New Pride Flag

6,281 Views | 73 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by YouBet
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backintexas2013 said:

Well this is going to be interesting. I have no problem with the term but saying it to the wrong person will get you a ban so be careful.
How would you define an irrational fear and dramatic reaction to something that has never happened and won't happen?
Nitro Power
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Sea Speed said:

Because I am interested in what people who are affiliated with the whole thing think, whether they are affiliated by choice or not? Ita not some gotcha game and of course one tweet doesn't mean anything, but did you not just live through the same June i did?
You called me out the other day for referencing TXAGFAN. His response is exactly what I was referencing. A previous poster gave a genuine, well reasoned, well thought out response (that was much appreciated btw). TXAGFAN jumps to condescension, and defensiveness.
Sea Speed
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What i called out was bringing someone up in a thread where they hadn't posted when that person has always been willing to show up and throw mud back and forth, so to speak. This thread is a perfect example.
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Did you see where I said I have no problem with the term? I am just warning you that the term can't be used on everyone. It's a great term and should be able to be used but the mods have deemed some off limits
Sea Speed
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And agree, I appreciated the response earlier. That was more than I have received from the several gay people I know whom I have asked the same, so thanks for that.
Nitro Power
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Sea Speed said:

What i called out was bringing someone up in a thread where they hadn't posted when that person has always been willing to show up and throw mud back and forth, so to speak. This thread is a perfect example.
Agree to disagree. He might not have been there at that moment, but he always appears on any thread mentioning anything gay.
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Nitro Power said:

Sea Speed said:

Because I am interested in what people who are affiliated with the whole thing think, whether they are affiliated by choice or not? Ita not some gotcha game and of course one tweet doesn't mean anything, but did you not just live through the same June i did?
You called me out the other day for referencing TXAGFAN. His response is exactly what I was referencing. A previous poster gave a genuine, well reasoned, well thought out response (that was much appreciated btw). TXAGFAN jumps to condescension, and defensiveness.
Thats not true. The other guy gave an answer you liked (it's the acceptable kind of gay for Republicans) and I asked WHY this is something you even care about, it's a flag by ONE random guy who put it out in Twitter but here it's a movement. It's insanity you all will just run with anything.
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Nitro Power said:

Sea Speed said:

What i called out was bringing someone up in a thread where they hadn't posted when that person has always been willing to show up and throw mud back and forth, so to speak. This thread is a perfect example.
Agree to disagree. He might not have been there at that moment, but he always appears on any thread mentioning anything gay.
There are more gay threads in a week than there are gay posters, for a while in June there were more threads in a given day than posters. It's not hard to hit reply on any thread and it's about LGBT people - nearly all started by straight people.

I will acknowledge a lot of the arguments on these threads and the POV's re: LGBT people even if I disagree, but this is a perfect example of a thread about NOTHING. The flag was put out by a single individual and is hardly representative of a group. It's just like the LGBTP meme that added pedophilia (vomit) to acronym that gets so much traction on here periodically when it's again just some ******* on the internet, but here it's thrown around as if it represents a widespread belief or an official stance of a large representative group of LGBT people (HRC, GLAAD, etc).
Nitro Power
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Nitro Power said:

Sea Speed said:

Because I am interested in what people who are affiliated with the whole thing think, whether they are affiliated by choice or not? Ita not some gotcha game and of course one tweet doesn't mean anything, but did you not just live through the same June i did?
You called me out the other day for referencing TXAGFAN. His response is exactly what I was referencing. A previous poster gave a genuine, well reasoned, well thought out response (that was much appreciated btw). TXAGFAN jumps to condescension, and defensiveness.
Thats not true. The other guy gave an answer you liked (it's the acceptable kind of gay for Republicans) and I asked WHY this is something you even care about, it's a flag by ONE random guy who put it out in Twitter but here it's a movement. It's insanity you all will just run with anything.
Refreshing that you know more about my thoughts than I do. This is why you get called out by me and a number of other posters.
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Capt. Augustus McCrae said:

Looks like a pink starfish in the middle.
Nitro Power
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Nitro Power said:


Nitro Power said:

Sea Speed said:

