Conservatives moving to Texas.

5,737 Views | 68 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Boo Weekley
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evan_aggie said:

Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

Keegan99 said:

I'm asking if you looked at those results?

Specifically, how they compared to 2016.

Let me Google that for you....

2016 Election Texas Results

He said the 2020 map. Not the 2016 map.

Well I can see this is sort of a pointless circle **** if people aren't aware the valley has been predominantly blue and liberals (not conservatives) are swinging the state.

Y'all have fun sticking your head in the sand or believing fantasy. Personally, I'd rather the GOP get smarter...

It's not sticking your head in the sand to acknowledge that Democrats are losing ground with Hispanic voters.
Ag with kids
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evan_aggie said:

Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

Keegan99 said:

I'm asking if you looked at those results?

Specifically, how they compared to 2016.

Let me Google that for you....

2016 Election Texas Results

He said the 2020 map. Not the 2016 map.

Well I can see this is sort of a pointless circle Jerk if people aren't aware the valley has been predominantly blue and liberals (not conservatives) are swinging the state.

Y'all have fun sticking your head in the sand or believing fantasy. Personally, I'd rather the GOP get smarter...

TEN border counties flipped in 2020 from 2018.

TEN. If you don't understand that's a big deal, I can't help you...

Right. Well thank goodness Elections are decided by how many counties flip and not based on electorates or population! My mistake.
Moving the goal posts now...cute.

You know, admitting that you're wrong is a sign of maturity...
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Lol. You all are too lazy to look at the numbers. But say what you want while I'm literally the only one posted data. Feel free to show a trend where texas hasn't become damn near purple in the last two elections.

Limp old ass biden lost by 600,000 votes. The valley still heavily voted for him.

Trump's machismo actually resonated well with a lot of demographics.
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The folks moving from other states are not conservatives. They are social justice warriors that vote R.

Give it a few years and their loser carpetbagging children will be voting for democrats just like their enlightened parents.

Tell any from out of state to eff off.

The irony is that Texas Democrats in the valley are more conservative than the republican transplants from the west, Midwest, and northeast.
Ag with kids
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evan_aggie said:

Lol. You all are too lazy to look at the numbers. But say what you want while I'm literally the only one posted data. Feel free to show a trend where texas hasn't become damn near purple in the last two elections.

Limp old ass biden lost by 600,000 votes. The valley still heavily voted for him.

Trump's machismo actually resonated well with a lot of demographics.

The RGV and entire border voted more Republican than they had in 2016, The border is shifting I pointed out TEN border counties flipped from Dem to Republican.

There WAS an upswing in the big city counties toward the Dems, but a lot of that was suburban women REALLY not liking Trump.

But...that's not the border...which is what we're talking about...

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evan_aggie said:

I meet 4:1 that are liberal as any you'd meet and don't see the connection to their expensive former state.
I would be getting after that and challenge them.
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So your border trend flipping all red is based off one election or what? More?

Because as I see it if you double the population along south texas, valley and add 500k transplants you risk texas going blue. I think any belief that the rio grande valley is going to add more electorates to republican vs democrat is ....fantasy.
Ag with kids
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evan_aggie said:

So your border trend flipping all red is based off one election or what? More?

Because as I see it if you double the population along south texas, valley and add 500k transplants you risk texas going blue. I think any belief that the rio grande valley is going to add more electorates to republican vs democrat is ....fantasy.
I see you don't live in S Texas...

BTW...I like how you started this with a map showing election. And now, one election isn't enough...

Ain't no one kicking a field goal on you with as fast as you're moving the goal posts...
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Hidalgo County 2016 Election:
Trump: 48,642 = 27.89%
Clinton: 118,809 = 68.12%
Other: 6,957
Total: 174,408

2020 Election:
Trump: 90,527= 40.98%
Biden: 128,199 = 58.04%
Other: 2,158
Total: 220,884

That is only Hidalgo County. I'm on a phone so very hard to do but all border counties followed this trend. They've also followed that trend in local elections. Multiple R's elected to local offices, etc.

Ol Rock
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I spoke with a fairly liberal woman from California. She moved here from LA and was complaining the the housing she lived in was in bad condition. She hired a lawyer and got out of her lease. She and thought Cali was better because there are more laws that protect renters.

