Your are correct the ballot cannot be tied to the envelopes once the ballots are separated. But the names upon the certificate envelop may be for a dead person, person not living at that address, or an illegal alien. In addition, the post mark may be to late or the envelopes received late. If signatures don't match the ballot should have been flagged. I believe all of these can be examined for proof of fraud, but cannot be associated with that particular ballot. If so, all mail in ballots should by suspect and tossed.Chase said:The problem is that we've seen video from several precincts showing workers pulling votes out of the envelopes and sorting them into stacks...that separation of the envelope and the ballot is how lose the ability to know what should and shouldn't have been included.richardag said:If the outer and inner envelopes were kept, voter fraud can be proven, ineligible votes, just not tied to the actual vote. In that event all mail in votes should be disqualified.DTP02 said:texagbeliever said:
This is really simple so try to follow along.
- Conservatives want the constitution to be followed.
- The constitution is the law of the land.
- If the law of the land is not followed then there is no "America"
- Democrats don't want to follow the constitution
- They "REEEE" over any and all attempts to follow said constitution. See border wall, election law, 2nd Amendment, 1st Amendment, 9th & 10th Amendments
- They burn down cities when the law is followed
Now can you spot the differences there?
I'm conservative and pretty sure I know the constitution better than most.
The only thing touching on a constitutional violation here is the actions of the PA court, and it's going to be dang near impossible to prove whether the ballots which should have been segregated weren't segregated.
Hoping that the SCOTUS is going to weigh in after the fact and overturn the PA election, without hard evidence that the PA court's overreach directly impacted the outcome, is an incredible long shot.
Other than that, I have no idea why you're referencing the constitution.
Or I could be completely wrong and don't understand the information on the envelopes.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787