Explosion at Kabul Airport

42,552 Views | 405 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Aggies2009
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AG 2000' said:

ABATTBQ87 said:

Bonfire1996 said:

aginresearch said:

I wouldn't be surprised if vulnerable moderate Democrats start making noise soon. Democratic leadership knows two things. Biden is going to kill them politically in the midterms. However, they also know that removing him now would 100% ensure none of their remaining agenda gets past a 50/50 senate. They are between a rock and a hard place. Sucks to be them right now.

This is accurate. They will be forced to choose the least bad option. The least bad, for them, is President Harris and a punchers chance at retaining the Senate in 2022.

Leave Biden in there and the Senate goes Red and the GOP owns 275 seats in the House
This is why Republicans should not push for impeachment or replacement of the President right now.

Let the Democrats suffer for the next year
**** no. Get their tiebreaker out of the Senate and keep things gridlocked until 2022 elections are over.
Tiebreaker won't be an issue going forward; they'll be enough Democrats in danger of losing their seats if they stay aligned with the Biden/Harris agenda and they'll vote against democrat agendas.
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Dos Tasadores De TAMU said:

The problem is Islam.
And there's not one damn thing we can do about that until we are willing to blow it off the map.
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Beetle 92 said:

YellowPot_97 said:

Beetle 92 said:

BAP Enthusiast said:

titan said:

texagbeliever said:

titan said:

Consider --- suicide bombing when you have won a war? Its kind of -- contradictory for a Taliban to do just now. On the other hand, the reverse is true for any number of other causes. We will see.
While truly sad, i think i read how in Iraq, mentally disabled people would have to be chained up because the terrorist insurgents liked to use them as suicide bombers because they would be oblivious.
After they had WON? That's the essential thing here. A suicide bomber is actually a valuable resource for an entity to have at their disposal. You use them for turning tides or sending message --- victories by nature everyone wants to bathe in it.

On the other hand, some of the usual suspects of Syria front would make more sense.

This seems like a false flag by the CIA. Why would they do this after they won? It makes zero sense, especially when they are trying to legitimize their government.

I don't think this is a false flag.

This was well planned and well executed.

Look what this accomplished

1- killed a bunch of American sympathizers who were at or near the airport trying to get out of the collapsing county. Will cause the remaining ones to leave and to be collected later by the Taly for "re-education".

2- caused the airport to close. Further locking out the American and allies trying to get in. Sets them up for easier collection later for ransom.

3- killed a couple of US servicemen. Always a bonus for the enemy.

Don't waste your time engaging this guy. He carries more water for the Taliban than a camel.


Beetle, I was saying for you not to waste your time with BAP. He's done nothing but goal tend for those goat ****ers since they rolled into Kabul

ETA, staff cut the guy a break. This is an emotional issue for everyone that has had to deal with the Mid East. His response was totally appropriate if I had directed that to him.
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zephyr88 said:

Dos Tasadores De TAMU said:

The problem is Islam.
And there's not one damn thing we can do about that until we are willing to blow it off the map.
You kinda sound like a radical Islamist...
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This isn't an Islam problem. This is a China vs America problem. Soon it will be a China vs Russia problem. Islam is just used as cover for the proxy war.
DallasAg 94
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Funky Winkerbean
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nhamp07 said:

zephyr88 said:

Dos Tasadores De TAMU said:

The problem is Islam.
And there's not one damn thing we can do about that until we are willing to blow it off the map.
You kinda sound like a radical Islamist...
Do you fight "radical" with "reasonable"? No.
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DallasAg 94 said:

Pelosi and House Democrats "We are out of here." They apparently want no part of this mess.


Looks like those at the kid's table will have to ride this out alone. Waiting to find out if Harris is gone, as well.

There is a Humpty Dumpty illustration here, somewhere.

She's in...Vietnam:

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Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.
Layne Staley
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Infiltration, not invasion. Congrats libs, you're actually the Baddies.
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torrid said:

Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.

Because they want to kill Americans. Are you saying an average suicide bomber is making a rational life decision?
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torrid said:

Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.
I think Beetle 92 explains how it benefits the Tally-Bon pretty well:


Beetle 92 said:

I don't think this is a false flag.

This was well planned and well executed.

