Family values Muslim Americans or American Liberals

8,950 Views | 166 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by nortex97
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CanyonAg77 said:

cecil77 said:

CanyonAg77 said:


Abraham would disagree with you.
Abraham, who lived three millennia before Islam?

Yea, and two millennia before Christ - that Abraham.

Both faiths worship the God of Abraham.

I disagree. I think the moon on Islamic flags is a pretty good indication of worship of the moon god.
The crescent moon predates Islam by several centuries. The Eagle symbol predates the USA by several centuries. The Swastika predates the Nazis by several centuries....

The list continues...
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So no one here hates Muslims?
You have four pages worth of posts. Point out the hate.
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CanyonAg77 said:


So no one here hates Muslims?
You have four pages worth of posts. Point out the hate.

I don't know... The term Sudden Jihadist Syndrome and those who didn't want Muslim neighbors?


Muslims only do the 'coexist' stuff and talk about Jesus in their faith to influence/deceive ignorant infidels when convenient. These are not religious leaders/people I'd like living next door vs. a typical Xiden liberal family;
Build It
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It's a shame you don't know anything about the crusades.
Change Detection
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It should really be the question about whether one believes in Jesus. You might believe in God the creator, but he has asked you to believe in his son Jesus as our savior. If you choose not to believe in Jesus, God isn't even listening to your prayers. Only Jesus saves, nothing else matters.
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AggieDruggist89 said:

CanyonAg77 said:


So no one here hates Muslims?
You have four pages worth of posts. Point out the hate.

I don't know... The term Sudden Jihadist Syndrome and those who didn't want Muslim neighbors?


Muslims only do the 'coexist' stuff and talk about Jesus in their faith to influence/deceive ignorant infidels when convenient. These are not religious leaders/people I'd like living next door vs. a typical Xiden liberal family;

It wasn't a poster who came up with the term. And it's 100% accurate to state that Islam allows followers to lie to infidels.

Do I hate some idiot KKK member because his beliefs are stupid and potentially dangerous? No, I just don't want hime around. Hate would take too much of my precious energy.

Dislike and avoidance is not hate
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So you believe Muslims will lie to you to coexist in your community?
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I don't just dislike Kamala, Newsome and Pelosi.

I hate them.

How you define Hate...i really don't give a *****
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"Pretty common thought" equals "lots of people made it up".

Agree on the wiki war. However surely you're aware that the vast bulk of historical theology links the three main monotheistic faiths to the same God? And sure, you can disagree with that historical, theological conclusion.

Heck I've known (fairly well) a fundamentalist Christian who could "prove" that the circular shape of the Catholic Communion Host (he called it a "cookie") was an indication that Catholics worshipped a "sun god". It was such a common thought that tracts were printed "proving" it.

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AggieDruggist89 said:

I don't just dislike Kamala, Newsome and Pelosi.

I hate them.

How you define Hate...i really don't give a *****
Words mean things

In today's world, accusing someone of hate is a serious thing, requiring evidence, and an understanding of how the term is viewed at present

It is not a light thing, like "I hate broccoli. "
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AggieDruggist89 said:

So you believe Muslims will lie to you to coexist in your community?
I know that their scriptures allow it
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AggieDruggist89 said:

I don't just dislike Kamala, Newsome and Pelosi.

I hate them
So, you're saying that it is acceptable to hate someone who's view of America is in opposition to yours, and potentially harmful to the country?

Then you should be fine with someone who hates Muslims, though you haven't pointed any out on this thread
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CanyonAg77 said:

AggieDruggist89 said:

So you believe Muslims will lie to you to coexist in your community?
I know that their scriptures allow it

Does that mean they will?

So do you have issues with Muslim neighbors?

Old testament talks about stoning to death... Does that mean you should?
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CanyonAg77 said:

AggieDruggist89 said:

I don't just dislike Kamala, Newsome and Pelosi.

I hate them
So, you're saying that it is acceptable to hate someone who's view of America is in opposition to yours, and potentially harmful to the country?

Then you should be fine with someone who hates Muslims, though you haven't pointed any out on this thread

My hatred towards those three liberal Californians are based on their actual actions and decisions on how it impacts my life and the state.

Conservative 3rd generation Muslim American family doesn't impact me the same way.

Are you saying Muslim Americans are harmful to the USA?
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Getting tired of the trolling.

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He said he was just a contrarian. He said if this board was full of Muslims he would argue the Christian side. Not sincere. Not sure why you are arguing with him.
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Engaging is fun for a while. When it becomes obvious the other guy isn't reading your responses and/or deliberately misrepresents what you've said, it becomes tiresome.
one MEEN Ag
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cecil77 said:


This is surface level theology. If we examine the nature of God as described by Islam through Mohammed and the nature of God described in the Old Testament and New Testament, they are not the same and so they cannot be the same God.

Abraham would disagree with you.