I flatly told her to go back then if she thought it was better. There is a reason rents are 2 and 3 times higher there it had a lot to do with the laws and lawyers. She had much lower rents and was able to get out of her lease. I'm not sure why she was complaining.

She backed off pretty quickly when she heard my response and did comment on some of the benefits of Texas.

If you come to Texas and vote like you did in Cali you'll ruin our state too.
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Got a co worker like this *****es about Texas and the lack of "culture", yet she lives in the most generic suburban area in SA. These people always need something to ***** about
you may all go to hell and i will go to Texas
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Gotta love when a Premium only poster comes to F16 to tell all of us we don't have a clue and how it is his job to "educate" us troglodytes.

And just FYI, Ted Cruz did better with people who had moved to Texas recently than he did with people who have been here for 10+ years.
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C@LAg said:

sadly they are being outnumbered by liberals moving to texas.

I've said this on here before, but this is just not the case. The leftists moving here are forced to move here by their companies relocating. Other than a few others, that's pretty much it. I'm not saying that everyone else coming here has as conservative a voting record as I do -- probably the opposite. But they've been red pilled to one extent or the other. And if their reasons for leaving weren't enough, getting here from most of the places they're coming from means they can live like kings with the money they have from sold real estate they left.

Are there exceptions? Sure, but they don't "outnumber" the others. Homeless and degenerates aren't coming here. The "benefits" and weather are WAY better in California.
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91AggieLawyer said:

C@LAg said:

sadly they are being outnumbered by liberals moving to texas.

I've said this on here before, but this is just not the case. The leftists moving here are forced to move here by their companies relocating. Other than a few others, that's pretty much it. I'm not saying that everyone else coming here has as conservative a voting record as I do -- probably the opposite. But they've been red pilled to one extent or the other. And if their reasons for leaving weren't enough, getting here from most of the places they're coming from means they can live like kings with the money they have from sold real estate they left.

Are there exceptions? Sure, but they don't "outnumber" the others. Homeless and degenerates aren't coming here. The "benefits" and weather are WAY better in California.

Just the small matter of the open border and people plopping out babies when they get here that will vote in 20 years. We really need to get that border sealed up.
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rocky the dog said:

# 2 is to not get shot on the weekend. A strong # 3 gaining on the #2 spot is to not get shot on a weekday.
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One of our strengths has also been an ability/trend where many of our leftists self-deport to places like LA/NYC/DC etc. I hope that continues but am concerned things are so craptastic there now, we will retain a greater percentage of them moving forward. See: Baller's thread about LA etc.

Fortunately, I think our Hispanic population is trending red in general, so that should more than make up for retaining more brain dead Dem voters.
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My gunsmith neighbor from just moved here from Oregon.

His wife drives by everyday solo in her minivan wearing a mask.

So they might cancel each other out
Funky Winkerbean
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AggieIce said:

I really hope so as well, if TX goes then the republic is officially lost
Its already lost. The last election was stolen without consequence.
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We had an oven delivered last week and the guys said ours was the first house that day that didn't have vehicles with CA plates in the driveway.
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Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

So your border trend flipping all red is based off one election or what? More?

Because as I see it if you double the population along south texas, valley and add 500k transplants you risk texas going blue. I think any belief that the rio grande valley is going to add more electorates to republican vs democrat is ....fantasy.
I see you don't live in S Texas...

BTW...I like how you started this with a map showing election. And now, one election isn't enough...

Ain't no one kicking a field goal on you with as fast as you're moving the goal posts...

Right. And when one election wasn't enough I posted 3. All 3 showing the the rio grande valley and every major city trends blue.

The question is by how much. You make the argument in one election it was "a little less blue". Ok. So only one person is moving goal posts by choosing one year, quoting a number of 10 counties.

I pray you don't work in the GOP planning and someone comes up with an actual strategy to keep Texas blue other than wishful thinking and a skin on the wall in the past.

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Yesterday said:

I was trimming a tree outside of my house in DFW while wearing my sons baseball team shirt which has the Cubs emblem on it. A car pulls over and it was a couple in their early 40's driving. The man says "love the shirt! We're from Chicago just looking around different neighborhoods for a potential move."

