aggiehawg said:
deddog said:
aggiehawg said:
Saw this on a Rekieta feed from the other night. Relative to the Edgecomb trial, there was a contention that Wisconsin was the worst state for incarcerating more Blacks than whites.
Here's the map he put up.
Any thoughts?
Actual numbers would be helpful.
Even though the ratio looks bad, the actual numbers of folks in prison might be small.
Also, the percentage of blacks as part of the total population would be helpful.
If Wisconsin has a higher percentage of blacks in the general population, then again, this might make sense.
Here you go. Hover over the states for a lot of that information. Link
Bear in mind that these statistics are already adjusting for the relative sizes of "black" and "white" populations in each state.
So this is NOT "number of black prisoners divided by number of white prisoners".
This is, instead, if you don't mind me putting it in equation form since I'm a math guy…
Statistic for State
(# black prisoners in State / black population in State)
(# white prisoners in State / white population in State)
Correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation. And if my interpretation is right, I am absolutely floored by this map.