Because I am interested in what people who are affiliated with the whole thing think, whether they are affiliated by choice or not? Ita not some gotcha game and of course one tweet doesn't mean anything, but did you not just live through the same June i did?
You called me out the other day for referencing TXAGFAN. His response is exactly what I was referencing. A previous poster gave a genuine, well reasoned, well thought out response (that was much appreciated btw). TXAGFAN jumps to condescension, and defensiveness.
Thats not true. The other guy gave an answer you liked (it's the acceptable kind of gay for Republicans) and I asked WHY this is something you even care about, it's a flag by ONE random guy who put it out in Twitter but here it's a movement. It's insanity you all will just run with anything.
Refreshing that you know more about my thoughts than I do. This is why you get called out by me and a number of other posters.
What is your point in disagreeing with me posting, if not to agree with the prevailing commentary on this thread? I mean, you have a few replies on this thread and none say what this isjust a tweet that got some traction among people who want to take potshots at LGBT people at large over the actions of one person?
I could give a **** if you post or not, If you are gay or not. I called you out for your approach. If anything is said about the gay community, you jump all over it with either your condescending attitude, or victimhood. There are numerous examples in threads across this platform.

As I mentioned from the onset in my initial post. There was a poster who gave a genuine, well rounded, and well thought out response. Myself and others appreciated the thoughts and insight. You however, add nothing to the conversation, other than stereotyping me, and many many others on this board because of our religious and political beliefs.
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I pointed out the flaw in logic about this thread to begin with. It's a common theme here that one person represents a group so a tweet is thrown around as the majority opinion for the forum to take shots at, but when I do it with platforms, leadership actions, statistics that clearly are representative of a group I'm the *******. That isn't being condescending or a victim.

The other gay poster, good for him and living his life how he wants. I'm ecstatic he is so doing great he gets affirmation here, I'm not that guy.
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What does the umbrella represent ?
The Dirty Sock
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Sea Speed
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So you don't think pride has been co opted by several other groups, for lack of a better word? What used to be gay pride is now pride and it seems to me that it is meant to represent everyone under the non cisgendered umbrella. Of course one tweet doesn't represent everyone. If you don't think the whole movement has been expanded or what not, then that's fine. I was legitimately curious about peoples opinions or thoughts on the matter. No need to be confrontational whatsoever.
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Sea Speed said:

So you don't think pride has been co opted by several other groups, for lack of a better word? What used to be gay pride is now pride and it seems to me that it is meant to represent everyone under the non cisgendered umbrella. Of course one tweet doesn't represent everyone. If you don't think the whole movement has been expanded or what not, then that's fine. I was legitimately curious about peoples opinions or thoughts on the matter. No need to be confrontational whatsoever.
Couple thoughts
1) Yes, there is no doubt pride's definition has expanded beyond gays/lesbians and what seems to be an uptick in bisexuals which have always been around I think most just picked a side in past. Am i for it? Sorta indifferent honestly, sexual orientation and gender identity are very different topics, but the commonality is the groups that push back against them - more conservative political groups, most religion, etc. That's why they've found themselves in a common cause. What drives me crazy is when someone posts something asinine like "LGBTP includes pedophiles, I saw a tweet" - that is not representative of any gay people I know and it's just some troll or pedophile out there on internet pushing a dangerous narrative.
2) I'm hardly "woke", but to be clear gay men for the most part are cisgender men (unless they're part of a very small minority of this minority which are trans).

While you acknowledge one tweet doesn't represent everyone read this board, that is not the prevailing opinion. Countless threads where some posters expect gay people to answer for pedophiles, fringes who think public kink/sex is appropriate, etc. It's an unrealistic standard to hold any group to account for every member. When I post something about Republicans it is represented in their written platforms, communicated by their leadership, or demonstrated in their voting record - it's not the same. If HRC, GLAAD, etc as far as LGBT organizations put something out I'd be more willing to account for their actions, but not some random Twitter troll.
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Why don't they just cut to the chase?

Draw a straight white male and put a big X over him?
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hedge said:

What does the umbrella represent ?
Everybody but you and me (probably).
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One guy posting something on Twitter doesn't make it true. That's not how the real world works though I know here a single tweet passes muster here for fact, widely held opinion, etc.

