I dont have a problem with LOR-LOR with a lander. What you cannot safety do though, is launch a manned spacecraft at the moon without enough dV to return from its final orbit. Launching with no way home sans a rendevous, especially to lunar orbit, is suicidally reckless. All it takes is a relatively minor set of failures, and you're stuck with a manned spacecraft, watching astronauts slowly die from starvation and oxygen deprivation.
What I'm arguing against is the concept we must launch the TLI transfer stage, and the craft/return vessel aboard the same rocket, which is what Apollo and now SLS are doing. We have a perfectly functional 65ton to LEO launch vehicle, there's no reason we could use it to put a transfer stage into orbit, rendezvous with it to perform TLI, and then make LOR with gateway or a lander.
You would end up with more effective mass to lunar orbit anyway, especially redsigning a stage as a vacumn only vheicle. We talk about Saturn 5 and ~155 tons to LEO, but only 45 or so of that was TLI, SLS will only take about 42 tons, all the rest of the mass is in the transfer stage. Why not focus on a 65 ton transfer stage based on newer rl10s, or a resurrected j2. Take orion and build a better SM to bring the weight up to 65 tons so it has the dV necessary to perform LLO insertion, and either man rate falcon heavy, or have a dragon mission drop a crew off.
You can do EOR with a minimum of new development( an IDA on top of a centaur or ICPS for transfer isn't the most challenging structure to build, let's be honest...) now, and start what, if they're offered as fixed price and not cost + contracts, should be a relatively easy design process of a new transfer stagedesign, and an enlarged SM.
The concept has been around since the 50s, and was the backup plan, using the S1-b, if the combustion instability couldn't be solve in the f1 engines. It was also the plan Glushko was pushing to go lunar when the Soviets shut him down. We're much better at rendevous in LEO now.
As stupid as it sounds, if you do the numbers, the triple launch method is STILL about a billion cheaper than an sls...