techno-ag said:
Zobel said:
I dunno man, that was pretty calm and reasonable to me. You admitted to being intentionally dishonest. That's not a great look.
No. The issue is the story stated Tesla had the most recalls this year. He added nuance noting as we always do that most of the recalls were OTA things the safety regulators demanded Tesla address. I agreed with the nuance but pointed out the typical car buyer is only going to see the factual headline without digging into the nuance. This was misconstrued as me lying and admitting to it.
You are aware of the nuance, and eagerly spread the information that Tesla has the most recalls without providing the nuance. That's called a lie of omission.
Let me lay it out to you like this.
You've got a friend, we'll call him, I dunno, Elon. Elon's got a wife, we'll call her Tesla, hippie chick, as you can tell by her name. Elon goes out to the bar with you, gives you a little nudge with the elbow, a wink and a smile and says man you cannot believe my wife Tesla. She absolutely LOVES to make me happy. Every morning just putting a smile on my face, every night same thing. I mean EVERY day. Can't believe how giving she is, if you know what I mean. He says "You know man, she's great at that, great with my kids, but not great at keeping the house clean, but I can hire a maid for that."
You, armed with this information go to people in your community and tell them that his wife is a total ween fiend and really can't contain herself, knowing full well the only ween that she fiends for his her husbands, but allow the people you tell to believe that she's a indiscriminate ween fiend. Tesla calls up some of the women in your community and says "Hey, we should get the husbands and wives together and have a dinner party to get to know one another better." And the wives say "No, I don't think so. We've heard about you and we don't really want our husbands to 'get to know you better' if you know what I mean."
Does Elon have reason to be pissed at you for talking trash about his wife?