Movement to abolish the FBI has begun

6,119 Views | 56 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by TxTarpon
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All, not just conservatives, should see this as appropriate and needed. Don Surber:


I suggested abolishing the FBI a few years ago when its abuse of FISA became general knowledge. Now Dinesh D'Souza has forwarded the idea in the Epoch Times. I hope that kickstarts the cause.

His column began, "For a long time, the FBI has stood as the admirable symbol of a police agency of government, implacably going after the bad guys and neutrally enforcing the laws."

(Psst, Dinesh. Elliot Ness worked for the Department of Treasury, not the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover never took on mobsters. In fact, he saw Ness as a rival and hated "The Untouchables" TV show.)

D'Souza wrote
, "Today's FBI has quite obviously been corrupted from the top. This is a process that seems to have begun under President Barack Obama, endured during the President Donald Trump years, and has now reached its unfortunate nadir under President Joe Biden. It's time for conservatives and Republicans to start thinking about getting rid of the FBI."

Instead of dwelling on the Russian Collusion hoax, the lying to FISA judges, and the ignoring of the evidence of felonies on Hunter Biden's laptop, D'Souza went to a more recent example of the politicking by the FBI.

He wrote, "The FBI has unrelentingly hunted down Jan. 6 protesters, in many cases confronting Trump supporters who were merely in Washington at the time, or at the mall rally but not involved in entering the Capitol.

"Those who have been arrested have been treated like domestic terrorists, captured in raids involving drawn weapons, even though the charges against most of them amount to little more than trespassing or entering a government facility without proper permission.

"Nonviolent offenders have been given the same brutal treatment as violent ones. And to this day, the FBI promulgates imagesa grandma here, a teenager thereasking the public to help them track down still-at-large individuals who had something, anything, to do with the events of Jan. 6.

"Contrast this concentrated effort with the lackadaisical, even disinterested, approach of the FBI to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists. Over a period of many months, those activists have proven far more violent. They have killed a number of people, in contrast to the Trump activists who killed nobody. (The only person killed on Jan. 6 was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter shot in the neck by a Capitol police officer.)"

The FBI's persecution of Rudy Giuliani -- the man who brought down the Mafia's Five Families in New York -- got D'Souza going.

Examples of the FBI attacking Americans in America predate Obama by decades. Ruby Rudge and Waco are the most glaring abuses of power.

The FBI has too much power. None of it is constitutional.
I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
Fishin Texas Aggie 05
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Can't see this happening under a democrat unless it's to be replaced with some kind of stasi
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Ok, abolish the FBI, then what?

The federal government is still going to want an investigative arm. They'll either create something else or transfer the role to the department of justice. Most of the FBI would move to whatever was created.
B-1 83
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Nothing like throwing out the baby with the bath water......
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B-1 83 said:

Nothing like throwing out the baby with the bath water......
Let the baby find another, cleaner, bathtub to crawl into.
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Replace the FBI with a national police task force consisting of state troopers appointed by their governors on 5 year assignments. They would continue to be paid by their home states.
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Well...what will happen is the FBI will be removed then the dems will get to decide the new bureaus name. I think they will go with the Secured Support bureau or SS for short.
Corn Pop
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Fishin Texas Aggie 05 said:

Can't see this happening under a democrat unless it's to be replaced with some kind of stasi

Exactly, be careful what and when you wish for something. With this crew in the WH I'd be scared of what would replace it.
Definitely Not A Cop
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We still have the police, but we just keep it a secret. We can call them the secret police.
BMX Bandit
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Fishin Texas Aggie 05 said:

Can't see this happening under a democrat unless it's to be replaced with some kind of stasi

It won't happen under a Republican either.

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Corn Pop said:

Fishin Texas Aggie 05 said:

Can't see this happening under a democrat unless it's to be replaced with some kind of stasi

Exactly, be careful what and when you wish for something. With this crew in the WH I'd be scared of what would replace it.
It will never happen under a Demokkkrat-CCP party rule, of course. The pendulum of partisan power swings over time though.

The movement might gain steam over the next few years, had to start somewhere, and perhaps in 10 or more it could be done. As noted in the article perhaps a lot of the function could go to the US Marshall service, and additional oversight be granted to investigations therein, such as requiring the director to rotate every two years, use a body of members appointed by both parties as a governing board, etc.

I think if good minds worked on this for just a few days many tremendous improvements/controls could be put on a much smaller (in scope and size) investigative branch/arm of the federal government, is my point. The FBI is absolutely an enemy of the people and must be abolished (note for trolls/FBI scanners, this is not a call for insurrection/violence).
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rocky the dog said:

Always has been

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Remember when everyone thought Barr was cleaning it up? When we thought there had to be someone in dc that cared enough about the rule of law to punish lawbreakers and treason? Then NOTHING was done. Blathering about stuff on talk shows doesn't count.
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Any move to address qualified immunity of state / local police needs to be extended to federal law enforcement officials.

