jrdaustin said:
nortex97 said:
Well those politicians won't address those scandals, and you are a Joe fart sniffer, aren't you?
Once again, definitely not a Joe supporter. Call me crazy, but I'd like all politicians to address scandals that involve them, and I don't worship or blindly defend any of them.
Just so we're clear, are you suggesting that a salacious accusation made by a reporter with an obvious agenda using a series of assumptions and an undated, unverified, blurry photo qualifies as a "scandal" that warrants addressing by the candidate?
Is that your bar?
Yes, he is a public figure. If there are photos that show what appears to be him partying with high school girls when he was their teacher, that warrants being addressed. If it's not him, or those aren't high school girls, or whatever the explanation, he should say so.
I can't tell if you're trolling, or just incredibly naive. You do realize that photoshop is a thing, don't you? Also, there is one photo that really tells us nothing. Assuming it's not shopped, you're still jumping to the vast conclusions that he's actually in the photo, that the blurred girls are actually high school girls, that it's actually beer in the photo, that he's a teacher at the time, and that he is their teacher. All assumptions that you're willing to run with and expect him to respond to.
Friend, this is straight out of the Kavenaugh playbook. I'm surprised you don't see that.
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