I would guess they might have to add a section, yes.
The 'fins' are basically way oversized now vs. earlier thoughts for what would be needed I think I have read. If those are changed in size/shape/position (basically longer but thinner/not as wide) then maybe the 'lifting pins' as well would drop to lower on the 2nd stage also, then maybe not?
Just a wild guess. The other question is what is put inside it as the ship grows longer; fuel and/or more payload volume (mass fraction or whatever). As Raptor 2's have matured I would guess they now have some different calculations for various missions (LEO vs. TLI etc). They also are supposedly developing a 'mini Raptor' for lunar starship, and a quasi 'third stage' a la mini-starship ideas/concepts could be of interest as well.
Robert Zubrin had a whole concept of using a mini-starship for mars missions.
Comparison of Alternative Starship Plans
Starship Plan Mars TLI/Mars LEO/Mars #Tanker flights 4 2.1 0 Cargo delivered 150 80 23 Return ship mass 85 20 20 ISRU Power (kWe) 342 81 81 Cargo/Starship launch 30 25.8 23 Ship reuse time 1000 10 5
*Starship dry mass assumed 85 tons. Mini-Starship dry mass 20 tons.
* Use of TLI of LEO plans cuts power by factor of 4 ... A critical advantage! * Use of TLI of LEO plans cuts Starship reuse time by factor of 100!!!! * Use of TLI of LEO plans allows Starship to be used to support Moon during the two years between Mars launch windows. * LEO plan eliminates need for on-orbit refuelling. No tanker system. * TLI plan reduces number of tankers needed. * LEO and TLI plans require development of Mini-Starship. * Mini-Starship can be used as upper stage of Falcon9, creating a fully reusable medium lift vehicle with great commercial utility. * Mini-Starship also can be used to come back direct from the Moon. * Mini-Starship can be refuelled for TMI by single Falcon Heavy launch.
I have a tentative reservation at Isla Blanca RV park on the southern tip of South Padre for the 16-18. Haven't planned beyond that. If they scrub after fueling it will be a few days before they can try again because of how many shipments it will take to replenish the fuel stores.
This is what I want to know because I will probably be 50 nm due south of galveston.
I doubt you'd see anything. If it stages at 200,000 ft, that would be about 7 degrees above the horizon. Being so low to the horizon you'd be looking through a lot of air, and it's in the day time. I think it would be pretty hard to see anything from that far.
No, I don't care what CNN or MSNBC said this time
Ad Lunam
This is what I want to know because I will probably be 50 nm due south of galveston.
I doubt you'd see anything. If it stages at 200,000 ft, that would be about 7 degrees above the horizon. Being so low to the horizon you'd be looking through a lot of air, and it's in the day time. I think it would be pretty hard to see anything from that far.
I think the launch trajectory will go east-southeast, agreed that it'll be very difficult to see during the day, even with how bright the plume will be.