Tucker on Sidney Powell

16,789 Views | 166 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BMX Bandit
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Tucker isn't a journalist.
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looks like adoration for trump might have an edge on respect for tucker.
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Man, I'd love to play cards with some of ya'll...
show me your hand, show me your hand

When the hand is finished you'll see my cards.
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Glenlivet said:

Man, I'd love to play cards with some of ya'll...
show me your hand, show me your hand

When the hand is finished you'll see my cards.
showing your cards when the other guy has gone home with the pot doesn't do you much good.
Good Poster
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Old McDonald
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schmendeler said:

looks like adoration for trump might have an edge on respect for tucker.

trump himself could come out and say he was bluffing and just making **** up, and folks would turn on him and accuse him of being a traitor against himself/compromised
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Makes sense. Tucker being petty.
Conservative Ag
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Old McDonald said:

schmendeler said:

looks like adoration for trump might have an edge on respect for tucker.

trump himself could come out and say he was bluffing and just making **** up, and folks would turn on him and accuse him of being a traitor against himself/compromised

It works both ways. There are people here that have convinced themselves Trump is responsible for American deaths during a virus outbreak that the entire world is dealing with. No matter what he did or could have done, they'll blame him. Even when the alternative-in between his naps and medicine - lays out a "plan" to do the exact same thing.

That's why there's a name for the condition.
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Old McDonald said:

schmendeler said:

looks like adoration for trump might have an edge on respect for tucker.

trump himself could come out and say he was bluffing and just making **** up, and folks would turn on him and accuse him of being a traitor against himself/compromised
I disagree. His supporters would say they knew it all along and it was a genius move by Trump.
TX AG 88
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I wish Trump to be president for another term.

I really don't want Biden to be president for a few months and then turn it over to Harris, which is what probably WILL happen if he's ever seated.

Just like a football fan who never thinks the pass interference call is correct unless it's against their opponent, I am skeptical of the mail-in ballots that ate into and overturned Trump's election night lead in that handful of battleground states. I recognize my bias, but at the same time, I don't want the vote to have turned on fraud. I'm also biased to think that my country isn't some third-world sh-thole where a national election could actually be rigged.

If there was widespread fraud sufficient to overturn the "true" vote, then it MUST be coordinated and massive. People should go to jail and I would favor the death penalty, to be honest.

The evidence needs to be solid and irrefutable. I'm afraid we won't get that. Even if the claims of fraud are true, I don't see how the facts can be established/proven. I'm pretty certain Biden will be our next president.

Regardless of the outcome, there NEEDS to be some minimum security standards for elections, imposed at the Federal level. States run their elections, but there's got to be a minimum level of confidence. Having observers from EITHER party blocked from doing their jobs is not acceptable. Having voting machines and software which fails security requirements of some states widely used in others is very troubling. (This even has me wondering if blockchain couldn't somehow be used to secure the integrity of votes.)
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TX AG 88 said:

I wish Trump to be president for another term.


(This even has me wondering if blockchain couldn't somehow be used to secure the integrity of votes.)

You had me nodding yes until you brought up bitcoin.

I demand paper ballots!

(My only experience with block chain are the malware bitcoin malware miners place on my company's servers and the pain in the neck they are. I even had two miners from two criminal orgs wage a war on one of my servers for its control. Tired of computers and the geeks who operate them in the dark...)
San Angelo LIVE!
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Pinche Abogado said:

Tucker is one of the few remaining "journalists," but dropping the Biden story and lashing out at Powell and supporting Fox is suspect.

I think his ego was bruised with the Powell incident, but who knows.

I understand what you are saying here. And I'm no defender of fox. The only time I watch fox is when someone on here posts a clip that sounds interesting.

This clip here in the OP. Obviously I don't know what happened behind the scenes. And perhaps Tucker is shading the interaction in a way that makes his producers honorable and Powell not. But what he is saying in general is very true. Powells claims do amount to basically one of the biggest crimes in American history.

And like Tucker, I'm willing to listen. I beleive everything that went down with Russia, Mueller, Impeachment, Ukraine Call, FBI Crossfire Hurricane, Flynn, Brennan, etc etc. I do beleive some type of soft coup transpired between 2016-2020.