Let's say you have a friend named John and someone you're talking to also has a friend named John. Y'all are trying to figure out if y'all know the same John. So what do you do? Start describing them. And quickly we find out that our friend John isn't the same John they know.
Specious. Clearly one of the friends has a different impression of John, does not at all follow that they are different humans. Knowing God is not like knowing a human being, at least not as applied to your analogy. A better analogy would be the elephant and the blind men. Flawed human beings all describing the same God will make it appear that there are different Gods, but there's just the one. You may certainly criticize their knowledge of God and their relationship to Him (just as they may criticize yours) - but to conclude they are different Gods is not only incorrect, but either posits the existence of more than one God or believing that billions of people pray to nothing. Neither of those is comfortable for a believing person.

I am comfortable with claiming that Mohammed's definition of God does not meet the nature of God as described in the OT, and fulfilled through Jesus as a Messiah. That means it isn't the same God. Mohammed says God endorses subjugation, war, lying, multiple perpetual classes of citizens, rape, 4 wives for followers but unlimited for himself. This wholly incompatible with the god of the Old Testament, and does not follow the OT prophecies about who is/when a Messiah will arrive. Their idea of salvation is foreign as it is works not grace. Their descriptions of paradise are perverted (72 virgins? Why even create marriage if you get a weirdly finite amount of girlfriends in eternity? How is this heaven for those women anyway?) man is not made in the image of God. They reject Jesus as the messiah and that he was The Angel of the Lord in the OT.

There is nothing about Islam that points to worshiping the same god as God beyond claiming family ties. And ties that God himself said he would not use to bring about the Messiah.

Your theology is built out of being kind for kindness's sake. It's not biblically sound. They worship a false god.
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Most theologians disagree with you.

"Kindness" has nothing to do with it. History does.

There's only one God. They are doing it wrong based upon my faith - but it doesn't mean it's a different God.

And it's only been in the past 10 years or so I've even heard the assertion. Growing up in church (I'm 67) and with books my devoutly Christian dad shared, the three great monotheistic religions absolutely worship the same God.
P.H. Dexippus
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cecil77 said:

Most theologians disagree with you.

"Kindness" has nothing to do with it. History does.

There's only one God. They are doing it wrong based upon my faith - but it doesn't mean it's a different God.

And it's only been in the past 10 years or so I've even heard the assertion. Growing up in church (I'm 67) and with books my devoutly Christian dad shared, the three great monotheistic religions absolutely worship the same God.

Lol in asserting the fundamental differences between Allah and God only cropped up in the past decade.


The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not "Three"Cease! (it is) better for you!Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from His transcendant majesty that he should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as Defender. The Messiah will never scorn to be a slave unto Allah, nor will the favoured angels. Whoso scorneth His service and is proud, all such will He assemble unto Him (Surah 4:171-172).

They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah (himself) said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Lo! whoso ascribeth partners unto Allah, for him Allah hath forbidden Paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evildoers there will be no helpers. They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the third of three; when there is no God save the One God. If they desist not from so saying a painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve. Will they not rather turn unto Allah and seek forgiveness of Him? For Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (Surah 5:72-74).

one MEEN Ag
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Most theologians? 10 years? You want to cite some sources because there's a Rolodex of church fathers condemning Mohammed from the moment he hopped off his camel, declared himself the last prophet of God, denounced Jesus, and starting slaughtering Jews.
one MEEN Ag
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By the way, your sources proclaiming 'it's all the same God' better be from a Catholic or Orthodox Church that has a history of coming face to face with Islam on their turf.

Don't quote me some protestant, western nondenominational, wealthy, church leadership buzzword statement about how it's all the same.
one MEEN Ag
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Back to the OP, I think you're imagining some hateful, peering through the blinds view of the suburbs. Here's my take: Anyone is welcome in my community as long as you follow these two rules:

-Mow/take care of your front yard
-Don't play outdoor music all freaking night

Everything else is window dressing. Welcome to America, enjoy your freedom, and please protest your taxes.
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LOL, you guys are still getting baited by Cecil etc. into a nonproductive debate imho. Also, I'm a Protestant but you are correct about a lot of Protestant (liberal/leftist, usually) denominational leaders ideas/knowledge about muslims today.

Have a good one, guys.
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Whoa.. You guys are really missing the point. This has nothing to do with any of the stuff y'all have quoted.

Nowhere in the contention of the three great monotheistic religions worshiping the same God is the implication that Islam is doing it right or legitimately.

But it's just undeniable that all are children of Abraham. Yes, in my faith I believe they have strayed.


Lol in asserting the fundamental differences between Allah and God only cropped up in the past decade.

Those are fundamental differences in human conception of God. Humans don't change God. Until relatively recently I've never read contentions that there are two differents Gods. How can Muslims worship something that doesn't exist. There is only one God.

No Spin Ag
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one MEEN Ag said:

Back to the OP, I think you're imagining some hateful, peering through the blinds view of the suburbs. Here's my take: Anyone is welcome in my community as long as you follow these two rules:

-Mow/take care of your front yard
-Don't play outdoor music all freaking night

Everything else is window dressing. Welcome to America, enjoy your freedom, and please protest your taxes.

You sound like the ideal neighbor. See you at the neighborhood block party.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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"Rape of Great Britain" documentary film maker about muslim 'grooming gangs' has his car firebombed. Notice this is by people mad that he had the temerity to say things about a group of muslims that are both true and horrible.

These are not 'the kind of people' I want as neighbors, regardless of how their yards are kept, and their book, the Koran, supports raping infidels/slavery.
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