Operation Toussaint

7,564 Views | 79 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by TexAggee05
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ANSC Ag said:

I guess the documentary was the first time it was explained to me how pervasive it is. Unlike you, I haven't really been aware of it and haven't been anywhere I saw it. It was shocking to me.

To my original point about good men doing nothing. If you in your travels and others like you had decided to become a Tim Ballard instead of whatever you do, I wonder how much of this stuff would exist. Same goes for drugs, prostitution,etc. I'm not a SJW. Far from it. However, as I get older I think about the whole good men doing nothing idea more and more. What am I witnessing/exposed to that I could help fix? What doesn't even register with me that might be a fixable societal problem? We get busy in the day to day and keeping that afloat. I believe that these different types of evil rely on that fact knowing it will prevent us from action.
When it comes to drugs I've taken proactive steps in the past.
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And speaking of taking a general statement and turning it, there's a fine line between caring about something and letting it completely consume your life. Not every oddball comment, joke in poor taste, or otherwise dumb statement indicts someone as a pedophile.

There was a thread on here quoting a has been comedian saying she'd name her kid Juan Epstein, the Puerto Rican Jewish character from Welcome Back Kotter. That was apparently proof positive she's a pedophile drinking vanilla cream diet adrenochrome.

Hanlon's razor

Take the Olympic gymnastics approach to life and politics. Throw out the extreme ends and know real life is in the middle.

Wait. I said Olympic gymnastics. I must be a pedophile.
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I think the term "sex trafficking" is maybe too broad. Do the women who legally work the booths in Amsterdam count? Does the hotel prostitute count? Neither of these groups of women would meet my definition of victim, but I'm sure they're conflated when the two million figure is thrown around. It's called the world's oldest profession for good reason. Prostitution is not always a black and white, good vs evil kind of thing.

Obviously, underage girls that are actually forced into it is a different matter.
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letmeinnow said:

I know is completely off topic, however, do not come out here with your BS about masks!! The only reason I wear a mask is because I can't do a GD thing without one. Can't eat at a restaurant, can't get groceries, can't get a drink and a snack at a convenience store. Can't go into my bank. Everywhere I turn, there is a sign on door about having to have a mask to enter.

Ah, but see you're a sheep. And weak. Because you just want to get milk without fighting with a 17yo at HEB.
Get Off My Lawn
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A. The numbers of missing/trafficked kids being tossed around are mind boggling.
B. They're so shocking, that I struggle to believe them. After all, shocking statistics often come from interest groups who want the shock value.
C. That said; any kidnapping or parent selling their child is horrifying
D. What's the market? Your own kids that you love are a PITA. Trafficking them must be even harder. Where's all this $ coming from? And even if there are a million active pedophiles across this country - you still don't need 1 kid per...
E. Logistically, how can more than 1% of this country's children be sex slaves right now, under our noses, without rings being busted everywhere and constantly?!

I mean, it's a righteous cause regardless of the number of kids, but I struggle to get on board any cause whose premise seems outrageous.
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I don't think all the kids are from here or even here currently. The documentary is primarily about children from Haiti.

Might be closer to home than you think.

Roll the Bones
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I saw a fascinating interview on Mark Levin's show last year with Jaco Booyens about this topic. It is not available on YouTube apparently but he has a lot of other interviews there about this topic. It's frightening.

Here is one with Mike Huckabee.

He also has a TED talk about the subject.

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Get Off My Lawn said:

A. The numbers of missing/trafficked kids being tossed around are mind boggling.
B. They're so shocking, that I struggle to believe them. After all, shocking statistics often come from interest groups who want the shock value.
C. That said; any kidnapping or parent selling their child is horrifying
D. What's the market? Your own kids that you love are a PITA. Trafficking them must be even harder. Where's all this $ coming from? And even if there are a million active pedophiles across this country - you still don't need 1 kid per...
E. Logistically, how can more than 1% of this country's children be sex slaves right now, under our noses, without rings being busted everywhere and constantly?!

I mean, it's a righteous cause regardless of the number of kids, but I struggle to get on board any cause whose premise seems outrageous.

I'd take those missing children numbers with a grain of salt. The vast majority of children reported missing are runaways. Usually these children return home, but the family never makes a follow-up report. The children then stay in the NCIC system indefinitely, unless they come into contact with the police during some other incident.