I told him the shirt was my kids baseball team but I was a bandwagon fan of the Cubs when they won the series. Told him Southlake was a great town but there are plenty around DFW. Told him we love transplants, especially conservative ones. He said " that's the reason we're moving. We can't take Chicago's politics anymore.

I feel like the transplants I have met from Illinois, California and New York have been 4:1 conservative or libertarian and tired of living in **** holes. Hope my little sample is true.

I am seeing the same here west of Fort Worth, though I've yet to meet a single one who's not conservative. Almost every one of them moved here to escape the dumbass progressivism. For some it's a job transfer but they're very excited to be in a place as conservative as Texas.
Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.
End Of Message
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MaxPower said:

Beware, their definition of conservative and yours might not be the same…..

This is very true.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
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My job puts me in contact with several transplants to D/FW-mostly from CA. I would say the overwhelmingly majority are red. Not hard core red, but red nonetheless.
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They know where they are moving. They are trying to fit in. They might be marginally less liberal than their friends back home if at all. They will become outraged at whatever the media tells them to be outraged by and switch back at a moments notice.
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If you want to stop the state shifting you have to control the levers in education and put a full stop to the insanity that is academia.
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WestAustinAg said:

They know where they are moving. They are trying to fit in. They might be marginally less liberal than their friends back home if at all. They will become outraged at whatever the media tells them to be outraged by and switch back at a moments notice.
I heard on the radio that those who move her on their own are more conservative than the average Texan. Those who are forced to move here because their employer moved here are more liberal. So the people in the OP are the types we WANT moving here.
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evan_aggie said:

Lol. You all are too lazy to look at the numbers. But say what you want while I'm literally the only one posted data. Feel free to show a trend where texas hasn't become damn near purple in the last two elections.

Limp old ass biden lost by 600,000 votes. The valley still heavily voted for him.

Trump's machismo actually resonated well with a lot of demographics.

Generic Republican was still +10 in 2020, as evidenced by Cornyn and the state Supreme Court races.

That looks to be +15 in 2022.

In 2010, Perry won by 12.7%.

In other words, the GOP margin for governor in 2022, if held today, would be right in line with what it was over a decade ago.
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evan_aggie said:

Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

So your border trend flipping all red is based off one election or what? More?

Because as I see it if you double the population along south texas, valley and add 500k transplants you risk texas going blue. I think any belief that the rio grande valley is going to add more electorates to republican vs democrat is ....fantasy.
I see you don't live in S Texas...

BTW...I like how you started this with a map showing election. And now, one election isn't enough...

Ain't no one kicking a field goal on you with as fast as you're moving the goal posts...

Right. And when one election wasn't enough I posted 3. All 3 showing the the rio grande valley and every major city trends blue.

The question is by how much. You make the argument in one election it was "a little less blue". Ok. So only one person is moving goal posts by choosing one year, quoting a number of 10 counties.

I pray you don't work in the GOP planning and someone comes up with an actual strategy to keep Texas blue other than wishful thinking and a skin on the wall in the past.

You need to look deeper at voting patterns and polling as well as election history. The Valley has always been a heavy Dem stronghold. It has deep corruption and a history of manufacturing votes for Dems going back to LBJ. It is also a very fast growing area. The significance of it trending purple is not red is huge. What is happening is the Hispanics that have lived in Texas for generations are trending more and more GOP because they are culturally conservative and more importantly they are not happy with an open border. Most Hispanics in that region want people they know personally to be able to immigrate but they are not ok with what has happened the last few years with people from Central America coming and the cartel influence. They are waking up. It's also key that Republicans are winning local elections there so it takes away the ability for the Dems to dominate everything about how those areas are run including elections. It's not enough to swing the state but it definitely matters.

It's also not an option to close the State to other states so acting like it is is an old man yelling at clouds. We can't keep Californians or NYers or whatever from moving here but we can hope to attract the ones we want. Evidence seems to show that based on the polls that non native Texans were actually voting more Republican than native Texans in '18.

Shutting the border to the South or at least controlling it is a great idea but isn't happening with Brandon in charge. Abbott is making an effort but realistically it is a Federal issue and unless we secede we can't do much.

