But did those vaccines cause the replication of this particular dna repair inhibiting spike protein?
The covid vaccine religious don't want to hear it.10thYrSr said:
"In other words, your body's ability to fight off other future pathogens is diminished, thereby making you more susceptible to worse health outcomes from things you would normally kick in the dirt without issue.
This! I had Covid in July. COVID wasn't that bad, felt like garbage for 3 days, felt good for one day, then felt like **** for 5 days. Turns out I kicked Covid, but got pneumonia after that took me down bad.
So, while I had the virus in my body, it made me unable to fight off diseases that kill old people. I was basically a 80 year old man at that point.
Luckily, once you kick Covid and fully recover, the inhibiting of the DNA repair is gone. There is nothing in your body that is binding to the receptors to prevent that.
The trouble with the mRNA vax is that it causes your body to continue to produce these spike proteins for God knows how long, so you will continually experience the protein binding to receptors.
So, in my uneducated opinion, the vax makes you more vulnerable to other diseases. Especially if you are getting "boosters".
Swan Song said:
So almost like an AIDS effect?
FYI, after my daughter had covid our pediatrician recommended that she take Quercetin to speed up the process of spike protein removal from her body.
digging tunnels said:
When I first read this, the first thing I asked myself, from a biology POV, is how does the spike protein get to the DNA while in the cell. The DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell. There is no way the spike protein can get to the nucleus to affect the DNA. So how can it affect DNA repair?
Any science nerds have thoughts?
They are triggered big time.baron_von_awesome said:On itRapier108 said:
Post this on F84 and see how long your ban would be.