I can't tell you how many times I went to to take a report of a missing child on to find out that the child was still listed as missing from the last time they ran away.
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Get Off My Lawn said:

A. The numbers of missing/trafficked kids being tossed around are mind boggling.
B. They're so shocking, that I struggle to believe them. After all, shocking statistics often come from interest groups who want the shock value.
C. That said; any kidnapping or parent selling their child is horrifying
D. What's the market? Your own kids that you love are a PITA. Trafficking them must be even harder. Where's all this $ coming from? And even if there are a million active pedophiles across this country - you still don't need 1 kid per...
E. Logistically, how can more than 1% of this country's children be sex slaves right now, under our noses, without rings being busted everywhere and constantly?!

I mean, it's a righteous cause regardless of the number of kids, but I struggle to get on board any cause whose premise seems outrageous.

As for C, wanna take a guess about the national number of Amber Alerts issued in say 2018?

With so many kids being kidnapped, we'd see a high number of Amber alerts, right?
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Is Human Sex Trafficking the new 1980s Satan Worhsippers and 1990s Pedo Daycare? I see lots of women on Facebook clutching pearls because they bumped against a weird man at the mall they were sure was trying to abduct their teen daughter for sex slavery but they never file a police report they just post on Social Media. I also see lots of news headlines about local cops busting sex traffickers but it usually turns out oonly one or two old mamasans end up with any charges and no Marco from Tropojas to be found.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post reflect the opinions of Texags user bonfarr and are not to be accepted as facts or to be accepted at face value.
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ANSC Ag said:

Heavy stuff. It's a couple years old, but relevant.

The world of child trafficking can hide in plain sight because it's so evil that it doesn't even register with the normal citizen because they can't comprehend that type of world existing.

2 million kids currently are sex slaves. The US is the number 1 consumer. Think about that. We're number one. If the only thing evil needs to succeed if for good men to do nothing, they are they really that good of men?

The US is the most diverse country on the planet, this should not shock you. It's amazing that people think you can throw wildly different cultures and people into a blender and expect it to work.

The US in 1960 had very little problem with this issue and it was almost 90% white. Large portions of the country had almost no crime at all and people left their doors unlocked everywhere. This used to be the norm. Now? People are buying guns at record rates and people barely feel comfortable being in public without being armed.
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bonfarr said:

Is Human Sex Trafficking the new 1980s Satan Worhsippers and 1990s Pedo Daycare? I see lots of women on Facebook clutching pearls because they bumped against a weird man at the mall they were sure was trying to abduct their teen daughter for sex slavery but they never file a police report they just post on Social Media. I also see lots of news headlines about local cops busting sex traffickers but it usually turns out oonly one or two old mamasans end up with any charges and no Marco from Tropojas to be found.

Sex trafficking is this country usually involves immigrants or other at risk groups getting involved with pimps. Think Asian massage parlors or street prostitution.

The Taken style, where otherwise normal individuals get kidnapped and sold as sex slaves is almost non existent. I don't want to say it's never happened, but it's so rare that it's not worth anybody worrying about.
Brutal Puffin
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Craig Sawyer's organization: https://www.vets4childrescue.org

Craig's movie Contraland:

About 10 minutes from the end, Craig lists some different organizations that are combatting this scourge.
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It's usually runaways or drug addicts being turned out by their "friend". Some times the victim doesn't even realize they are being trafficked.
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ANSC Ag said:

Heavy stuff. It's a couple years old, but relevant.

The world of child trafficking can hide in plain sight because it's so evil that it doesn't even register with the normal citizen because they can't comprehend that type of world existing.

2 million kids currently are sex slaves. The US is the number 1 consumer. Think about that. We're number one. If the only thing evil needs to succeed if for good men to do nothing, they are they really that good of men?

This rated on. Per capita basis? If not...China says hi.
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How about controlling border and then going after the bad guys on foreign soil. Once they cross our borders and start trafficking then our guys go after them in there home countries.

But first, control the border and stop allowing traffickers into our country.

You know why Democrats don't want to stop trafficking? Because those young victims will one day vote democratic.
Johnny Danger
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57 STATES! said:


QAnon Followers Are Hijacking the #SaveTheChildren Movement


The idea, in a nutshell, is to create a groundswell of concern by flooding social media with posts about human trafficking, joining parenting Facebook groups and glomming on to hashtag campaigns like #SaveTheChildren, which began as a legitimate fund-raising campaign for the Save the Children charity. Then followers can shift the conversation to baseless theories about who they believe is doing the trafficking: a cabal of nefarious elites that includes Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Pope Francis.

