Ag87H2O said:
aggiehawg said:
As of a month ago, it wasn't an emergency yet, but it was a big concern and part of the reason they needed to get space suits to the two Starliner crewmembers.
Can I get a translation on that? What are the spacesuits needed for under these circumstances? TIA.
I don't want to speak out of turn because I'm not an expert, but it was my understanding that each astronaut has a custom suit that is made to fit them personally, and in case of an emergency they needed to be able to put on the suits until they could make it to the escape vehicles and normalize the atmosphere and air pressure. My apologies if I am wrong on this, I know I'm out of my lane.
The suits have to match the vehicle the astronauts will use as there isn't cross compatibility in the attachments to those vehicles life support systems.
There was talk that the two could ride as "cargo" in the Dragon but prior to Starliners departure it was still their primary lifeboat.
Normal operations have a hatch closeout and pressure test procedure that can take an hour or more. If the station were catastrophically depressurizing (say this crack theory or more likely impact) there wouldn't be time to test capsule hatches 100% and it might not even be possible against fluctuating pressure in the ISS. So you'd want to be able to plug directly into the capsule life support systems via umbilical in case your returning capsule wasn't sealed 100%>
Dust or a piece of hair can affect that seal.