A better question is why do you care?

A better question is why does the gay mafia force their garbage down our throats? Bake the cake!
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TAMU1990 said:


One guy posting something on Twitter doesn't make it true. That's not how the real world works though I know here a single tweet passes muster here for fact, widely held opinion, etc.

A better question is why do you care?

A better question is why does the gay mafia force their garbage down our throats? Bake the cake!
This was created by one guy, posted on "Gay Twitter", and then picked up by what appears to be a satire/troll account which is how it made its way here where it was posted by a straight guy and implied this is some kind of widely held belief that sex workers (what I believe the new flag adds) should be added to the tent, they should not and this isn't a widely held opinion.

No one forced anything down your throat.
Sea Speed
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I reckon i used cisgender wrong ha. Thought I knew the definition but obviously didn't. Funny to me. I meant standard run of the mill straight people. Pride now seems to embody everyone who is not a straight person. From the outside it seems to have been co opted by smaller special interest types to include every gender or sexual identity outside of straight to push a much different agenda than simply gay rights, and of course there is no chance everyone is on board with that shift. Is there pressure in the gay community to embrace that or be called some sort of -ist or phobic? Is there a movement inside the gay community that shuns all of the other groups?? As the one poster above stated he isn't in to the shift and faces harsh criticism/judgment from the gay community. Certainly that has to be frustrating. Id liken it to a founder of an organization being removed by the board for not conforming to the new direction of the org.

The rest of your post has nothing to do with my question. I asked for personal thoughts on a subject because I am interested in hearing a response from individuals about their individual experience and thoughts on something that from the outside, would frustrste me if I was in the same situation.
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Honestly, I think straight guys on this board spend more time thinking about what pride is than gay guys I know do. It's not that deep. It's basically a weekend a year in your city where you may go to a parade or hit the bars.

Are there gay guys that are anti-trans or transphobic? Sure. I only speak for myself, but I think a lot of us are indifferent. Do I go out of my way to support trans issues? No. Do I make donations to lobbying groups like HRC and charities that support trans population as well as gay population? Yes. I don't "get" gender identity issues, never been a thing for me, but I can easily make the connection that that's the same place where a lot of negative attitudes about gay people com from so I try to stay open minded. Also, the same religious and political leaders who previously were "enemies" of gay people have just shifted focus to trans population, they'll be back to wage war on homosexuals when time is right and/or they increase their influence so my memory isn't short and I'm happy to keep funding lobbying against that group.
A is A
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Oof, talk about some broad brush strokes. Bet you're a riot at brunch.
wait.... you are judging someone who just said gays are the most judgmental? Seems fitting.
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A is A said:


Oof, talk about some broad brush strokes. Bet you're a riot at brunch.
wait.... you are judging someone who just said gays are the most judgmental? Seems fitting.

I'm commenting on him, he's making broad and honestly fairly derogatory comments about a group he belongs to and almost assuredly has benefitted from past actions of the group he has such disdain for.
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Honestly, I think straight guys on this board spend more time thinking about what pride is than gay guys I know do. It's not that deep. It's basically a weekend a year in your city where you may go to a parade or hit the bars.

Are there gay guys that are anti-trans or transphobic? Sure. I only speak for myself, but I think a lot of us are indifferent. Do I go out of my way to support trans issues? No. Do I make donations to lobbying groups like HRC and charities that support trans population as well as gay population? Yes. I don't "get" gender identity issues, never been a thing for me, but I can easily make the connection that that's the same place where a lot of negative attitudes about gay people com from so I try to stay open minded. Also, the same religious and political leaders who previously were "enemies" of gay people have just shifted focus to trans population, they'll be back to wage war on homosexuals when time is right and/or they increase their influence so my memory isn't short and I'm happy to keep funding lobbying against that group.

If it's not that deep, why do you care if people oppose it? Why am I a bigot if I think foisting the gay culture on everyone else is a bad thing?

Maybe recognize your own hypocracy before you go and lecture people on your "live and let live" philosophy. By the way, donating to causes that you don't understand is absurd on its face. Virtue signaling to the max.
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A is A said:


Oof, talk about some broad brush strokes. Bet you're a riot at brunch.
wait.... you are judging someone who just said gays are the most judgmental? Seems fitting.