Part of the strategy's perverse brilliance is that child sex trafficking is a real, horrible thing, and some politically connected people, including the financier Jeffrey Epstein, have been credibly accused of exploiting underage girls. And speaking out against child exploitation, no matter your politics, is far from an objectionable stance.

"It's probably one of the key things that's attractive about QAnon," said Marc-Andr Argentino, a doctoral student at Concordia University who studies QAnon's social media presence. "Everyone agrees that child trafficking is very bad, and the argument QAnon makes is, 'If you're against us talking about this, you're in favor of child trafficking.'"
Sometimes, QAnon followers spin factual information in a way that serves their aims. Last week, an Associated Press article about a $35 million Trump administration grant to organizations that house trafficking survivors became one of the most-shared stories on Facebook, after QAnon groups picked it up and cited it as evidence that President Trump's secret crusade against elite pedophiles was underway.

Other times, the strategy involves latching on to conspiracy theories and inserting QAnon talking points. Weeks ago, influencers on TikTok and Instagram began speculating about baseless allegations that Wayfair, an online furniture site, was trafficking children under the guise of selling expensive cabinets. The conspiracy theory went viral, and QAnon believers began sprinkling in their own supposedly incriminating details. They claimed, falsely, that a Wayfair employee had once been photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell, who has been charged with recruiting underage girls for Mr. Epstein.

These allegations merged in the popular imagination, and soon unsuspecting people were sharing wild conspiracy theories that came straight from QAnon orthodoxy.

If all else fails, blame Q. Got it, Q is the problem.
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Johnny Danger said:

57 STATES! said:


QAnon Followers Are Hijacking the #SaveTheChildren Movement


The idea, in a nutshell, is to create a groundswell of concern by flooding social media with posts about human trafficking, joining parenting Facebook groups and glomming on to hashtag campaigns like #SaveTheChildren, which began as a legitimate fund-raising campaign for the Save the Children charity. Then followers can shift the conversation to baseless theories about who they believe is doing the trafficking: a cabal of nefarious elites that includes Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Pope Francis.

Part of the strategy's perverse brilliance is that child sex trafficking is a real, horrible thing, and some politically connected people, including the financier Jeffrey Epstein, have been credibly accused of exploiting underage girls. And speaking out against child exploitation, no matter your politics, is far from an objectionable stance.

"It's probably one of the key things that's attractive about QAnon," said Marc-Andr Argentino, a doctoral student at Concordia University who studies QAnon's social media presence. "Everyone agrees that child trafficking is very bad, and the argument QAnon makes is, 'If you're against us talking about this, you're in favor of child trafficking.'"
Sometimes, QAnon followers spin factual information in a way that serves their aims. Last week, an Associated Press article about a $35 million Trump administration grant to organizations that house trafficking survivors became one of the most-shared stories on Facebook, after QAnon groups picked it up and cited it as evidence that President Trump's secret crusade against elite pedophiles was underway.

Other times, the strategy involves latching on to conspiracy theories and inserting QAnon talking points. Weeks ago, influencers on TikTok and Instagram began speculating about baseless allegations that Wayfair, an online furniture site, was trafficking children under the guise of selling expensive cabinets. The conspiracy theory went viral, and QAnon believers began sprinkling in their own supposedly incriminating details. They claimed, falsely, that a Wayfair employee had once been photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell, who has been charged with recruiting underage girls for Mr. Epstein.

These allegations merged in the popular imagination, and soon unsuspecting people were sharing wild conspiracy theories that came straight from QAnon orthodoxy.

If all else fails, blame Q. Got it, Q is the problem.

Blame Q for what? And be specific for once.
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Can you help us understand some things a normal person can do? Maybe tell us what you are doing to combat it so we have an example.
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FCBlitz said:

How about controlling border and then going after the bad guys on foreign soil. Once they cross our borders and start trafficking then our guys go after them in there home countries.

But first, control the border and stop allowing traffickers into our country.

You know why Democrats don't want to stop trafficking? Because those young victims will one day vote democratic.

Finally someone brought it home. 2 million Tom Hanks child trafficking victims will ultimately vote Democratic, probably fraudulently by mail once they're almost of age to vote.

