2,707,418 Views | 20889 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Whistle Pig
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I thought CISA was formed by a Trump Executive order? How does that happen?

If you watch the youtube, the former director Krebs said it orginated under Obama in 2015.

So here's the timeline: In the 2008 campaign, Obama creates a massive database of people of voting age, whether registered to vote vote or not. Makes it very easy to create phantom voters, using the EBUs, elgible but unregistered. Those slowly get put into the voter rolls of states using the ERIC system.

In 2010, the Holder DOJ creates Dominion, a formerly small Canadian voting machine company, by ordering ES&S to divest itself of the older Diebold/Premier assets and sell them to Dominion. Dominion goes from nothing to sizeable market share overnight.

Five years later, CISA is created to have the apperance of a government watchdog, along with EAC doing "certifications" of the voting companies only all EAC employees have ties to the voting machine companies, checking their own work. And then CISA and EAC take it a step further with censorship on a massive scale in the 2020 election.
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oh no
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We fixed the keg
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.... physical access or remote ....
Remote? But wait, what? Air gapped....not connected.... I was assured by our resident network expert we were all FoS.

The fact the courts allowed those subpoenas for networking gear in Arizona to be ignored is unbelievable. This is the type of information which could have been caught if it did exist (or immediately ruled out if it didn't)
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oh no said:


THE FBI knew about this and buried it. The DA in LA pursued it for some reason
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Read that closely. Halderman is begging Totenberg to let Dominion know what he found in his analysis so they could fix it in time for the midterms. She only allowed his report to be released to CISA who then sent out an alert.

So Dominion can now argue that they didn't know what the problems were and that's why they couldn't fix them in time for the upcoming elections.

Our judiciary is failing us at every turn.

Then there's this in Washigton state.

A lawsuit to restore election integrity in Washington state was filed on September 16, 2021, in Superior Court in Clark County.

The defendant in the suit is Greg Kimsey, elected Auditor for the State of Washington and the suit alleges violations of the plantiffs' equal protection, due process and free speech rights stemming from the auditor allowing or facilitating vote flipping, additions and/or deletions, and allowing or facilitating party preference tracking and/or ballot identification.
Note, these are state court suits, not federal, based upon state laws.


On October 2021, Washington Election Integrity Coalition United (WEiCU) along with a total of 115 qualified electors filed suit in Whatcom, Clark, Snohomish, King, Thurston, Pierce, Lincoln and Franklin Counties, all of which were met with Motions to Intervene filed by the law firm Perkins Coie LLP on behalf of the DCC. Five out of eight cases have been removed to Federal Court despite being based in state law, and now face many unsubstantiated Motions to Dismiss, threatening Plaintiffs with financial sanctions if they persist with their cases.

Specifically, the plaintiffs allege their Auditors used uncertified voting systems to not only tabulate the votes, but also, while under oath, certified the results from those systems, one while under a cyber ransomware attack. These same machines were admittedly 'internet capable' according to Secretary of State Wyman and King County Auditor Julie Wise. These admissions created more questions than answers when WA state election data was found on the AZ audit hard drives.
How did WA state election data get onto AZ election hard drives?


Now, the Washington federal judge made a contradictory ruling on 6 election-related lawsuits. Read the news release below:

On September 30, 2022, Federal District Court Judge Lauren King issued a series of orders dismissing removed actions originally filed by Washington Election Integrity Coalition United ("WEiCU" pronounced "We See You") and 106 individual plaintiffs in five county state Superior Courts.

So the state court suits were removed from the state courts upon motion of the defendants. So then the federal district court judge could then dismiss them based upon, you guessed it, standing. She even dismissed cases that were not currently before her, being up on appeal in state court. Amazing hubris!


The actions sought relief under state law for alleged election process misconduct and for an order compelling inspection of public records including ballots from the 2020 General Election. The actions did not seek to decertify any election or to overturn any election outcome.