I'm commenting on him, he's making broad and honestly fairly derogatory comments about a group he belongs to and almost assuredly has benefitted from past actions of the group he has such disdain for.

Wrong. I've only been actively out since 2011, and never have I expected to be treated any better or any worse than anyone else. I neither seek nor expect "protection" or "benefits" from the gay community. I was married to a woman 25 years before. Faithful throughout the marriage. Two terrific grown kids, btw. The gay community didn't do anything for me during my marriage for obvious reasons. As far as my comments are concerned, I'm not here or anywhere else to please you or anyone else. If you find my comments derogatory, so be it. I'm not interested in being popular with you. I was asked to express my opinion, and that's what I did. If other gays don't want to hear what I have to say, don't read it or better yet maybe they should consider stifling all the hateful things they say about women, straights, Christians, conservatives, the church, God, the country, former President Trump, and other members of their own community. That will happen when Hell freezes over. The gay community hates and fears people like me, and there are a lot of us. What is particularly interesting is that, while you disfavor the manner in which my opinion was expressed, you never stated that what I expressed was inaccurate. THAT was very telling.
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He asked, I answered. Sorry not interested in getting cozy with people who have not been a friend in past. You can do and be whatever the hell you want to be.

Edit: I donate to HRC because they are the leading advocate for gay rights. They also support trans rights which yeah, I said I do not understand because I don't have that experience BUT I don't deny their existence, right to care, etc so I'm happy to fund lobbying efforts on their behalf. Trevor Project is the charity I have donated thousands to over the years because they do good work for young people who are displaced from their homes, many of which come from good Christian families who just can't move past this one aspect of their life. If they're gay, trans, bi I don't really care. They are people and deserving of help.
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That is a hell of a lot of baggage to unpack, but if you're happy then I'm happy. The life you lived before coming out explains a lot re: your current point of view and I assure you the loud in your face gays you commented your disdain for allow you to live the life you do today and aided in your coming out in your 50's with re: to changing attitudes and being visible the 25 years you were in closet. There's a reason you didn't come out earlier, I suspect it's similar to my long time in closet - the 80s and 90s were not kind to our population whether you see yourself as a part of it or not.

I'd say more, but not interested in coming off like an *******. Everyone has their own journey in coming out and the life we lived before shapes who we are after.
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This was created by one guy, posted on "Gay Twitter",

There's a non-gay Twitter?!
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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BigRobSA said:


This was created by one guy, posted on "Gay Twitter",

There's a non-gay Twitter?!
it's called only fans
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I don't know why they didn't like my submission for the equality flag?
Ginormus Ag
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Looks like Pac-Man vomiting Neapolitan ice cream.
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Icecream_Ag said:

BigRobSA said:


This was created by one guy, posted on "Gay Twitter",

There's a non-gay Twitter?!
it's called only fans
There are plenty of women on Onlyfans
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That is a hell of a lot of baggage to unpack, but if you're happy then I'm happy. The life you lived before coming out explains a lot re: your current point of view and I assure you the loud in your face gays you commented your disdain for allow you to live the life you do today and aided in your coming out in your 50's with re: to changing attitudes and being visible the 25 years you were in closet. There's a reason you didn't come out earlier, I suspect it's similar to my long time in closet - the 80s and 90s were not kind to our population whether you see yourself as a part of it or not.

I'd say more, but not interested in coming off like an *******. Everyone has their own journey in coming out and the life we lived before shapes who we are after.

Man you live in a philosophical bubble.

ETA are you happy if I'm happy being someone that opposes homosexuality? Are you happy if I evangelize and preach Gods teachings on homosexuality? No. Because you are only live and let live when it suits your interests. Your logic doesn't hold unless everyone agrees with you, which they don't. You constantly come on here and act like you are the Lorax of the gays when in reality you are just someone who pretends to be accepting as long as other agree with your ideas.

The schtick is old and played. It doesn't fool anyone except the "libertarians" who refuse to make any real value judgements and reject objective truth.
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