The gig is up. Everyone scram!
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SLAM said:

ANSC Ag said:

Heavy stuff. It's a couple years old, but relevant.

The world of child trafficking can hide in plain sight because it's so evil that it doesn't even register with the normal citizen because they can't comprehend that type of world existing.

2 million kids currently are sex slaves. The US is the number 1 consumer. Think about that. We're number one. If the only thing evil needs to succeed if for good men to do nothing, they are they really that good of men?

The US is the most diverse country on the planet, this should not shock you. It's amazing that people think you can throw wildly different cultures and people into a blender and expect it to work.

The US in 1960 had very little problem with this issue and it was almost 90% white. Large portions of the country had almost no crime at all and people left their doors unlocked everywhere. This used to be the norm. Now? People are buying guns at record rates and people barely feel comfortable being in public without being armed.

So the reason child trafficking shouldn't be shocking is because the country is now diverse? Not like the '60s where 90% of the country was white, with large portions of the country with no crime and doors unlocked everywhere, yada, yada?

McVeigh finds that racially insensitive.

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Get Off My Lawn said:

A. The numbers of missing/trafficked kids being tossed around are mind boggling.
B. They're so shocking, that I struggle to believe them. After all, shocking statistics often come from interest groups who want the shock value.
C. That said; any kidnapping or parent selling their child is horrifying
D. What's the market? Your own kids that you love are a PITA. Trafficking them must be even harder. Where's all this $ coming from? And even if there are a million active pedophiles across this country - you still don't need 1 kid per...
E. Logistically, how can more than 1% of this country's children be sex slaves right now, under our noses, without rings being busted everywhere and constantly?!

I mean, it's a righteous cause regardless of the number of kids, but I struggle to get on board any cause whose premise seems outrageous.

The numbers remind me of the many thousands that die annually from second hand smoke. I never believed that one for a second.
I am a slave of Christ
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PneumAg said:

ANSC Ag said:

I don't understand your post. You think it doesn't exist or think there's nothing you can really do?

Where are these children coming from? How do they become sex slaves? Who is selling them? Who is buying them? Where are they kept? What does the business structure look like? Where is the money trail? What banks are involved? What other companies are involved? What is law enforcement doing about it? Are there any specific cases or events you can point to? What are we supposed to be doing about it?

Any of that information would help your cause in this thread.
I imagine that a lot of it is teenage runaways who head for a strange city, meet a pimp, and end up being pimped out.
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UnderoosAg said:

letmeinnow said:

I know is completely off topic, however, do not come out here with your BS about masks!! The only reason I wear a mask is because I can't do a GD thing without one. Can't eat at a restaurant, can't get groceries, can't get a drink and a snack at a convenience store. Can't go into my bank. Everywhere I turn, there is a sign on door about having to have a mask to enter.

Ah, but see you're a sheep. And weak. Because you just want to get milk without fighting with a 17yo at HEB.

Given your handle, you might want to step back in the hedges, or at least tone down your aggressiveness.
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My close friend is on a Pedo Task Force with a large Police force. One of the saintly officers that spend their day tracking crimes against children, kidnappings and mostly pedo's online.

He took the job as a big promotion just before getting married and now feels like he can't leave it. He's one of the best in the business, saved a lot of kids and there aren't many willing to go this path.

Its nearly impossible to just have a beer with him now though. The guy breaks down. The horrible stuff he has come across is just mind boggling. What is interesting is 99% of it all is shielded from the public.

High profile kidnappings make the news, they find the kid dumped in a field or woods and that kinda ends it as the news is concerned. Often its a much more horrific scenario.

One absolutely horrible one that relates to sex trafficking was a baby farm. A place out in the country where "slave" women were regularly impregnated and the babies/toddlers sold to the highest bidders.

If you wanted a 2 year old, you waited while they grew one kinda thing if they didn't have one in stock or they sell a baby to some perv to raise or whatever in his basement.

The worst part for my friend is they found out about this operation and they let it continue for some time while they could try and figure out who all was involved. Were there more, who were the buyers, etc....

The police and courts did not allow the story to reach the public.

So I don't want to be long here but I imagine the same thing happens across North America to some extent. The important take is there is a big chunk of pretty crazy **** that gets shielded from public view.

On the 2 million human trafficking number, my understanding is that includes illegal aliens to a significant extent as quasi slave labour. Ie. they have handlers that are like a job placement firm and they are provided shelter a place to work but are indentured to pay a significant portion of their income to their handler. Like a pimp, its not just sex.

