This was an attempted Coup by Trump so he can remain in power.

9,915 Views | 98 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by doubledog
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They were dangerous enough to kill a police officer...
B-1 83
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A coup? BS. He's being accused of insurrection, which he did not lead or instruct. He plainly spelled out PEACEFUL demonstrations.

Insurrection (noun) -
an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government

That seems to fit other acts of violence in the last year. We are about to inaugurate a woman who plainly urged such acts.

What's good for the goose.....
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If you are considering that a coup, you truly are too young, too naive and too isolated to know what a coup looks like. And yes, they deserve to be prosecuted for the crimes they committed, same as anyone else that riots....oh wait....
Artimus Gordon
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Oh my Lord. Better stock up on diapers/depends at walmart. The hysteria is running wild and out of control. Its worse than the damn virus.
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M-K-TAG said:

Seriously?? With these guys? Yeah... riiiggghhttt..

Viking Chewbacca with mittens on.
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WarAGle said:

Don't come crying to this board when the republicans don't win another presidential election for the next 20-30 years if they are even still viable by then. It breaks my heart to say that. Yes I do say it was a coup. Capital police should have been better prepared. They weren't. Rioters brought zip tie restraints. They didn't just bring them to "protest peacefully". They erected a gallows outside the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence". Trump needs to be arrested and tried for Treason.

None of that's defines a coup. It's disgusting behavior, but there was 0% chance of an actual transfer of power with a couple hundred unarmed criminals.

Hell even the assassination attempts of R congressmen or past president werent a coup.
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Riots are dangerous. That's why they are illegal and the violent people at the capital deserve jail.

Danger/death =/= a coup.
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Those people are armed to the teeth. If a coup was their intent, they probably wouldn't have left their guns at home. Just FYI.
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I guess I think this is Trumps fault. It is because he let the BLM and antifa get away with all the rioting last summer. He should have told the mayors, governors to eff off, that he would help people in those areas. Like the Capitol riots, it would not have taken much or many deaths for those kids to say, "hey this is serious business" and they would have gone home. Of course media and Dems would have crushed him, but goes with territory. No one, even Trump should play politics, but that's what they do. From elementary school up men are taught to not make waves, and of course if money or power is plenty, they check their backbone in. Just like a Football coach lets a turd, a cancer hang around so he can win (all in the name of "giving that kid a chance") and that turd destroys the locker room, it bites the coach on the butt. Trump did not act... it cost him.

These folks came to DC not to coup, but to rattle the cage, and have fun and be somebody for fifteen minutes. They thought all the others got away with it, so why not them?
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ttu_85 said:

So you are saying 300 mostly unarmed, poorly organized rioters is a coup attempt? Wow. That would have to be the lamest "coup attempt" in human history

I thought coups were conducted by several thousand highly trained, well armed operatives or a military overthrow.

Any idea how dumb this sounds.
Well, sure.

There's nothing about the definition of "coup" that involves efficacy, organization, or optics. A coup is an overthrow of government power.

1/6 was an attempted coup. It was laughable, but some of the people storming in there explicitly wanted to stop Congress from certifying the Electoral votes that would formally elect a new President. That is attempting a coup, regardless of how dumb, ineffective, or disorganized the participants were.

A lot of the people storming the Capitol weren't even thinking that much, they were just flowing with emotion and herd instincts. Many people suffer consequences for doing things without thinking them through.
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CRebs22 said:

eric76 said:

CRebs22 said:

The only coup done in recent American history is evidenced by what the democrats have done for the past 4 years
Did it involve several thousand well trained operatives or a military overthrow?

If you consider thousands of journos and big tech punks to be "well trained", then absolutely. 4 years of fake news and censorship is dangerous enough; and we've only scratched the surface. It is going to get much worse. Maybe they'll remember you in the new world order
...and don't forget the outgoing administration, the CIA and FBI. Maybe not a military coup, but an executive branch coup.

rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Then why send the Duck Dynasty dudes and a guy in a Chewbacca bikini?
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
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WarAGle said:

Don't come crying to this board when the republicans don't win another presidential election for the next 20-30 years if they are even still viable by then. It breaks my heart to say that. Yes I do say it was a coup. Capital police should have been better prepared. They weren't. Rioters brought zip tie restraints. They didn't just bring them to "protest peacefully". They erected a gallows outside the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence". Trump needs to be arrested and tried for Treason.
You list what others have done and follow that with treason for Trump.
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So this was a coup attempt

But this was not.

