It's about to get bad in Afghanistan.

67,781 Views | 619 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by will25u
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thirdcoast said:

President Biden either is an idiot or liar.

Maybe both
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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He's both 100%
Ernest Tucker
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A population of like minded people need to stand and fight for their way of life or be ruled. It's always been like this. The problem is having the chance to organize at all. We were given this opportunity due to the British being an ocean away. The Afghan people were given 20 years. At some point you have to stand on your own, even if is just to carve out a small defensible position and nation, doesn't have to be the full land mass you started off with.

Unfortunately, these people have not put themselves in a position to stand on their own and have consequently consented to being ruled by a brutal regime. You could see the writing on the wall. People who wanted to get out should have gotten out 5 years ago.
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Nitro Power said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
Trump bad, Biden good

Trump wasn't spineless, that's why there wasn't a great deal of international conflict. Biden...the whole world knows he's weak and that US priorities are screwed up across the board.
You might like Biden, but I don't like him.

The foreign governments of the world knew that they could bend Trump to their will if they played him right.
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dmart90 said:

Nitro Power said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
Trump bad, Biden good

Trump wasn't spineless, that's why there wasn't a great deal of international conflict. Biden...the whole world knows he's weak and that US priorities are screwed up across the board.

Meh. Biden, Trump, and many presidents and congress critters get to share in the blame for this disaster.

Another idiotic take by dmart90. Trump didn't vote for it in congress, wasn't the president who invaded, is not the one that told the Taliban the day we would be leaving, giving them almost a year to prepare, and Trump is not the president now.

Trump has absolutely NO blame at all. None. And unless Obama voted for the invasion when he was in congress, he has no blame either.
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eric76 said:

Nitro Power said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
Trump bad, Biden good

Trump wasn't spineless, that's why there wasn't a great deal of international conflict. Biden...the whole world knows he's weak and that US priorities are screwed up across the board.
You might like Biden, but I don't like him.

The foreign governments of the world knew that they could bend Trump to their will if they played him right.
As evidenced by their overwhelming support for Trump in his re-election bid.

My lord you are delusional.
Seven and three are ten, not only now, but forever. There has never been a time when seven and three were not ten, nor will there ever be a time when they are not ten. Therefore, I have said that the truth of number is incorruptible and common to all who think. — St. Augustine
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eric76 said:

Nitro Power said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
Trump bad, Biden good

Trump wasn't spineless, that's why there wasn't a great deal of international conflict. Biden...the whole world knows he's weak and that US priorities are screwed up across the board.
You might like Biden, but I don't like him.

The foreign governments of the world knew that they could bend Trump to their will if they played him right.

All leaders can be duped and out maneuvered.

The key to victory is the soundness of strategy and your commitment to following through.
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whytho987654 said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
oh boy get ready for more terrible takes blaming trump for this. Here's the deal, trump would've had a plan to make sure us assets and citizens were evacuated well ahead of time before it turned into a cluster
Trump's plans were in how to blame everyone else for what he caused. In a true Narcissistic fashion, nothing is ever Trump's fault.
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Gigem314 said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
The pathetic goal tending you do for the dems in next-level. No doubt.
I'm not goal tending for the Democrats.

You and your other fellow cultists sure do a lot of goal tending for Trump, though.
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[Derail removed]
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aginlakeway said:

Gigem314 said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
The pathetic goal tending you do for the dems in next-level. No doubt.

Amazing isn't it ...
The amount of goal tending for Trump on this board is truly amazing.
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This is rapidly approaching worst case scenario.

Our ignorance and arrogance at Congress led to this debacle. I wonder what the history books are going to say in a generation.
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Harry Stone said:

you knew this was coming after the election.
Yep. And it didn't really matter who won for this to happen. The events were already in motion.
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geoag58 said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.

I put Trump last on those who to blame who actually had the ability to do anything about the tragedy unfolding before our eyes

Here's my list.

1. Dick Cheney who used his connections with the Military Industrial Complex to line his pockets and his buddies pockets, using the young fighting men of our country as pawns in the process.
If we were going after bin laden we should have limited the scope to that and that alone.
I admit I was wrong at the time about Colin Powell and his quote "If you break it you own it".
But Cheney was in charge at the beginning of all this.