In her orders dismissing the actions, which included dismissals in cases even where no motions to dismiss were filed, Judge King found that plaintiffs lacked standing to bring Article III claims in federal court (even though the actions were originally filed in state court under state statutory law), and that remand of the actions back to state court would be "futile" because dismissal of the claims by state courts was "foreordained."

Judge King declared the dismissals "foreordained" while simultaneously acknowledging two state appellate cases filed by WEiCU that are currently pending and which address similar claims. According to WEiCU's Director, Tamborine Borrelli, Judge King's pre-emptive dismissals fall into an unfortunate pattern of judicial review of election processes: "Judge King, like many other judges across the country, state that there is no 'direct harm' therefore the plaintiffs lack standing which denies qualified electors the ability to investigate indications of election process misconduct.

Judge King found technical grounds to dismiss the actions before ever reaching WEiCU's evidence of 6,614 votes that flipped to Biden (similar to 'the glitch' in Antrim County MI) and over 400,000 accepted votes over the registered voters at 9:36pm on election night. By issuing these pre-emptive dismissals, Judge King has effectively blocked superior court judges in five of Washington State's largest counties from ever seeing the cases.

In an astonishing show of hubris, she also inserted her opinion into WEiCU's cases that are currently pending before the Court of Appeals somehow knowing that a ruling against WEiCU's Public Records Request claim is "foreordained." Despite the efforts of those who
benefit from obfuscating the truth of our fatally flawed election system, the people know (that) is the true threat to our Democratic Republic and will not stop until it is corrected for all American

It's all about delay, deflect, deny.
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Our system of government depends on a certain level of integrity, ethics, etc. Those days appear to be over
We fixed the keg
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Gotta love that our alphabet agencies know it happened and we know it happened. Keep it hidden and label folks as conspiracy wackos. I don't know how it isn't completely obvious to all by now. There easier and FAR cheaper paths to secure/fair elections, but doing would make it harder for manipulation.
oh no
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yet, anyone who dared ask questions or dare think that people deserved real answers was getting banned, censored, and chastised as conspiracy theorists, election deniers, etc.

and not even that, anyone who seeks to implement real controls to help prevent or detect fraud, just to make fraud a little less easy, the process more transparent and accountable, even deterrence controls with real punishments for bad actors, so people can have trust that the system works, they get labeled as racist voter suppressors.

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What are Ruby, Shaye and Ralph Jones talking about? Not vouching for the quality of the audio.

We fixed the keg
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aggiehawg said:

What are Ruby, Shaye and Ralph Jones talking about? Not vouching for the quality of the audio.

I could probably make out 3-4 words during the whole video. To really know for sure, I would need to hear it with the background noise removed.

Edit to add: Absolutely insane to be talking about anything nefarious that openly (assuming it was)
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Beyond infuriating.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
oh no
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whistle thinks he and the establishment are in the majority so he can continue to bash anyone who still has questions or wants real answers. he's not.

that election was laughably ****ed up six ways from sunday. everyone knows it. the rest of the world knows it, too.
Whistle Pig
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Rasmussen lol. I'd love to see their phrasing and methods but it's paywalled. Did the dems think Trump cheated?

A false belief widely held is still false.

31% of adults tell pollsters they believe in Santa Claus.
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oh no said:

whistle thinks he and the establishment are in the majority so he can continue to bash anyone who still has questions or wants real answers. he's not.

that election was laughably ****ed up six ways from sunday. everyone knows it. the rest of the world knows it, too.
It was obvious THAT NIGHT. Trump was taking the lead and the money markets was shifting to a Trump win and THEY STOPPED COUNTING to figure out how many votes they needed. When we woke up the next morning the ballot dumps had taken place while we all slept.
Whistle Pig
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That's not how anything works. No states "stopped" counting, it typically takes days and sometimes weeks for many states to complete counting, always has. NC allows 10 days for mil/overseas ballots.

