Rapier108 said:
Without going to the site, I do wonder what was being discussed?
Was it simply discussion of whether or not to take the vaccines, give them to kids, possible, risks, etc.?
Or, was it the whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories out there such as:
Anywhere from 50K-100K Americans have died in the US from the vaccines, with everyone else who got it to die within 3 years from heart failure or Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
Anywhere from 20,000 to 2 million have died or are crippled in the EU due to the vaccines.
All coordinated with Bill Gates, the CCP, Soros, and the (insert favorite group/groups like the trilateral commission, Davos, Bilderberg Group, etc.) to reduce the population to 5-50 million (depending on the conspiracy) who they will then rule over the rest as slaves.
Women who take the vaccine are being sterilized.
The vaccines aren't actually vaccines, they're 99.9% graphene oxide. Some go further and claim that graphene oxide is actually the cause of the illness, not the China virus. It is being released around the world in order to hasten the population reduction plan.
This is just some of the far out there stuff being pushed, often by QAnon followers. Very rarely is this kind of stuff brought up here, and usually, it is to mock it, not promote it.
I don't understand why you are dismissing the reality that Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to reduce the world population substantially. This is a fact. Now I won't stretch that into a Gates funded covid conspiracy, but their stance on population control does call into question their motives.
Secondly, there is wildly inconsistent information that comes from the NIH, the CDC, and the VAERS reporting database in relation to the rate of side effects. Also, there is NO supporting evidence that people who have already been infected require a vaccine.
None of what I have stated requires going to a Q website or some obscure Rumble hosted video channel. This is information that SHOULD be mainstream, but is NOT discussed and/or BANNED outright on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc....... Then again, so was the lab leak hypothesis until a couple of months ago.
The main issue is that lies, coverups, and conspiracies or claims thereof are NOT the exclusive domain of the political right, contrary to what David Brock and Media Matters says. And when the 'trusted' fact checkers are left wing activist dominated organizations (i.e. Politifact, Snopes), it is difficult to sift through what is true and what is false.
Here is a novel approach the founders had in mind: Anyone should be able to say or claim anything provided it is not libelous. If it's libelous, the target has the ability to sue in court. But if it's a claim about something that is not true, racist, sexist, bigoted, etc etc..... it is up to those who object to the claim/argument to provide a counterargument. Arguments proven to be of bad faith and false, over time, LOSE. But the reality is the governmental bueracracy, the current majority in the governmental insitutions, and the techno-oligarchs are in alignment with what they conclude should and should not be allowed information on the internet. So their recourse to independent websites (like the Orange Mane) is to go after, protest, boycott, or publicly shame upstream hosting, internet service providers, or even use leftist justice departments (like that in Colorado) to shut down information that dissents against them.
I don't care if it's information from Q, the Daily Kos, The Intercept, The Young Turks, or Clay Travis, all information, including information or claims that are offensive or may even be blatant lies (like the Russia Trump Hoax Narrative turned out to be) should be ALLOWED and openly discussed. Anything less is clearly ill-liberal and in opposition to the intent of the first amendment. And no... when the public forum has evolved to be the internet itself, the simple 'but I'm a private company' claim is no excuse for the fascistic tyranny of big tech collaborating with the political left.