aggiehawg said:
Agvet12 said:
Ag_07 said:
By the look of his reaction to me it looks like he was told not to answer that question and make no mention of diplomacy with the Taliban.
That's why they all keep reverting to the obvious company like of 'We've given instructions for Americans to make their way to the airport'.
No way they want to openly admit to negotiating with the Taliban.
You're exactly right, and honestly we could retake Kabul if we really wanted too to secure it. We have he forces in the area within 48hrs to pull it off (mobilizing MEU, and from Oki and Germany ect)
We won't because we'd rather be lazy and pay our way out and believe the Taliban
Disagree. We now have thousands of troops that are surrounded at the airport not to mention thousands of American civilians that are effectively hostages.
If we had the stomach for it, we could and we would, we don't hence why we allowed ourselves to be trapped in the low ground of an indefensible position at Kabul Air port without owning the hills or even trying to own them. We put ourselves in this position because of CRT politician generals and Obama era regulations for military standards (whose in whose out)
We could with numbers in Oki, ME, and MEU numbers we won't because we're going to pay $$ that make the recent stimulus bills look like child's play