Welcome to your first election.
MR Gadsden
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keg? Need a translation here.



Based upon the information obtained from the TN SoS, the EAC initiated a formal investigation into the matter to determine the necessary actions to obtain the root cause and remedy the issue. The investigation was conducted at the Williamson County Elections Commission facility on January 19 through January 22, 2022. This analysis was performed by both EAC accredited Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTL), Pro V&V and SLI Compliance. The EAC, Williamson County staff, TN SoS, and Dominion staff were present during the analysis.
Everyone is there, even Dominion.


The first step of the VSTL analysis was verification of the system configuration. Hashes of all components involved were collected and compared to the repository of hashes for the EAC certified system. It was discovered that the system was installed with outdated versions of two configuration files when the system was upgraded from D-Suite 5.5 to D-Suite 5.5-B in January of 2021.

Next, a copy of the election definition used on election day was used to make Compact Flash (CF) cards for the ImageCast Precinct (ICP) scanners and ImageCast X (ICX) ballot marking devices. This election definition was imported into the D-Suite 5.5-B system from a definition originally created on the D-Suite 5.5 system.

Ballots were printed from the ICX and tabulated through the ICP scanners. Multiple ICP scanners were used for tabulation including some that originally exhibited the anomaly during the election and some that did not.

Following tabulation, close poll reports and audit logs from the ICP scanners were examined. Results showed that the anomaly was recreated on each of the ICP scanners. This process was repeated several times to understand and isolate the details of exactly when the anomaly occurred and circumstances that may have led to the anomaly occurring.

Analysis of audit log information revealed entries that coincided with the manifestation of the anomaly; a security error "QR code signature mismatch" and a warning message "Ballot format or id is unrecognizable" indicating a QR code misread occurred.

When these events were logged, the ballot was rejected.

Subsequent resetting of the ICP scanners and additional tabulation demonstrated that each instance of the anomaly coincided with the previously mentioned audit log entries, though not every instance of those audit log entries resulted in the anomaly. Further analysis of the anomaly behavior showed that the scanners correctly tabulated all ballots until the anomaly was triggered.

Following the anomaly, ballots successfully scanned and tabulated by the ICP were not reflected in the close poll reports on the affected ICP scanners. Additional iterations of testing were performed after updating the configuration files previously mentioned to the proper versions associated with the D-Suite 5.5-B system.

The anomaly was recreated using the correct configuration files with the originally programmed election definition.

A final test was performed using an election definition recreated entirely on the D-Suite 5.5-B system with identical parameters to the definition used during the election and for prior testing. The anomaly was not observed during this test, and there were no instances of the security error "QR code signature mismatch" or warning message "Ballot format or id is unrecognizable" in the audit log.
So my read is Dominion royally screwed up the software, correct? And it was insufficiently tested before it was installed? No one was paying attention? But then here comes the Conclusions.


The direct cause of the anomaly was inconclusive. Based on the investigation, it's reasonable to conclude that the anomaly is related to the imported D-Suite 5.5 election definition used on the D-Suite 5.5-B system.
So it is not inconclusive? It was a software issue? Or no? Why wouldn't the people from Dominion not figure that out pretty damn quick? Their code, their software. Am I missing something? And why is "erroneous code" present in "EAC certified" versions? Two such certified versions?


On February 11, 2022, Dominion submitted a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to the EAC. The report indicates that erroneous code is present in the EAC certified D-Suite 5.5-B and D-Suite 5.5-C systems.

The RCA report states that when the anomaly occurs, it's due to a misread of the QR code. If the QR code misread affects a certain part of the QR code, the ICP scanner mistakenly interprets a bit in the code that marks the ballot as provisional.

Once that misread happens, the provisional flag is not properly reset after that ballot's voting session.

The result is that every ballot scanned and tabulated by the machine after that misread is marked as provisional and thus, not included in the tabulator's close poll report totals.