Look what this accomplished

1- killed a bunch of American sympathizers who were at or near the airport trying to get out of the collapsing county. Will cause the remaining ones to leave and to be collected later by the Taly for "re-education".

2- caused the airport to close. Further locking out the American and allies trying to get in. Sets them up for easier collection later for ransom.

3- killed a couple of US servicemen. Always a bonus for the enemy.
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DallasAg 94 said:

Pelosi and House Democrats "We are out of here." They apparently want no part of this mess.


Looks like those at the kid's table will have to ride this out alone. Waiting to find out if Harris is gone, as well.

There is a Humpty Dumpty illustration here, somewhere.

Dems have a habit of leaving town en masse when the going gets hot lately.
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torrid said:

Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.
Taliban waiting for the US permission to do bad things is a sign of weakness. Also don't think of the Taliban with a concrete organizational structure of President - Army General - so on. They are more like an interconnected blob that kind of reports to a head guy but most of the time smaller cells don't communicate with them. Its what makes them extremely adaptable but susceptible to foolish actions.
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Tramp96 said:

torrid said:

Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.
I think Beetle 92 explains how it benefits the Tally-Bon pretty well:


Beetle 92 said:

I don't think this is a false flag.

This was well planned and well executed.

Look what this accomplished

1- killed a bunch of American sympathizers who were at or near the airport trying to get out of the collapsing county. Will cause the remaining ones to leave and to be collected later by the Taly for "re-education".

2- caused the airport to close. Further locking out the American and allies trying to get in. Sets them up for easier collection later for ransom.

3- killed a couple of US servicemen. Always a bonus for the enemy.

Also, both sides blame ISIS - the Taliban doesn't want competition.

The POTUS blames ISIS because he doesn't want to appear weak.
The Taliban blame ISIS because they get to kill Americans and face no repurcussions.
Plus they killed a bunch of Afghans, Taliban gets to play the "were moderate, ISIS is extreme" card.
And Biden will send them money "in good faith" to reconstruct Afghanistan
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You know... the thing!
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We were clearly warned somehow. I don't have faith in our intelligence over there to have gotten that warning ourselves. So most likely the story of the Taliban getting wind of an ISIS attack and warning us is true. The Taliban has shown moderate restraint so far in letting foreigners out and it doesn't make sense to attack a cornered dog at this point.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin
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zephyr88 said:

Dos Tasadores De TAMU said:

The problem is Islam.
And there's not one damn thing we can do about that until we are willing to blow it off the map.
you realize that's the same way that the left feels about white conservative males right?

i'm not acting like muslims and WCMs are anywhere in the same stratosphere as far as the level of violence they're currently committing, but there's probably 990 million muslims NOT committing acts of terror every day, just like there's 10s of millions white males not being Dylan Roof or the Charlottesville guy every day.
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or sophisticated decisions as Joe and company are implying.
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DallasAg 94 said:

Skillet Shot said:

Does Biden continue to pull out or use this as a reason to go back in?
No way in hell Biden goes back in.

At some point, the Biden Administration pulls the plug on the rescue evacuation. They will just say, "Well, they were stranded there and nothing we could do. We tried."


What she said.

Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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GeorgiAg said:

notex said:

GeorgiAg said:

You voted for this, as a reminder.
No, YOU voted for it. Who made the deal, released 5,000 prisoners and drew our troops down to 2,000?

Your convoluted logic doesn't hold up.

Then explain why the Taliban waited until President Biden pulled out all Air Force and additional assets before marching in uncontested.

I am sick of the BS argument blaming President Trump's administration. President Biden and his despicable unethical administration had 7 months to make or change plans and didn't. The only plan was to gain political capital by using the 9/11 date and the deaths of the 9/11 attack and first responders for his petty BS.

This is 100% on the moron in the White House and his staff. They are a stain on the United States and our allies are learning a hard lesson and are openly expressing their absolute disgust in this administration.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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A lot of folks are showing their asses on this thread. Mass ignorance (some innocent but a lot seemingly willful) about the complexities of the different factions fighting over there.

Taliban and ISIS are not friends. They are sworn enemies.

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Jennifer Griffin on Fox reporting the 3 US Marines were severely wounded and could be more injury reports to come of armed forces personnel.