Just trying to get my rules straight.
According to the Biden White House, what Joe Biden says does not represent the official position of the Biden administration.
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WarAGle said:

Don't come crying to this board when the republicans don't win another presidential election for the next 20-30 years if they are even still viable by then. It breaks my heart to say that. Yes I do say it was a coup. Capital police should have been better prepared. They weren't. Rioters brought zip tie restraints. They didn't just bring them to "protest peacefully". They erected a gallows outside the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence". Trump needs to be arrested and tried for Treason.
I assumed this was satire. You're serious?
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WarAGle said:

Don't come crying to this board when the republicans don't win another presidential election for the next 20-30 years if they are even still viable by then. It breaks my heart to say that. Yes I do say it was a coup. Capital police should have been better prepared. They weren't. Rioters brought zip tie restraints. They didn't just bring them to "protest peacefully". They erected a gallows outside the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence". Trump needs to be arrested and tried for Treason.

A few nuts don't make a movement. Trust me, the left doesn't want to get in a contest of comparing crazies in number and fervor with the right.

Yes, there were dozens! Dozens! ...maybe, of people who convinced themselves they were going to bust into the capitol and convince congress that Trump should be the real winner. They were play acting that they were saving the Republic from the corrupt deep state or whatever. I'm sure that they drew motivation from Trump's refusal to concede and complaints about fraud, but I also don't see where he directed the crowd to attack the capitol building and subdue congress. As if that would be all it would take, even if they had succeeded somehow.

No, the mob action was a few dozens of nutty extremists and a few hundreds of idiot followers on there to watch the goings on and be part of the excitement.

What it wasn't was ten thousand, or a hundred thousand, or a half a million guys with guns taking over the capitol and disbanding the sitting government. That would be a coup. That would be a Revolution. That is something the people absolutely have the power and ability to do, and it is something they absolutely have chosen not to do at this point.
War Grackle
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Red Fishing Ag93 said:

Romney, failed.
McCain, failed.

Republicans failing isn't new.

Except for DJT.
Romney is a liberal hack, and McCain was a Republican in name only.
Old McDonald
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some real orwellian doublethink going on with the trump supporters' reaction to last Wednesday's events

the rioters who stormed the capitol are simultaneously patriotic, unthreatening protesters just expressing their discontent and also malicious ANTIFA false flag instigators
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Viva La Revolucion!!!!!!
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MouthBQ98 said:

Yes, there were dozens! Dozens! ...maybe, of people who convinced themselves they were going to bust into the capitol and convince congress that Trump should be the real winner. They were play acting that they were saving the Republic from the corrupt deep state or whatever. I'm sure that they drew motivation from Trump's refusal to concede and complaints about fraud, but I also don't see where he directed the crowd to attack the capitol building and subdue congress. As if that would be all it would take, even if they had succeeded somehow.
They successfully, but only temporarily, shut down the process of certifying electors to select the next President.

It was a coup attempt. It was a stupid one (it involved Trump supporters, so there was no other option but for it to be stupid) and an eventual failure (again, Trump), but it temporarily succeeded in its purpose, which was the overthrow of government authority.

It was a coup attempt.
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Old McDonald said:

some real orwellian doublethink going on with the trump supporters' reaction to last Wednesday's events

the rioters who stormed the capitol are simultaneously patriotic, unthreatening protesters just expressing their discontent and also malicious ANTIFA false flag instigators

Nah, rioters are criminals. Taking your anger with the government out on the government is better than murdering and pillaging your innocent neighbors like BLM led riots.

I've seen most of the "it was antifa" talk dropped. Sure there are some true believers, but these peoples identities will be known as they are arrested.
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bad_teammate said:

MouthBQ98 said:

Yes, there were dozens! Dozens! ...maybe, of people who convinced themselves they were going to bust into the capitol and convince congress that Trump should be the real winner. They were play acting that they were saving the Republic from the corrupt deep state or whatever. I'm sure that they drew motivation from Trump's refusal to concede and complaints about fraud, but I also don't see where he directed the crowd to attack the capitol building and subdue congress. As if that would be all it would take, even if they had succeeded somehow.
They successfully, but only temporarily, shut down the process of certifying electors to select the next President.

It was a coup attempt. It was a stupid one (it involved Trump supporters, so there was no other option but for it to be stupid) and an eventual failure (again, Trump), but it temporarily succeeded in its purpose, which was the overthrow of government authority.

It was a coup attempt.

Repeating it doesn't make it true. Government authority was never in question, and taking selfie's isn't the first response during a failing coup.

It was a riot. It was violent. But the "coup" language is pure partisan trash.
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solishu said:

They were dangerous enough to kill a police officer...

Not "they". Likely ONE person who will be found, arrested, and prosecuted.

The transparent attempts to cast the actions of a few misguided individuals on all Trump supporters is the worst type of propaganda and revisionism.
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They didn't overthrow anything. They didn't even have a chance. Everyone already knows the outcome, and it's just a matter of formality. Temporarily delaying the formality from taking place would NEVER have changed the outcome or altered the process of governance.

It may have been some idiots who wanted to go in there and....