Without that immunity, there would be a very good cause for a class action suit against the FBI for their excessive use of force related to January 6th. It would make headlines, and draw scrutiny to specific agents that were exhibiting the worse sort of behavior.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

--Thomas Jefferson
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rgag12 said:

Ok, abolish the FBI, then what?

The federal government is still going to want an investigative arm. They'll either create something else or transfer the role to the department of justice. Most of the FBI would move to whatever was created.

We need such an organization, but it must be redesigned from the top down. All senior management removed or reassigned, and it must be decentralized, perhaps aligned on the district or circuit courts with the reduced central organization only dealing with international matters and external threats. There also must be more checks and balances instituted regarding intrusion of political motivations into the institution.
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rgag12 said:

Ok, abolish the FBI, then what?

The federal government is still going to want an investigative arm. They'll either create something else or transfer the role to the department of justice. Most of the FBI would move to whatever was created.
FBSW : Federal Bureau of Social Workers.
Buck Turgidson
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aTmAg said:

B-1 83 said:

Nothing like throwing out the baby with the bath water......
Let the baby find another, cleaner, bathtub to crawl into.

Satans baby, maybe. The FBI has always been ***** We all know the excesses of Hoover, Ruby Ridge, Waco, shooting up a vehicle with women and children and the gunning down Finicum, trying to cover for Hillary and Obama with running the fake Russian collusion hoax, etc. Any attempts at reform will just be stalled until a Democrat can reverse them. The FBI should be disbanded and its members prevented from applying for other law enforcement jobs. They are irredeemable.
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rgag12 said:

Ok, abolish the FBI, then what?

The federal government is still going to want an investigative arm. They'll either create something else or transfer the role to the department of justice. Most of the FBI would move to whatever was created.
That's what you specifically avoid. Its the upper rank personnel you fire. Reshape the structure. The new leadership would be drawn from related fields like detectives and inspectors outside the present chain of command. The act of abolition would create a natural re-boot moment, and new name but would be less important. You also better define the scope of authority.

As your question implies, what you can't really imagine is trying to get away with having no federal investigative arm at all or would even want to try. DOJ needs house-cleaning in similar fashion.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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If DeSantis is so fortunate to win in 2024 he needs to fire 1000's of people in these government agencies - and that includes the FBI. Every agency probably needs to lose 20% of its workforce, easily.
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I support the demolition and restructuring of some of their duties and agents

There are systemic problems in the FBI at its core, i dont think its salvageable.

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I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
Saltwater Assassin
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What's the over/under on how long until Don Serber's house gets raided by the FBI?
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TxTarpon said:


I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.

Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act (the desperate partisan shrieks about how stupid/evil W was didn't help, nor did the insistence on running 'patriotic' John F Kerry, who served in Vietnam and Cambodia, against him then in 2004). I don't think it's particularly accurate to say that my peers/analogs on the left were and are consistent about fears as to the FBI using those powers to become a police state enforcement arm, or as abusive as happened quickly under Obama. But I don't care about their consistency over a 2+ decade period of time.

Many of us did realize the threat to our civilization that muslim immigration/travel represented after 9-11, and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.

Again, rather than pointing fingers I hope that a bipartisan movement is in its nascent stages to end this organization. It is a rot within the republic.
administrative errors
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A more subtle way to inherit an institution is to win an election. Now, of course someone who attains political office through this route isn't always a familial heir, though it's more common than you might think. But when they inherit a seat they have inherited something they could never have built from scratch. In that sense they are a political heir. After all, most folks who assume political office in the modern US do not have the skills to organize anything like the Federal Reserve or the US Military from scratch, unlike George Washington or Alexander Hamilton. Their primary skill is getting elected, which is more like becoming popular on Twitter than creating Twitter. The banks they bail out are too big to fail, and the shoes they inherit are too big to fill.

We couldn't rebuild the fbi if we wanted to, probably a good thing.
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The FBI has just turned into a flat out joke. It's really pathetic.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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nortex97 said:

TxTarpon said:


I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.

Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act (the desperate partisan shrieks about how stupid/evil W was didn't help, nor did the insistence on running 'patriotic' John F Kerry, who served in Vietnam and Cambodia, against him then in 2004). I don't think it's particularly accurate to say that my peers/analogs on the left were and are consistent about fears as to the FBI using those powers to become a police state enforcement arm, or as abusive as happened quickly under Obama. But I don't care about their consistency over a 2+ decade period of time.

Many of us did realize the threat to our civilization that muslim immigration/travel represented after 9-11, and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.

Again, rather than pointing fingers I hope that a bipartisan movement is in its nascent stages to end this organization. It is a rot within the republic.
I just don't see enough appetite for a bi-partisan investigation like the Church Committee that reined in an out of control CIA back in the day.
Sully Dog
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rgag12 said:

Ok, abolish the FBI, then what?

The federal government is still going to want an investigative arm. They'll either create something else or transfer the role to the department of justice. Most of the FBI would move to whatever was created.
We have dozen different alphebet law enforcement agencies. You could get rid of the FBI and no one would notice.
Deplorable Neanderthal Clinger
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aggiehawg said:

nortex97 said:

TxTarpon said:


I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.

Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act (the desperate partisan shrieks about how stupid/evil W was didn't help, nor did the insistence on running 'patriotic' John F Kerry, who served in Vietnam and Cambodia, against him then in 2004). I don't think it's particularly accurate to say that my peers/analogs on the left were and are consistent about fears as to the FBI using those powers to become a police state enforcement arm, or as abusive as happened quickly under Obama. But I don't care about their consistency over a 2+ decade period of time.

Many of us did realize the threat to our civilization that muslim immigration/travel represented after 9-11, and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.

Again, rather than pointing fingers I hope that a bipartisan movement is in its nascent stages to end this organization. It is a rot within the republic.
I just don't see enough appetite for a bi-partisan investigation like the Church Committee that reined in an out of control CIA back in the day.
Is that the one Toricelli's name is always linked with, or is that later? Its been interesting having to come to appreciate some of what was correct about that.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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titan said:

aggiehawg said:

nortex97 said:

TxTarpon said:


I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.

Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act (the desperate partisan shrieks about how stupid/evil W was didn't help, nor did the insistence on running 'patriotic' John F Kerry, who served in Vietnam and Cambodia, against him then in 2004). I don't think it's particularly accurate to say that my peers/analogs on the left were and are consistent about fears as to the FBI using those powers to become a police state enforcement arm, or as abusive as happened quickly under Obama. But I don't care about their consistency over a 2+ decade period of time.

Many of us did realize the threat to our civilization that muslim immigration/travel represented after 9-11, and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.

Again, rather than pointing fingers I hope that a bipartisan movement is in its nascent stages to end this organization. It is a rot within the republic.
I just don't see enough appetite for a bi-partisan investigation like the Church Committee that reined in an out of control CIA back in the day.
Is that the one Toricelli's name is always linked with, or is that later? Its been interesting having to come to appreciate some of what was correct about that.
No. But the members of that committee were notable in their own right.

Frank Church

John Tower

Howard Baker



Gary Hart

Other members were Phillip Hart, Walter Huddleston, Charles Mathias, Robert Morgan and Richard Schweiker.
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aggiehawg said:

nortex97 said:

TxTarpon said:


I fully support this and intend to support/send financial support to any politicians who draft/support such legislation. The FBI is completely rotten to the core and needs to be abolished.
To date have much have you donated?

So strange the Johnny Come Lately NeoCons who, from 2001 to 2012ish, were all happy with the FBI's Patriot Act powers (mostly written by Sleepy Joe Biden) and now suddenly they have seen the light.

From 2007: CBS NEWS LINK
The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.

And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said he was to blame for not putting more safeguards into place.

Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act (the desperate partisan shrieks about how stupid/evil W was didn't help, nor did the insistence on running 'patriotic' John F Kerry, who served in Vietnam and Cambodia, against him then in 2004). I don't think it's particularly accurate to say that my peers/analogs on the left were and are consistent about fears as to the FBI using those powers to become a police state enforcement arm, or as abusive as happened quickly under Obama. But I don't care about their consistency over a 2+ decade period of time.

Many of us did realize the threat to our civilization that muslim immigration/travel represented after 9-11, and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.

Again, rather than pointing fingers I hope that a bipartisan movement is in its nascent stages to end this organization. It is a rot within the republic.
I just don't see enough appetite for a bi-partisan investigation like the Church Committee that reined in an out of control CIA back in the day.
There is zero appetite for it today, but for maybe 10 senators (LOL, Cornyn isn't in that group) and perhaps 50 Reps. But again I don't see this as a 'current event' but rather something on the 10 year horizon. The abuses and rank partisanship/persistent lies to protect 'the bureau' (and the left/antifa etc. as discussed) have grown way past any level of tolerable 'well, that's bad but we can fix it.'

It's way past just Ohrs, Szrtok, McCabe, Comey, etc. The whole organization is rotten, and I think over time once, again, the pendulum swings away from the left, we will get there. It will definitely take 60 senators and the house and POTUS to make it happen.

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I'm still not so sure. Look at the Senators that were on the Church Committee I posted. Those were statesman who cared about the country more than their partisanship. Do you think in this day and age Goldwater, Mondale, Gary Hart and a John Tower would ever agree on anything?
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Sure, I acknowledge not having the foresight to realize what was coming from the Patriot Act

Another law like Obongocare that had to be passed to know what was in it.
As I said then "Yall good with a Janet Reno type having all that power?"


.....and I think the folks who took over the FBI and used the Patriot Act powers and reputation (as widely perceived) of the bureau while weaponizing it in favor of a political ideology are to blame (including 'honest' Bob Mueller, before he became a senile old man like Xiden), but the Patriot Act did contribute to the abuses.
See previous posts on Dementia Bob.

If you think the FBI is going away you are naive.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
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John "I broke wedding vows" Tower.
That dude was harsh.
I bet he was a nut kicker in a bar fight.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
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TxTarpon said:

John "I broke wedding vows" Tower.
That dude was harsh.
I bet he was a nut kicker in a bar fight.
Although it hadn't happened yet, Gary Hart and John Tower had a lot in common with the other women in their lives.
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