ETA she is reporting these might be life threatening and indicated we may soon learn these three might have died.
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GeorgiAg said:

notex said:

GeorgiAg said:

You voted for this, as a reminder.
No, YOU voted for it. Who made the deal, released 5,000 prisoners and drew our troops down to 2,000?

But remember, Biden said himself, "The buck stops with me."

Bold statement for a guy who was leading an absolute **** show for an evac operation.
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javajaws said:

We were clearly warned somehow. I don't have faith in our intelligence over there to have gotten that warning ourselves. So most likely the story of the Taliban getting wind of an ISIS attack and warning us is true. The Taliban has shown moderate restraint so far in letting foreigners out and it doesn't make sense to attack a cornered dog at this point.

I tend to agree, but the Taliban isn't exactly Sparta when it comes to unity, organization, and obedience.

I wouldn't at all put it past some elements of the Taliban to be furious at the notion of their Afghani targets escaping in US planes, and think that an attack would hasten our departure forcing us to leave more of our Afghan allies behind. "Warning" us could have just been to allay suspicion. We will likely never know, but both the US and Taliban will insist it was ISIS regardless.
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Yukon Cornelius said:

Bonfire1996 said:

Biden Presidency is over

Doubt it. Liberals don't care.
The Democratic Party leadership, leftist progressives and legacy media all do not care. They will put on a full court press to blame President Trump just like some posters here.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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fightintxag13 said:

GeorgiAg said:

notex said:

GeorgiAg said:

You voted for this, as a reminder.
No, YOU voted for it. Who made the deal, released 5,000 prisoners and drew our troops down to 2,000?

But remember, Biden said himself, "The buck stops with me."

Bold statement for a guy who was leading an absolute **** show for an evac operation.
And to GeorgiaAg and the other leftist apologists on this board...

Please stop trying to deflect this disaster on the previous administration. LISTEN CAREFULLY!


Regardless of what deal Trump negotiated months ago, no one in their right mind can argue that Trump negotiated a complete surrender to the Taliban. Yet that is exactly what we're seeing in these final days. The Biden administration, the SecDef & CJCOS on down have allowed this incredible mismanagement of the withdrawal to take place. That's 100% on YOUR GUY.
Definitely Not A Cop
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fightintxag13 said:

GeorgiAg said:

notex said:

GeorgiAg said:

You voted for this, as a reminder.
No, YOU voted for it. Who made the deal, released 5,000 prisoners and drew our troops down to 2,000?

But remember, Biden said himself, "The buck stops with me."

Bold statement for a guy who was leading an absolute **** show for an evac operation.

The buck stops with me*

*until it doesn't.
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Sarge 91 said:

At 8 am this morning, I heard a radio report that a Taliban spokesperson told the press it had given intel to the US of a non specific threat that ISIS was going to carry out to discredit the Taliban. Sounds like this is it.
Could be. However, the Taliban may be setting up ISIS to take the blame and suffer international contempt. Would be a win win for Taliban, escape responsibility, blame an enemy, kill Afghanistan civilians they consider irredeemable and potentially kill Americans possibly American soldiers.

As someone pointed out earlier, "The same Taliban that have had the entire airport perimeter and surrounding area layered with multiple checkpoints but let two suicide bombers and multiple armed shooters inside this perimeter?"

Edit spelling
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
BAP Enthusiast
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YellowPot_97 said:

Beetle 92 said:

YellowPot_97 said:

Beetle 92 said:

BAP Enthusiast said:

titan said:

texagbeliever said:

titan said:

Consider --- suicide bombing when you have won a war? Its kind of -- contradictory for a Taliban to do just now. On the other hand, the reverse is true for any number of other causes. We will see.
While truly sad, i think i read how in Iraq, mentally disabled people would have to be chained up because the terrorist insurgents liked to use them as suicide bombers because they would be oblivious.
After they had WON? That's the essential thing here. A suicide bomber is actually a valuable resource for an entity to have at their disposal. You use them for turning tides or sending message --- victories by nature everyone wants to bathe in it.

On the other hand, some of the usual suspects of Syria front would make more sense.

This seems like a false flag by the CIA. Why would they do this after they won? It makes zero sense, especially when they are trying to legitimize their government.

I don't think this is a false flag.

This was well planned and well executed.