Dominion has submitted Engineering Change Orders (ECO)s for the ICP software in the D-Suite 5.5-B and D-Suite 5.5-C systems: ECO 100826 and ECO 100827. Modified ICP source code was submitted by Dominion that resets the provisional flag following each voting session.

The ECO analysis included source code review to confirm the change to both systems and to ensure no other code is changed.

A Trusted Build of the modified source code was performed to produce the updated ICP software. This software was then tested for accuracy by processing two thousand ballots printed by an ICX, utilizing the same election definition used in Williamson County, TN on October 26, 2021. The analysis and testing of the ECOs has demonstrated that the anomaly was successfully fixed. No instance of the anomaly or the associated error or warning messages in the ICP audit logs were observed during the testing. The EAC has approved ECO 100826 and ECO 100827 on March 31, 2022.
EAC report
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Just found this rumble going over the Tennessee situation and how it was found in 97% of the machines in Georgia too. It is about 16 minutes long but I recommend it.

In it it explains that what Dominion finally ended up doing was not to fix the problem, just did a work-around where if it happened again, the scanner would reset so the remaining ballots were not directly affected. And they raise the question of how can a "misread" of a QR code even happen in the first place?
We fixed the keg
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Who knows at this point, the documentation states the process of creating the election files could be done by the Dominion or the customer, so we could start there.

The #1 problem I have is both the SLI and Pro V&V audits were supposed to check the hash of all configuration files to make sure they were the correct/approved version. This is yet another example of those "audits" being anything but. They were a rubber stamp of their own shoddy work.

The #2 problem is, in their own instructions, the entire contents of the "CVS" directory is supposed to be deleted when creating an election product.

Before you begin:
If there are any other files or folders present in "C:\DVS", delete them before
proceeding. Perform the steps outlined in the section12.4 "Preparing
ImageCast Central Election Files for the ImageCast Central Workstation".
Copy the contents of the "ICC Election Files" folder prepared in the previous step
into the "C:\DVS". If you will be using multiple projects on one ICC workstation,
then you might want to create subfolders with project names in order to
differentiate between them.
You have to create an election project for each election, so this isn't something where the same data is used in different elections. While some of the stuff like districts, counties, etc may be the same, it also has info about candidates, ballot configuration, etc.

I would like to hear how they (1) upgraded the system, (2) created the election project, (3) copied the files, and (4) ended up with election files with the same names, most being 5.5-B but two being 5.5. Possible? Yes, but it is a windows system and you would get an alert that you are trying to copy over a file that already exists.

Finally, there are bricks/blocks of test ballots that are to be run through each tabulator which are supposed to trigger valid ballots and anomalies. This process should have caught the fact that the ballots after a bad QR code were not being counted.

If this is actually a bug and not a feature, they are picking up people at the gas station to write code. It is insane their installers don't check the versions before installing. It is crazy how much money States have paid for this crap....and it is most certainly crap.
We fixed the keg
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and that emotji is supposed to be the directory the data is stored

C colon backslash DVS
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I would like to hear how they (1) upgraded the system, (2) created the election project, (3) copied the files, and (4) ended up with election files with the same names, most being 5.5-B but two being 5.5. Possible? Yes, but it is a windows system and you would get an alert that you are trying to copy over a file that already exists.

Finally, there are bricks/blocks of test ballots that are to be run through each tabulator which are supposed to trigger valid ballots and anomalies. This process should have caught the fact that the ballots after a bad QR code were not being counted.

If this is actually a bug and not a feature, they are picking up people at the gas station to write code. It is insane their installers don't check the versions before installing. It is crazy how much money States have paid for this crap....and it is most certainly crap.
Thank you for your input and information. One question left for me.

