There has been talk of some questioning the validity of the Russian mindset to kill people and then just leave the bodies out. Surely, no one would ever do that! How stupid, right?
Except it has happened. Multiple times. The largest scale being from the Nazi Einsatzgruppen units of WW2. A bit of a derail but it clarifies the mindset of of what tyrannical forces do when they think they are not going to lose and their actions will not come to light.
Most people think of the gas chambers of the Holocaust but just as many died to literal kill squads. The Einsatzgruppen commandos. Gas chambers were the "Final Solution" as it were. They tried multiple other ways to remove the Jewish population before they came to that though. Including literally trying to kill every single one by simply shooting them. These units would go to an occupied area and systemically exterminate as many untermenschen as they could get their hands on. Gather them up, take them to a field with giant pits and spend all day just shooting them. Ten at a time. Ironically enough, the largest and most famous site was in Ukraine. Babi Yar was the site where over 30000 Jews were murdered in two days. They would take them ten at a time, make them lay on the bodies of the previous ten, and then shot them in the head.
They initially just covered them with dirt and that was that. It would never come to light because they would never lose of course. Then around 1942, when it became apparent that the nazis WERE losing ground they realized how horrible it would look so for over two years they enacted SonderAktion 1005. A massive effort to go back to all of these killing fields, dig up the bodies and then literally grind them up and spread them to hide the evidence. Thousands were part of this effort. They were only partially successful of course. They only did this AFTER they realized they were losing and would no longer control these areas. Before that, they had not a care in the world. It also generated the single most powerful image I have ever seen in my life. This photo completely changed my way of thinking when I first saw it as a kid. This image is of a Jewish woman and her child who were murdered in a field with many others. In Ukraine btw. Also, fun fact. The vast majority of the Einsatzgruppen? Survived the war and simply got away with it. Less than a hundred were ever even investigated if I recall correctly. And most of those got off with light sentences or none at all.
I mention all of the above because it shows what happens when you think you can't lose. The Russians never thought this war would transpire as it has. Kiev was as good as won in their eyes when they stepped off late February. They also know they have a comms lockdown. It is amazing what some people will do when they think no one is watching or when they think they control the cameras. We all know this. Now just imagine this mindset of butchers in a dirty war in an area full of sub humans....
The Russians did this. Just like they have in other places. Just like other murderous regimes have. They did what they did when they thought they would not get caught. As proven elsewhere by them and others like them.
Face it, it is far easier to see systematic killings by murderous thugs of a nation that already has a history of it multiple times over, versus the Ukes going around and murdering their own citizens. If people believe otherwise, trust me. They are not "asking questions". They are grasping at straws in order to fulfill the reality they have created in their head. They are feeding their bias in such a way that is incredibly skewed from real events and history and painfully obvious to everyone else.
/End derail