Look what this accomplished

1- killed a bunch of American sympathizers who were at or near the airport trying to get out of the collapsing county. Will cause the remaining ones to leave and to be collected later by the Taly for "re-education".

2- caused the airport to close. Further locking out the American and allies trying to get in. Sets them up for easier collection later for ransom.

3- killed a couple of US servicemen. Always a bonus for the enemy.

Don't waste your time engaging this guy. He carries more water for the Taliban than a camel.


Beetle, I was saying for you not to waste your time with BAP. He's done nothing but goal tend for those goat ****ers since they rolled into Kabul

ETA, staff cut the guy a break. This is an emotional issue for everyone that has had to deal with the Mid East. His response was totally appropriate if I had directed that to him.

I'm not goaltending for anyone, the Taliban has Twitter accounts that you can follow. It's pretty obvious what their position is here. We got warnings that ISIS was possibly in the area recently and we all know what they are known to do and as far as I know, these two groups do not get along.

I don't care much about Afghanistan one or another. It's the graveyard of empires for a damn good reason and we should not be there. I absolutely agree that the Biden admin has screwed up the withdrawal about as bad as they could have possibly screwed it up, which is what helped to directly lead to these fiascos at the airport.
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MousepadMarauder said:

Conspiracy theory - Biden and dems rope-a-doped. Feigned weakness waiting for an attack to give them an excuse to show how strong on foreign policy they are and send in troops to clean things up.

That is some good **** you are ingesting, because that is more improbable than little green men.

in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things; by pretending "not to know" there is no guilt, no actual connection to conscience. Denial of truth allows easier trespass.
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richardag said:

Sarge 91 said:

At 8 am this morning, I heard a radio report that a Taliban spokesperson told the press it had given intel to the US of a non specific threat that ISIS was going to carry out to discredit the Taliban. Sounds like this is it.
Could be. However, the Taliban may be setting up ISIS to take the blame and suffer international contempt. Would be a win win for Taliban, escape responsibility, blame an enemy, kill Afghanistan civilians the consider irredeemable and potentially kill Americans possibly American soldiers.

As someone pointed out earlier, "The same Taliban that have had the entire airport perimeter and surrounding area layered with multiple checkpoints but let two suicide bombers and multiple armed shooters inside this perimeter?"
Seriously. Stop with this.

Just stop.
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WSJ says four marines killed. Three injured.
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From the WSJ:

Kabul Airport Explosion Kills Four U.S. Marines Amid Evacuations


The U.S. ambassador in Kabul has told staff there that four U.S. Marines were killed in an explosion at the city's airport and three wounded, a U.S. official with knowledge of the briefing said. Two explosions ripped through crowds of Afghans trying to enter the airport on Thursday.
$3 Sack of Groceries
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deddog said:

Tramp96 said:

torrid said:

Still makes no sense to me for the Taliban to attack the Americans when they are literally within days of getting what they have wanted for twenty years. Damn, I'm becoming a Taliban apologist.

I can see the ones at the top not wanting to attack the Americans, but having a hard time keeping lower-level jihadists in line amid all the chaos. I guess I can also see splinter group in the Taliban using ISIS-K or whoever as a proxy to attack US troops and keep pressure on while maintaining plausible deniability.
I think Beetle 92 explains how it benefits the Tally-Bon pretty well:


Beetle 92 said:

I don't think this is a false flag.

This was well planned and well executed.

Look what this accomplished

1- killed a bunch of American sympathizers who were at or near the airport trying to get out of the collapsing county. Will cause the remaining ones to leave and to be collected later by the Taly for "re-education".

2- caused the airport to close. Further locking out the American and allies trying to get in. Sets them up for easier collection later for ransom.

3- killed a couple of US servicemen. Always a bonus for the enemy.

Also, both sides blame ISIS - the Taliban doesn't want competition.

The POTUS blames ISIS because he doesn't want to appear weak.
The Taliban blame ISIS because they get to kill Americans and face no repurcussions.
Plus they killed a bunch of Afghans, Taliban gets to play the "were moderate, ISIS is extreme" card.
And Biden will send them money "in good faith" to reconstruct Afghanistan
Has it been confirmed that US servicemen were killed?? All I've seen is that we've taken casualties.

EDIT -- the posts above mine must have posted right as I was typing mine.

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