But unlike all the evidence that has come out and been chronicled on the Mueller thread about Mueller. So far Powell has produced nothing in regards to her claims. She is central to Flynn. Im willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I beleive Flynn to be credible and the information about his case and its relation to framing up Trump on Russia, to be credible. But my benefit of the doubt is fading fast with this. And I'm a big beleiver that lots of fraud happens in elections. I beleive ballot harvesting should be illegal and that dems engage in ballot harvesting on a massive scale. But I'm losing patience on proof of Dominion claims.
Spotted Ag
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Some of yall really need to stop believing that Tucker Carlson is actually sincere. He's a damned entertainer and many of you are easily entertained. Y'all wait for the next new person to spout off something you agree with and then follow them like a messiah. Stop believing what you see and hear on network TV.
Covidians, Communists, CNN, FOX, and all other MSM are enemies of the state and should be treated as such.
Boo Weekley
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Gbr1971 said:

Old McDonald said:

schmendeler said:

looks like adoration for trump might have an edge on respect for tucker.

trump himself could come out and say he was bluffing and just making **** up, and folks would turn on him and accuse him of being a traitor against himself/compromised
I disagree. His supporters would say they knew it all along and it was a genius move by Trump.

Lots of trash talk coming from male feminists who proudly voted for a malfunctioning racist/segregationist geriatric who likes to sniff little kids and can hardly ever come out of his room.
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i'm with Tucker on this one.

as much as Sidney likes the limelight and twitter, if Tucker somehow mischaracterized the interaction with his producers and her, she could and i believe would, react publicly and set the record straight. she could easily call his bluff and ask to be on the show.

he flat out said he'd give her a full hour on his show devoted to her and then said, heck i'd give her the week.

look i believe there was fraud. it all smells fishy as hell to me.

i believe there has been proof of fraud.

i also believe that sidney and lin wood aren't helping the situation.

i hope i'm wrong, i really do, but IMO they're not a good look with the way they're handling themselves and the situation.
Houston Lee
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Maria Bartiromo: How did you respond to Tucker Carlson? Did you get angry with the show because they texted you and asked you to provide evidence of what you're alleging?

Sidney Powell: No, I didn't get angry with the request to provide evidence in fact I sent an affidavit to Tucker that I had not even attached to a pleading yet to help him understand the situation and I offered him another witness who could explain the mathematics of the statistical evidence far better than I can. I'm not really a numbers person. But he was very insulting, demanding and rude and I told him not to contact me again in those terms.
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After a week or so of Tucker denying this big story I've had enough. All he has to do is look at the Dominion manual to see this is built to rig elections. That and the fact that 28 states are using it alone should be eye opening. Add to that all the clips of votes being transferred from Trump to Biden live on TV and the fact that 300+ thousand ballots were allegedly processed in 2 hours when only 90K ballots could have been processed in that time meaning the numbers were simply added in the software and you have enough evidence to take what Sydney Powell says seriously.

This is big news and I'm done with Tucker. He's become irrelevant in this conversation as he ignores the available evidence, meanwhile the news on this is passing him by.
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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he is frustrated like many of us.
It is tough doing a no-nonsense news show each night when
with so much "fog of war" around this current story
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Would not the Dominion Software Issue be the absolute EASIEST thing to prove or discredit?

A hand count of each candidates totals should EXACTLY match the machine totals. Right? Am I missing something?

If the machine changed the vote totals it would not change the actual votes.

(Now I know Georgia had 90,000 just presidential ballots (fraud there) but that would not affect Software totals vs actual ballot totals.)

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Trumps team is using the means necessary to sling big picture information to the public without displaying all of their cards. With the media in Biden's corner, they have to be loud and bold in order for anyone to hear. They have to sow the seeds of doubt in this election or no one would. They will play their cards and we will see whether they have a fist full of Aces or Jokers soon enough.