The problem in Texas is suburbs turning blue. Much of that from women. Folks who have grown fat and happy driving their Mercedes SUV and deciding to be offended by mean tweets. A lot of those are natives who have forgotten why Texas is so great and are living in a fantasy of how fragile it can be Education and media are a huge problem because they influence LIV's a great deal. By all data I have seen and also causal data the folks moving from California, NY, etc tend to be the Republicans and conservatives that finally had enough outside of a few folks moved due to their job. If they are moving here intentionally though they tend to lean Red. Some of the most outspoken conservatives I have seen that wave Trump flags in suburbia are from OOS.

The path to victory is to continue to shore up the base in the rural parts of Texas and look to win back some of the suburban vote (which I have some optimism for) while also making inroads in South Texas and the Hispanic community. Urban areas in Texas are going to be very tough sledding for the GOP. Then we have to hope we can get rid of Brandon in '24 and work to fix immigration. Sucks but that's the reality.
Ag with kids
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evan_aggie said:

Ag with kids said:

evan_aggie said:

So your border trend flipping all red is based off one election or what? More?

Because as I see it if you double the population along south texas, valley and add 500k transplants you risk texas going blue. I think any belief that the rio grande valley is going to add more electorates to republican vs democrat is ....fantasy.
I see you don't live in S Texas...

BTW...I like how you started this with a map showing election. And now, one election isn't enough...

Ain't no one kicking a field goal on you with as fast as you're moving the goal posts...

Right. And when one election wasn't enough I posted 3. All 3 showing the the rio grande valley and every major city trends blue.

The question is by how much. You make the argument in one election it was "a little less blue". Ok. So only one person is moving goal posts by choosing one year, quoting a number of 10 counties.

I pray you don't work in the GOP planning and someone comes up with an actual strategy to keep Texas blue other than wishful thinking and a skin on the wall in the past.

Perhaps you need to learn what the word "trend" means...


  • 1.
    a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
    "an upward trend in sales and profit margins"
  • [/ol]
    Here's the largest city...McAllen...


    Trump 28%
    HRC 68%

    Dems by 40%


    Trump 41%
    Biden 58%

    Dems by 17%

    The TREND is that the Republicans gained the ****ing RGV. That is YUGE!!!!

    BTW...if you don't understand that TEN border counties flipping is also YUGE, then you're either hopeless, or you're just arguing because you don't like to admit you're wrong...
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    Yesterday said:

    I was trimming a tree outside of my house in DFW while wearing my sons baseball team shirt which has the Cubs emblem on it. A car pulls over and it was a couple in their early 40's driving. The man says "love the shirt! We're from Chicago just looking around different neighborhoods for a potential move."

    I told him the shirt was my kids baseball team but I was a bandwagon fan of the Cubs when they won the series. Told him Southlake was a great town but there are plenty around DFW. Told him we love transplants, especially conservative ones. He said " that's the reason we're moving. We can't take Chicago's politics anymore.

    I feel like the transplants I have met from Illinois, California and New York have been 4:1 conservative or libertarian and tired of living in **** holes. Hope my little sample is true.

    better hope Montana has some nice deprogramming seminars to take all the leftists fleeing California
    c/o 09 Ag in FW
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    I view those fleeing other (blue) states the same way I view illegal immigrants:

    - Stay and fix your own crappy state/country. Don't come over here to leech off of us while slowing trying to turn my beloved TX into wherever the eff you came from
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    MaxPower said:

    Beware, their definition of conservative and yours might not be the same…..

    That's why you ask them direct questions
    Boo Weekley
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    Spaceship said:

    I live in a suburb north of DFW with a lot of out-of-staters too, and the overwhelming majority that I've met are conservative, common sense folks who were tired of where they were.
    Same. It makes sense that they would be the first ones to get out. It's the later ones to flee that I wish we could keep from migrating here.
    Boo Weekley
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    MaxPower said:

    Beware, their definition of conservative and yours might not be the same…..
    That's why I ask them if they believe that white liberals are the greatest enemy and threat to this nation and that they belong in mental asylums or humane camps where they can focus on arts and crafts.
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