OK, apologize for the wall of words, but this is a pet peeve of mine.
Google/Twitter/Facebook market position is very similar to the market position of TV station's in the 60's. There was only so much radio bandwidth to go around, and so the siphon of information available to the public was through a very narrow straw.
The response to that was to get stations that licensed radio spectrum to agree to some amount of regulation on the content that they could carry, and take a neutral position on political issues.
Google, Twitter and Facebook are in a unique position in that they are powerhouses because they became giants at the dawn of the internet age, much like Standard Oil at the beginning of the age of the internal combustion engine. Standard Oil was not the first oil company, but they made smart market moves that put them in a place of extreme market power when they were at their peak.
Google, Twitter and Facebook are in the position that they are in due to network effects. They are successful because they are big. They got big because: 1) they were good (they still are); and 2) people trusted them to be fair and neutral (they are no where even in the same universe as fair anymore). Now that they are big, they don't even have to pretend to be fair anymore. They are big because they offer decent products, the internet is young, they have acquired all of their competitors, and fighting network effects is hard.
Together, acting as an oligopoly, these three hold a very dangerous position in our society as de facto stewards of the truth. This should never be. There really isn't even a question as to whether or not this concentration of information flow is unhealthy. It absolutely is.
The question is what to do about it. Possible answers:
1) Nothing. Let the free market do its thing. Everything absolutely will play out for the better in the end, I believe that, but that process might include a shooting war and real revolution, which won't be pretty.
2) Break up the monopolies. Here, you make Google divest of youtube. You might also make them break up units including Android, Gmail, Adwords, Maps, etc. This, I believe, would destroy significant value. Google's business strategy is to be as creepy as legally possible to figure out exactly who you are, and sell you as an ad to people who think you are likely to buy their product. Breaking up the pieces disrupts this business model. I think that would be bad.
3) Regulate them as monopolies. Here, you force transparency and disclosure, and put legal limits on levels of creepiness. Make Google tell them what you they are doing. Tell them they can't do certain things. The levels of creepiness that Google does or at least has done at one time includes:
- always recording everything you say within earshot of your phone,
- converting your cell phone calls into wi-fi calls while you are at home so they can record your conversations (making that upgrade mandatory to continue using your android phone whether you like it or not),
- scanning your email,
- scanning your web posts on google chrome,
- scanning your documents on that you host on the google cloud, etc, etc, etc.
They have gotten very good at predicting who you are by looking over your shoulders when you are in your PJs.
Furthermore, Google manipulates what you see. Not only do they direct you to places that make them more money, they direct you to places that they think will make you a better citizen, at least in Google's eyes. When they say "don't be evil" they aren't just talking about themselves, they are talking about
you, and Google is the one that gets to define evil. Non-socialists beware. Regulation would require them to have an objective standard of who is getting censored, disclose when someone is getting censored and how, give people a way to protest getting censored, report to others who they censored and why, and generally provide transparency on their moderation decisions (hi mods
This reform is coming within the next decade or two, in one form or another. At some point, more of this stuff is going to leak out. If not through government regulation, then an Eric Snowden style truth bomb is going to come out, and people are going to be appalled.