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Sorry, I just realized the claim is 2 million children being sex trafficked.

I'm not going to argue. I have three young ones of my own and am going to unfortunately reserve the right to not think about this for my own sanity. I have a great friend working on this daily, I support him as best I can as a friend and thats as far as I am going.
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I donated
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Grapes said:

Sorry, I just realized the claim is 2 million children being sex trafficked.

I'm not going to argue. I have three young ones of my own and am going to unfortunately reserve the right to not think about this for my own sanity. I have a great friend working on this daily, I support him as best I can as a friend and thats as far as I am going.

You're kIds are safe as long as they have a healthy home environment, avoid becoming drug addicts, and you remain a loving parent. There are outliers of course but this isn't the epidemic that people think it is.

Think of it like molestation. Who is your kid more likely to be molested by, some stranger or a family member? You're not going to have to fly to Europe to shoot a dozen men to find your kids.

Most trafficking is slave labor and much of it is due to illegal immigration and visa issues. Africa has an issue where young people are sponsored to come to America and then their documents are taken and then they are enslaved. That happened in our community a few years back.
Shooz in Katy
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Grapes said:

My close friend is on a Pedo Task Force with a large Police force. One of the saintly officers that spend their day tracking crimes against children, kidnappings and mostly pedo's online.

He took the job as a big promotion just before getting married and now feels like he can't leave it. He's one of the best in the business, saved a lot of kids and there aren't many willing to go this path.

Its nearly impossible to just have a beer with him now though. The guy breaks down. The horrible stuff he has come across is just mind boggling. What is interesting is 99% of it all is shielded from the public.

High profile kidnappings make the news, they find the kid dumped in a field or woods and that kinda ends it as the news is concerned. Often its a much more horrific scenario.

One absolutely horrible one that relates to sex trafficking was a baby farm. A place out in the country where "slave" women were regularly impregnated and the babies/toddlers sold to the highest bidders.

If you wanted a 2 year old, you waited while they grew one kinda thing if they didn't have one in stock or they sell a baby to some perv to raise or whatever in his basement.

The worst part for my friend is they found out about this operation and they let it continue for some time while they could try and figure out who all was involved. Were there more, who were the buyers, etc....

The police and courts did not allow the story to reach the public.

So I don't want to be long here but I imagine the same thing happens across North America to some extent. The important take is there is a big chunk of pretty crazy **** that gets shielded from public view.

On the 2 million human trafficking number, my understanding is that includes illegal aliens to a significant extent as quasi slave labour. Ie. they have handlers that are like a job placement firm and they are provided shelter a place to work but are indentured to pay a significant portion of their income to their handler. Like a pimp, its not just sex.

In what city is this large police force? This is absolutely horrifying.
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Grapes said:

My close friend is on a Pedo Task Force with a large Police force. One of the saintly officers that spend their day tracking crimes against children, kidnappings and mostly pedo's online.

He took the job as a big promotion just before getting married and now feels like he can't leave it. He's one of the best in the business, saved a lot of kids and there aren't many willing to go this path.

Its nearly impossible to just have a beer with him now though. The guy breaks down. The horrible stuff he has come across is just mind boggling. What is interesting is 99% of it all is shielded from the public.

High profile kidnappings make the news, they find the kid dumped in a field or woods and that kinda ends it as the news is concerned. Often its a much more horrific scenario.

One absolutely horrible one that relates to sex trafficking was a baby farm. A place out in the country where "slave" women were regularly impregnated and the babies/toddlers sold to the highest bidders.

If you wanted a 2 year old, you waited while they grew one kinda thing if they didn't have one in stock or they sell a baby to some perv to raise or whatever in his basement.

The worst part for my friend is they found out about this operation and they let it continue for some time while they could try and figure out who all was involved. Were there more, who were the buyers, etc....

The police and courts did not allow the story to reach the public.

So I don't want to be long here but I imagine the same thing happens across North America to some extent. The important take is there is a big chunk of pretty crazy **** that gets shielded from public view.

On the 2 million human trafficking number, my understanding is that includes illegal aliens to a significant extent as quasi slave labour. Ie. they have handlers that are like a job placement firm and they are provided shelter a place to work but are indentured to pay a significant portion of their income to their handler. Like a pimp, its not just sex.