What? They didn't even have Plan. A leadership. A command structure. Coordination. Demands?

It was literally a mob of amped up emotionally charged idiots with a few extremists in there who thought they were the equivalent of George Washington or John Henry or whatever, but with no apparent plan for even what they intended to do even if they broke in.

Yeah, you could call it a coup attempt, but with a really low bar for what counts. The idiot manufactured Russia investigation that attempted to bully Trump into resigning and was set up to angle for an impeachment was more of a coup attempt in that it had an actual chance of succcess.
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TexAgs91 said:

> This was an attempted Coup by Trump so he can remain in power.

Well he did win the election, so it's his right to remain in power.
He lost, you fools need to get over it.%A0
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If there was a Target in Capitol full of TVs stereos and leather jackets, wonder if focus would have changed. Wonder if demographics would have changed?
No Spin Ag
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jrdaustin said:

solishu said:

They were dangerous enough to kill a police officer...

Not "they". Likely ONE person who will be found, arrested, and prosecuted.

The transparent attempts to cast the actions of a few misguided individuals on all Trump supporters is the worst type of propaganda and revisionism.

Couldn't agree more. Fact is there's always going to be a small fraction of those in a protest who use it for their sick thoughts and actions. There were many there who were just there for Facebook posts to get likes by like-minded people. The others, the much fewer, took advantage of them and used their movement to ruin things for those people who because of them are now paying for it.

No one made anyone to go into the Capitol, and what is going to happen to them is all on them. Still, it's a small fraction of those who were looking to do serious damage and harm, and it's not fair to lump them all together at that level.
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bad_teammate said:

MouthBQ98 said:

Yes, there were dozens! Dozens! ...maybe, of people who convinced themselves they were going to bust into the capitol and convince congress that Trump should be the real winner. They were play acting that they were saving the Republic from the corrupt deep state or whatever. I'm sure that they drew motivation from Trump's refusal to concede and complaints about fraud, but I also don't see where he directed the crowd to attack the capitol building and subdue congress. As if that would be all it would take, even if they had succeeded somehow.
They successfully, but only temporarily, shut down the process of certifying electors to select the next President.

It was a coup attempt. It was a stupid one (it involved Trump supporters, so there was no other option but for it to be stupid) and an eventual failure (again, Trump), but it temporarily succeeded in its purpose, which was the overthrow of government authority.

It was a coup attempt.
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Trump told his followers to "fight strong" etc. He didn't mean literally fight LEO and break into congress.

When every single dem talking about "fighting" for racial justice they didn't mean fighting cops and burning down cities.

People are stupid and dems are hypocrites.
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a coup is when you take out the sitting leader and try to replace him.

come to think about it - we do know what an attempted coup looks like - we witnessed it for 4 years
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Is it getting boring on the football board or something? Perhaps just go back there and wait for a good thread.
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bad_teammate said:

MouthBQ98 said:

Yes, there were dozens! Dozens! ...maybe, of people who convinced themselves they were going to bust into the capitol and convince congress that Trump should be the real winner. They were play acting that they were saving the Republic from the corrupt deep state or whatever. I'm sure that they drew motivation from Trump's refusal to concede and complaints about fraud, but I also don't see where he directed the crowd to attack the capitol building and subdue congress. As if that would be all it would take, even if they had succeeded somehow.
They successfully, but only temporarily, shut down the process of certifying electors to select the next President.

It was a coup attempt. It was a stupid one (it involved Trump supporters, so there was no other option but for it to be stupid) and an eventual failure (again, Trump), but it temporarily succeeded in its purpose, which was the overthrow of government authority.

It was a coup attempt.
i know you really really really really want to believe this - but it simply isn't accurate for anyone with a functioning brain.
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GalvestonAg74 said:

TexAgs91 said:

> This was an attempted Coup by Trump so he can remain in power.

Well he did win the election, so it's his right to remain in power.
He lost, you fools need to get over it.%A0
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Joseph Goebbels
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bad_teammate said:

ttu_85 said:

So you are saying 300 mostly unarmed, poorly organized rioters is a coup attempt? Wow. That would have to be the lamest "coup attempt" in human history

I thought coups were conducted by several thousand highly trained, well armed operatives or a military overthrow.

Any idea how dumb this sounds.
Well, sure.

There's nothing about the definition of "coup" that involves efficacy, organization, or optics. A coup is an overthrow of government power.

1/6 was an attempted coup. It was laughable, but some of the people storming in there explicitly wanted to stop Congress from certifying the Electoral votes that would formally elect a new President. That is attempting a coup, regardless of how dumb, ineffective, or disorganized the participants were.

A lot of the people storming the Capitol weren't even thinking that much, they were just flowing with emotion and herd instincts. Many people suffer consequences for doing things without thinking them through.
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