Kansas Kid said:
Foreverconservative said:
Double Diamond said:
We subsidize oil.
Sheldon Whitehouse is that you?
Tax breaks aren't subsides, regardless of the liberal talking points. Letting a company keep their own money is different from flat out cutting a hot check to companies to produce a product they can't profit from otherwise.
If I buy an EV and get a $7,500 tax credit, that must not be a subsidy because I am just getting to keep my own money. I guess Biden should have written the code to exempt all EV makers from all taxes forever because that wouldn't be a subsidy.
Well KK do you actually think Big Oil or the Big Three in Detroit are exempt from ll taxes?
I have zero issues with you or anyone getting a tax break to buy your EV. I do have an issue with the USGov giving multi billion dollar grants and flat out hot checks to build EVs Windmills Solar farms or ICE Cars. Grants are subsides whether that other dishonest poster wants to admit it or not, so are cash influxes.
If they want to give tax break solely, have at it.
That idiot Biden just granted billions to that stupid train to nowhere in CA just so he can say he created some "Good Paying Union Jobs". That train that was suppose to be $16 billion originally was shut down after it exceeded $170 billion and wasn't even half way finished. That money he just threw at them to but votes in a deep blue state he'll win easily, will build a few more miles and might get it past the halfway mark.
Look I don't want to derail this worthless thread anymore than I already have but I'll close this portion of the discussion with this, In the early seventies Delaware's corporation laws and statues were in line with business laws in other states. But a certain Senator from that state began pushing new laws for hs home state to adopt that made huge loopholes for big corporations to get out of paying higher taxes like other states. Today more than 65% of all Fortune 500 companies and more than half of all U.S. publicly-traded companies are incorporated in the state of Delaware, and more startups are incorporating in Delaware every day. Those that aren't incorporated in Delaware are incorporated in Nevada that also adopted similar laws. FUnny thing about that whole setup in Delaware is that now former Senator's favorite saying is, "They aren't paying their fare share" when he literally crafted them the sanctuary to get out of paying it. Liberals lie when the truth sounds better.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.