How can a QR code ever be "misread" by another computer if not done deliberately by an algo? Any ideas?
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LOL. I got it anyway. With your consderable assistance, I have learned a lot. Again, thank you.
We fixed the keg
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Great question....Machines are going to read the QR code if it follows the standards, If it doesn't, or has print quality/anomalies, it will not read. I assume what they mean by this is data points are expected in the tabulator and aren't provided correctly by the QR code that was printed. As in, it was a correctly formed code but the data in it wasn't what was supposed to be there.
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We fixed the keg said:

Great question....Machines are going to read the QR code if it follows the standards, If it doesn't, or has print quality/anomalies, it will not read. I assume what they mean by this is data points are expected in the tabulator and aren't provided correctly by the QR code that was printed. As in, it was a correctly formed code but the data in it wasn't what was supposed to be there.
So an issue with the BMD's? Algo there to scramble QR codes?

Designed to trigger the scanners? When I first heard about the "provisionsal ballot" cover story, sounded wrong as those are set aside and not even counted until much later. Why would a provisional ballot, which is cast on paper and not a BMD be in an early scan at all?
We fixed the keg
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The report above makes it sound like the ballot marking devices were creating QR codes with a different configuration file version than tabulators were setup to read. In that instance, it is possible that the BMD worked as it should, created a valid QR code based on one configuration, and then was scanned into a tabulator that was configured with a different configuration. The fact that a tabulator would then **** the bed and not be able to recover by the next ballot scanned is laughable.

Imagine going to a gas pump and the payment card reader not working because the customer before had a bad card and the only way to get it to work is to reset the pump? Or going to a grocery store and when they scan your Fruity Pebbles a bad bar code craps out the scanner and you have to wait for the cash register and scanner to be reset to finish scanning your groceries.

On the security QR codes, this is the same **** the dems were complaining about in 2016. How, as a voter, can you trust that what that QR code represents is how you voted? Yes, you can print the ballot with QR and your selections, but a more secure fix would be a software independent standard.


...computers have become indispensable to conducting elections, but computers are vulnerable. They can be hackedcompromised by insiders or external adversaries who can replace their software with
fraudulent software that deliberately miscounts votesand they can contain design
errors and bugshardware or software flaws or configuration errors that result in mis-
recording or mis-tabulating votes. Hence there must be some way, independent of any
software in any computers, to ensure that reported election outcomes are correct, i.e.,
consistent with the expressed votes as intended by the voters.

Voting systems should be software independent, meaning that "an undetected change
or error in its software cannot cause an undetectable change or error in an election out-

FIle all of this under the heading, "If you are going to do something. Do it right, or don't do it at all."
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Whistle Pig
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Jan 6 defendant had "death list" based on lies about Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss that were perpetuated on the internet. And are still promoted by certain posters(Aggiehawg) today.

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Commies sure do love calling stuff "misinformation".
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He's on permanent ignore by me.

So what's the problem now?
Whistle Pig
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Did you ever figure out if postal workers can deposit ballots in dropboxes in Michigan or are you on to the next Gateway Pundit lie?
oh no
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aggiehawg said:

He's on permanent ignore by me.

So what's the problem now?
the problem now is apparently lots of things:

government and cnn = always truth
Gateway Pundit = all fake
Ruby Freeman = a saint who represents all that is righeous and holy about secure elections
Rumble videos = all fake
Alphabet and cnn videos = always truth
aggiehawg = biggest source of misinformation on this board and tucking her tail and running because US Postal workers in Michigan were supposed to divert all mail-in ballots from the mail and stuff them all in those drop boxes around town.

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and thanks for the response.
Whistle Pig
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oh no said:

aggiehawg said:

He's on permanent ignore by me.

So what's the problem now?
the problem now is apparently lots of things:

government and cnn = Never cited CNN
Gateway Pundit = all fake. TRUE
Rumble videos = all fake. HAWG'S VIDEO WAS FAKE
Alphabet and cnn videos = always truth. NOPE
aggiehawg = biggest source of misinformation on this board and tucking her tail and running because she got duped by Gateway Pundit again. CORRECT

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