Trump won and will be president.
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JP_Losman said:

he is frustrated like many of us.
It is tough doing a no-nonsense news show each night when
with so much "fog of war" around this current story
Unlike many of us he has resources to do his own investigation. He isn't though. He's just waiting for others like Powell to bring the evidence to him. Like I said, just perusing through the manual should elicit one of those shocked faces we often see him doing and be curious to see what is really going on and investigate.
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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Tucker and Gutfeld going off on the "media" is hypocritical BS. Sure, there are no news agencies doing their damn jobs. They are right. But when I flipped on FOX to watch his show I'm pretty sure it still said FOX News on the logo. He doesn't work for Fox Political Commentary he works for Fox News. Fox is as guilty as CNN, MSNBC, and the networks for not doing any investigative journalism. Tucker and Hannity both have huge budgets and a staff of people working on the show that could be doing some digging into the situation and provide some unbiased reporting on what's going on. They aren't doing it. Fox coverage of the election was also very left-leaning like the other "news" outlets.

Powell and the rest of the team probably don't view Fox any differently than the rest of the MSM and with good reason. Tucker should look inward at his own "news" organization and do some self reflection and maybe an expose on the death of investigative journalism at Fox.
TX AG 88
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sanangelo said:

TX AG 88 said:

I wish Trump to be president for another term.


(This even has me wondering if blockchain couldn't somehow be used to secure the integrity of votes.)

You had me nodding yes until you brought up bitcoin.

I demand paper ballots!

(My only experience with block chain are the malware bitcoin malware miners place on my company's servers and the pain in the neck they are. I even had two miners from two criminal orgs wage a war on one of my servers for its control. Tired of computers and the geeks who operate them in the dark...)

I didn't bring up bitcoin. I don't really understand the intricacies of blockchain, but it is not synonymous or analagous to bitcoin. Bitcoin is an implementation of blockchain. All I know is blockchain is a method of providing accountability/security and anti-repudiation. Incorporating blockchain would in no way eliminate or preclude paper ballots. They could easily be used in conjunction with one another.

Blockchain was not my point, though. My point was "I want some guarantee/assurance that this process is tamper-proof." Then I threw blockchain out there as a POSSIBLE feature of that. Blockchain/no-blockchain, whatever. I want SOMETHING so that the next election results are incontrovertible.
BigJim49 AustinNowDallas
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Ag4coal said:


So tired of these stupid descriptors. He did do a good job of laying out the facts. At the very least give a freaking timeline. I'm trump all the way and would love to see him win, but the bloviating is starting to make me think what the left us said all along and these people are crazy. These are MASSIVE claims. You can't keep just repeating them. That said, if it turns out they do have the evidence, I will eat all the crow.
It's been just a few days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigJim49 AustinNowDallas
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Boo Weekley said:

Maacus said:

geoag58 said:

unmade bed said:

geoag58 said:

Since you CM's are so convinced there is nothing there do you have a problem with Rudy seeing these court cases through?

I have a big problem with Rudy seeing the court cases through. I would have no problem with Trump hiring a semi competent attorney and Trump exercising all options available through the judicial system to address whatever claims of wrongdoing there may be.

Based on Rudy and his teams track record so far, that is not happening and what is going to be left is nothing but unanswered questions and innuendo.

Listening to Rudy's press conference it sounds like they have seen things so egregious they had no idea were there. This is a huge criminal enterprise whose crime was election fraud and with Rudy's experience going after organized crime I think this is right in Rudy's wheelhouse. When he was prosecuting the criminal enterprises the criminals he faced were experts at their crimes. Rudy is going after a bunch of criminal enterprise rookies. All you people calling for this to stop, are you scared he has found something?

Rudy said today his group has filed four lawsuits and withdrew one of those because the issue was decided in his favor. Rudy hasn't lost anything. You guys need to get a new news source or more likely quit spreading your evil propaganda.

And Sidney Powell sounded like she was going to break out bawling at any moment. Does she normally talk like that, as a high powered attorney? She literally sounded like she was crying as she spoke, with her voice cracking and quivering.

If things are half as crazy as they are claiming, they should be terrified. This would be the biggest conspiracy/scandal of any of our lifetimes if what they are confidently proclaiming really occurred. We are talking billionaires and foreign adversaries pulling the strings (if true). Extreme high stakes.

I'd have a knot in my throat too. (If legit)
Second would be the last 4 years !
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Tucker has to be feeling pretty good about himself today.
Bunk Moreland
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Gbr1971 said:

Tucker has to be feeling pretty good about himself today.

Anyone with a lick of sense understood what was happening. It's a shame not many people on either side are able to separate reality from what they want to be true.
BMX Bandit
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Deep State got to Rush too.

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