2. George W. Bush the idiot who listened to Cheney.

3a. Joe xiden is here because he is in charge and was in charge at the time the outcome could have been different. Biden refused to leave air power and a rapid deployment strike force to cover our rear and to keep the taliban at bay while we destroyed military assets we didn't want to fall into the talibans hands and extricated our allies and our people.

3b. Barry Obama is here because as sneaky corrupt as he is he probably figured out how to line his pockets and his buddies pockets with cash from military spending. I mean really what other excuse can you have for being in the middle of this crap for eight years and not doing a damn thing about getting our soldiers out.

4. The dimtard leadership during President Trumps administration and the msm.
This is a no brainer, never in our country's history has a President been subjected to the constant lie based harassment that President Trump was made to endure.

5. The 81 million. What the **** were you idiots thinking. Go right now, look in the mirror and say to yourself "I am a ****ing idiot". And don't stop saying it until every single American and American ally is out of country.


99. Donald Trump is here at 99 because he gets an incomplete. Given his brilliant and courageous decision to lob 59 missiles over Russians heads at a Syrian airport to make a very good point about the risk of using chemical weapons in a war zone.
And later taking out an Iranian named Soleimani.

He had stated his goal was to end our involvement in Afghanistan and given the examples I gave I would have expected a much better strategic retreat than the CF we are witnessing.
Now THIS is how to goal tend.
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I think it's a fair assessment to say that the Trump admin would be bombing the s**t out of the Taliban right now. Not using diplomacy to ask for the Taliban to stop.
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Old Army Ghost said:

Love Gun said:

What Marine Expeditionary Unit is nearby to do this NEO? That's 2200 Marines on ship with aircraft that can respond and specializes in evacuations of Amcits.

This withdrawal and evacuation seems very hasty to not have these folks ready to go to counter this in anticipation of hostilities.
marines specialize in retreat. interesting

Poor way to characterize the marines. You should say they are the first in and the last out.
Fight against the dictatorship of the federal bureaucracy!
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richardag said:

thirdcoast said:

President Biden either is an idiot or liar.

Maybe both

The GOP political ads are going to be hilarious. There is just way too much content on Biden.
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They left AFG in 2013-14 and didn't return until 2017
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Does anyone still know what our air campaign policy over there is right now? The google is being coy about it. Are we still attacking from the air at all? The Taliban is using the roads and is a fighter/bomber's wet dream right now. Strike pilots have the perfect opportunity to be stacking bodies......are we though?
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It doesnt appear so. We could definitely be making another highway of death if we wanted but it's not happening
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DallasAg 94 said:

JFK - Bay of Pigs

LBJ - Tet, Viet Nam

Carter - Iran Hostages, Oil Embargo

Clinton - Blackhawk Down

Obama/Hillary - Benghazi (among others), Arab Summer

Biden - Afghanistan., Hong Kong, among others.
You forgot the main one Sherlock...
Who got us involved in Afghanistan in the first place?
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eric76 said:

Gigem314 said:

eric76 said:

Nitro Power said: mean matter the cost ...right Libs / CM's?
I was going to not say anything, but then I saw this.

You really have a lot of NERVE to post that when Trump was working to pull our troops out of Afhanistan no matter what the cost and even ended up with a so-called peace treaty between the US and the Taliban that anyone with any brains knew they would never keep.

Trump, not Biden, put all this in motion. As usual, Trump is working hard to shift the blame to someone else.

Biden is a POS, but this failure is squarely on Trump, not Biden.
The pathetic goal tending you do for the dems in next-level. No doubt.
I'm not goal tending for the Democrats.

You and your other fellow cultists sure do a lot of goal tending for Trump, though.
You really need to get new material, goalie.

It's pretty pathetic that you continue to hide behind these insanely stupid one-liners about people being "cultists" for questioning your one-sided narrative on this board of blaming Trump for all the problems while ignoring Biden and the dems.

Definitely a sign of weakness.
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will25u said:

Pray for our soldiers, and civilians that this Administration has put in harms way.

The firstresignation should be Xiden and Laughula.
Central Committee
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The Taliban were going to retake Afghanistan once the U.S. left. No doubt about it.

But Biden has screwed this up royally by drawing down so quickly. Did he really think the Afghan army was going to hold for 6 months without U.S. backup and air support. Biden and is woke general Milley own this disaster. Period.