Tell your friend, who is forever changed, that "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

You friends is one of those men. Be his friend. Pray for him. He shoulders a heavy load. Be there if he ever needs you.

My heart goes out to him.
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Faustus said:

SLAM said:

ANSC Ag said:

Heavy stuff. It's a couple years old, but relevant.

The world of child trafficking can hide in plain sight because it's so evil that it doesn't even register with the normal citizen because they can't comprehend that type of world existing.

2 million kids currently are sex slaves. The US is the number 1 consumer. Think about that. We're number one. If the only thing evil needs to succeed if for good men to do nothing, they are they really that good of men?

The US is the most diverse country on the planet, this should not shock you. It's amazing that people think you can throw wildly different cultures and people into a blender and expect it to work.

The US in 1960 had very little problem with this issue and it was almost 90% white. Large portions of the country had almost no crime at all and people left their doors unlocked everywhere. This used to be the norm. Now? People are buying guns at record rates and people barely feel comfortable being in public without being armed.

So the reason child trafficking shouldn't be shocking is because the country is now diverse? Not like the '60s where 90% of the country was white, with large portions of the country with no crime and doors unlocked everywhere, yada, yada?

McVeigh finds that racially insensitive.

West Virginia has none of these issues and it's 94% white despite it being the poorest state in the country.

And diversity always brings things like this. Just go look at the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal. That's exactly what happens when you bring diversity.
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Location - Large Democrat Run Cities

Who - Wealthy Deviant Sadistic &@'ers

How - Supported by wealthy individuals and companies owned/controlled by wealthy individuals and wealthy groups with thugs for protection! SEE MAXWELL, EPSTEIN, CLINTON, etc...

FOLLOW THE MONEY - politicians, actors, musicians, lawyers, corporate executives, and the deep state perverts, deviants, and LBGTQ mafia that believes sex with children is a right!
Liberals are Damn Liars! Terminate Section 230! It has been ONLY 72!hours since my last banning for defending my conservative values against liberal snowflake cupcakes and the LIBERAL Mod’s that protect them! Fairness is a myth! Stop trying to silence us! Decent LAW ABIDING HUMAN BEINGS MATTER and so do our voices. When you protect the wicked, the Anarchist, the deviant, you become One of them!

ALL LIVES MATTER - I support police and motorcycle riders. Patriot Gun Owners Unite!
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Grapes said:

My close friend is on a Pedo Task Force with a large Police force. One of the saintly officers that spend their day tracking crimes against children, kidnappings and mostly pedo's online.

He took the job as a big promotion just before getting married and now feels like he can't leave it. He's one of the best in the business, saved a lot of kids and there aren't many willing to go this path.

Its nearly impossible to just have a beer with him now though. The guy breaks down. The horrible stuff he has come across is just mind boggling. What is interesting is 99% of it all is shielded from the public.

High profile kidnappings make the news, they find the kid dumped in a field or woods and that kinda ends it as the news is concerned. Often its a much more horrific scenario.

One absolutely horrible one that relates to sex trafficking was a baby farm. A place out in the country where "slave" women were regularly impregnated and the babies/toddlers sold to the highest bidders.

If you wanted a 2 year old, you waited while they grew one kinda thing if they didn't have one in stock or they sell a baby to some perv to raise or whatever in his basement.

The worst part for my friend is they found out about this operation and they let it continue for some time while they could try and figure out who all was involved. Were there more, who were the buyers, etc....

The police and courts did not allow the story to reach the public.

So I don't want to be long here but I imagine the same thing happens across North America to some extent. The important take is there is a big chunk of pretty crazy **** that gets shielded from public view.

On the 2 million human trafficking number, my understanding is that includes illegal aliens to a significant extent as quasi slave labour. Ie. they have handlers that are like a job placement firm and they are provided shelter a place to work but are indentured to pay a significant portion of their income to their handler. Like a pimp, its not just sex.

Why the hell do they shield the public from this? If I was a cop, I would release all of the info because at that point **** my job, the public deserves to know. If they have arrested every single person involved and the case is done, then why keep it secret?

Decisions like this convince me more and more that the Judges and the legal system is involved and is actively covering this stuff up because they either support it or know people in it. There are no other reasons to ever keep this secret.

Also, pedos should be shot on the spot. If you're caught raping a child you should die, no trial involved. When even prisoners understand, such as this video below, then it should be the norm.

The prisoners did a public service.

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