cmag said:
rgag12 said:
Libertarians need to take one for the team and vote Trump.
We've been taking one for the team for decades. Quit running trash.
Trump, a populist, in one swift motion, or ride down an escalator, took over one of the two corrupt political parties.
Libertarians have needed a new strategy for decades. Even Perot was able to enter into the same third party arena as Libertarians and do better than they have ever done. On his first attempt.
The Libertarians, like the conservatives of the 50s, should have at least had one main goal of trying to get a competent leader elected to a state higher office within one of the two parties and then running for president in that same party. And no, it doesn't work to do it the way Gary Johnson did it. Partly because GJ was GJ and partly because he made one feeble attempt at the GOP primary and immediately jumped ship into a very poorly run Libertarian Party. Reagan fought the establishment GOP for decades before finally breaking through and beating their blue blood handpicked candidate.