You libs and CMs cannot deflect this on Trump. Biden owns this route and any additional American lives lost around Kabul.
We may not always get what we want. We may not always get what we need. Just so we don't get what we deserve.
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A prime example of failure-

Damn near all the taliban is using the highways of Afghanistan right now. We should be turning this into Iraq's death highway right now as a parting gift to the taliban. But, nothing.
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This terrible fiasco needs to be laid, about 85%, at the feet of GeeDubYa. To stay in Afghanistan after not being able to find Bin Laden was a big mistake. But lots of people made lots of money doing it. After Bin Laden was killed, in Paki no less, the exit should have begun. Obama, in true "yellow line in the middle of the road" fashion, kept US presence there for no good reason.

Then Trump, at the twilight of his presidency, enacts an exit plan and punts it over to anal orifice and crook Biden and we have what we have now. Typical Trump big on supposed glorious future results and real short on practical details.

Whoever quoted MacArthur on this thread was oh so right. This 20 year drunk on the American taxpayer dollar is coming to an end and the hangover is gonna be monumental for those who supported the US in that country. That country has a lot of backward savages who embrace mores and a culture that the Western countries have nothing in common with. To think that anyone thought in 20 years that things would be different is willfully naive.
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Thread detail complete. Nicely done.
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Holy **** I have seen Eric be an idiot before but this takes the cake. Biden has been in control for 8 months! That is more than enough time to review, change, or postpone any exit plans Trump might have started to insure it didn't end up being a complete ****ing disaster.

What does he do instead? Goes on vacation for 2 weeks right as the **** is falling apart. This exit debacle is 1000% on Biden. To try to blame Trump for this **** show is the most asinine mental gymnastics I have ever seen.

Get a ****ing clue, man.
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Eliminatus said:

Does anyone still know what our air campaign policy over there is right now? The google is being coy about it. Are we still attacking from the air at all? The Taliban is using the roads and is a fighter/bomber's wet dream right now. Strike pilots have the perfect opportunity to be stacking bodies......are we though?

The fact that they have been able to move so freely towards Kabul leads me to assume not much presence. Where would we even be staging flight ops from? Maybe we are providing airborne surveillance but relying on the Afghans to perform the actual strikes.
Love Gun
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jteAg said:

DallasAg 94 said:

JFK - Bay of Pigs

LBJ - Tet, Viet Nam

Carter - Iran Hostages, Oil Embargo

Clinton - Blackhawk Down

Obama/Hillary - Benghazi (among others), Arab Summer

Biden - Afghanistan., Hong Kong, among others.
You forgot the main one Sherlock...
Who got us involved in Afghanistan in the first place?

That was some dude named Bin Laden.
Then again, if you really wanted to get technical, that was Bill Clinton when he launched strikes against Taliban and Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan after the embassy attacks in 1998.

Got anymore questions?
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Yeah...there was an attempt on the World Trade centers, attacks on US Embassies, and the USS Cole.

Maybe if we'd taken those more seriously prior to 9-11...
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Only updates I've seen so far about the situation on the ground is more Marines have arrived and we've started some bombing. Haven't seen official accounts of either though
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Love Gun said:

jteAg said:

DallasAg 94 said:

JFK - Bay of Pigs

LBJ - Tet, Viet Nam

Carter - Iran Hostages, Oil Embargo

Clinton - Blackhawk Down

Obama/Hillary - Benghazi (among others), Arab Summer

Biden - Afghanistan., Hong Kong, among others.
You forgot the main one Sherlock...
Who got us involved in Afghanistan in the first place?

That was some dude named Bin Laden.
Then again, if you really wanted to get technical, that was Bill Clinton when he launched strikes against Taliban and Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan after the embassy attacks in 1998.

Got anymore questions?
Oh, so Bin Laden ordered our troops to Afghanistan? Oh, OK.
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Agthatbuilds said:

Only updates I've seen so far about the situation on the ground is more Marines have arrived and we've started some bombing. Haven't seen official accounts of either though

You likely wont either. They want to keep all of this as quiet as possible.
Aggie1944s Kid
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Artorias said:

Holy **** I have seen Eric be an idiot before but this takes the cake. Biden has been in control for 8 months! That is more than enough time to review, change, or postpone any exit plans Trump might have started to insure it didn't end up being a complete ****ing disaster.

What does he do instead? Goes on vacation for 2 weeks right as the **** is falling apart. This exit debacle is 1000% on Biden. To try to blame Trump for this **** show is the most asinine mental gymnastics I have ever seen.

Get a ****ing clue, man.
Get ready bal. You're gonna in for a problem.
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