush our health care system if these rates keep skyrocketing like this.
They think it's fine due to social conditioning. When overweight becomes the norm, people see overweight as a healthy, normal weight. If those who are overweight are seen as healthy, then the obese see themselves as simply overweight and convince themselves that means they should try to lose about 10 pounds or so. That's really no concern because 10 pounds can be lost as quickly as one month to six weeks with dieting. They'll start next month (but then realize that month has fourth of July which is a "food holiday, then decide to start in August but don't because of the stress of school starting back, September means football and tailgate parties, you get the idea - but no big deal because they are only sightly overweight).
Combine this with society pushing "body positivity" and not being able to call out extra pounds as the health risk they are and you get people who are convinced those who are a healthy weight are actually underweight, overweight people are average, obese is slightly over weight, and there is no reason for concern until you are eligible to be on My 600 Pound Life.
It's really not hard to convince people something unnatural or unhealthy is perfectly natural or healthy. You just keep bombarding them with it until their brain rewires into thinking it is so.