It's also really tall and has a big lift capability!nortex97 said:
There's always going to be something going wrong with this ludicrously complex $4 billion single-use dinosaur they have constructed from outdated frankenstein parts at elaborate cost.
It will be a miracle if it ever takes off and performs as advertised, just as one would expect from an evolution of the grossly more expensive than planned space shuttle launch system it is descended from. As though we didn't waste enough money on the space shuttle for 4 decades, when we coulda just kept doing Saturn V launches. At least the shuttle was nominally re-usable. I hope they at least get some great camera shots/video of the tank/RS-25's plunging haplessly into the ocean.
But anyway, it's a big rocket, built without using Russian parts. I just wanted to say something nice about it on this thread.
You know, if they figure out how to get through the procedure