SouthTex99 said:
When does Ukraine step up resistance? Or is this Afghanistan 2021 all over again?
Ukraine will not execute large scale military action until either missiles, planes or tanks roll across the front line in Donbass or any other existing border. They just can't afford to. I know people on here have said launch a first strike, but it's a pipe dream IMO. Here is why I think this:
1) It's a huge propaganda win for Putin.
2) It immediately authorizes a full scale invasion if Putin's goals don't already include this. (It probably does.)
3) It most likely will not inflict sufficient damage/casualties to disrupt Russia's overall timeline. ****
4) It exposes some/all of the units involved to total annihilation. (They're already at this risk but it would be even riskier.)
That strike would be carried out by artillery, which should be well back and the Ukrainian artillery isn't really heavy enough caliber and would be pinpointed very quickly by the fire finder radar we know is already up and running, missiles (best option) or planes. Those planes are already facing a significant radar picket line and are better suited right now to trying to deny the Russians total air supremacy. I would expect at the end of this some of the Ukrainian planes will end up in Poland.
But really... reason 3 is the spot. They won't do enough because they have to move forces up and it is an unnecessary waste in an already really bad spot. If I was in Ukraine I'd have a shovel out.