The Vaccine

7,100 Views | 74 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Ol_Ag_02
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Cant Think of a Name said:

Rushing a vaccine without having any idea about longterm effects of said vaccine on a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

What could possibly go wrong?

B-1 83
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Cant Think of a Name said:

Rushing a vaccine without having any idea about longterm effects of said vaccine on a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Are there modern day examples of a vaccine having long term side effects (autism bull #$@& aside)?
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Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:

I volunteer all Libs , democrats, Antifa , and BLM to take this vaccine first.

Isn't that all the anti vaxxers?
Stinky T
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B-1 83 said:

Cant Think of a Name said:

Rushing a vaccine without having any idea about longterm effects of said vaccine on a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Are there modern day examples of a vaccine having long term side effects (autism bull #$@& aside)?

There are zero examples of what happens with an RNA vaccine in humans.
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not getting that vaccine until it has been out longer. i am low risk so there is no need to risk an unproven vaccine which could cause greater side affects than the disease itself.


especially when there are proven treatments on the market.
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Ags4DaWin said:

not getting that vaccine until it has been out longer. i am low risk so there is no need to risk an unproven vaccine which could cause greater side affects than the disease itself.
This. I'm not even an anti vax type of guy. But I am an anti "first round of the quickest vaccine turnaround in history(I think) for something that doesn't affect many healthy 34 year olds in the first place", type of guy.

There will be plenty of people willing to get it that are terrified of this virus to all but eradicate the thing. Really, you only need about 10-20% vaccinated to make all the difference we need. Healthcare workers and those consider high risk: Elderly, diabetic, morbidly obese, etc. Give it to them and this thing is all but gone. Don't need many of the healthy to get it. Heck, by then, the healthy 20/30 year old population will likely have already spread it and built up their immunity to it anyways.
Ol Army 01
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Ags4DaWin said:

not getting that vaccine until it has been out longer. i am low risk so there is no need to risk an unproven vaccine which could cause greater side affects than the disease itself.
I have to second this opinion; also we all have to be prepared for the introduction of ID2020. From Bill and Melinda Gates, , they are just really concerned for everyone's well being.

Be wary, do your homework and do not compromise your beliefs!
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Aside from triggering a fatal pneumonia, it seems to have lasting effects more similar to other common colds caused by Others coronaviruses. If your body doesn't overreact, almost all people tend to recover fully is what I am seeing. Sure, it probably isn't fun if you get a serious case.
Right, I'm just thinking "only 0.1% fatal" doesn't capture the full weight of the impact of this virus. For instance, it might be more productive to report the hospitalization rate, rather than just those who eventually die. That might be a more informative metric for this thing.
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Teacher here.
I'm not getting a ****ing unproven, light tested vaccine.

I will go to work every day, however, with no mask, no fear, and no reservations.
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It'll be ironic if the fDA acceptable fatality rate for the vaccine is higher than the ultimate fatality rate for CoVID 19 for most categories of people.
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Cromagnum said:

Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:

I volunteer all Libs , democrats, Antifa , and BLM to take this vaccine first.

Isn't that all the anti vaxxers?

I prefer to think of them as useless sheep. My guess is no they are not all the anti vaxxers. But I am very supportive of them being first in line for this vaccine.
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30K people volunteered for this? That is 30K people who are "hold my beer" folks.

No thanks.
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MassAggie97 said:


Aside from triggering a fatal pneumonia, it seems to have lasting effects more similar to other common colds caused by Others coronaviruses. If your body doesn't overreact, almost all people tend to recover fully is what I am seeing. Sure, it probably isn't fun if you get a serious case.
Right, I'm just thinking "only 0.1% fatal" doesn't capture the full weight of the impact of this virus. For instance, it might be more productive to report the hospitalization rate, rather than just those who eventually die. That might be a more informative metric for this thing.
. Now do heart disease and when we'll be mandating what people can eat and how often they go to the gym. ... also, no elective procedures for the obese...
Buck Turgidson
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No freaking way am I taking that. Covid is an overhyped threat and the odds that a rushed vaccine pushed by highly untrustworthy characters will have severe negative consequences is way too high.
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. Now do heart disease and when we'll be mandating what people can eat and how often they go to the gym. ... also, no elective procedures for the obese...
Okay? A little out of left field, no? I'm just saying the low fatality rate is thrown around usually without the context that fatality is not the only bad outcome.

I really have no idea what point you're making here and how it pertains to the discussion about fatality rate, especially since heart disease is not contagious.
Definitely Not A Cop
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MassAggie97 said:


. Now do heart disease and when we'll be mandating what people can eat and how often they go to the gym. ... also, no elective procedures for the obese...
Okay? A little out of left field, no? I'm just saying the low fatality rate is thrown around usually without the context that fatality is not the only bad outcome.

I really have no idea what point you're making here and how it pertains to the discussion about fatality rate, especially since heart disease is not contagious.

Transmissible, no. Contagious, I would disagree. We see a sharp spike in heart disease and diabetes over US's history when they invented the food pyramid and began indoctrinating people as the healthy way to live in our schools. Because the people who made it were bribed by the cereal companies. It's absolutely addictive behavior that was sponsored by our government for 40-50 years.

Anyways, I understand what you are saying and don't want to derail the thread. But it just pisses me off no one will ever be held accountable for that.
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1) I could have sworn phase 3 trials started a couple of weeks ago...could be wrong

2) We need a vaccine...whether you are pro vaccine or not, it's a very important step in getting rid of this ****

3) I will trust my family that is in clinical research. So far, they are okay with the idea of taking such a vaccine. Part of the "rush" vaccine is the operation "Warp Speed"...with nearly unlimited funds being thrown at it and a reduction in bureaucratic bs. Companies are not having to get funding for phase 1....pausing and getting funding for phase 2, etc. We often cry about government bs and how long it takes to build a road or nuclear plant, but when funds are made available and the "road cleared" for **** to should be applauded.
Courtesy Flush
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SNES Chalmers said:

Maroon Elephant said:

If all goes well, how quickly can we get this to healthcare workers, military and teachers?

Hairstylists? Bartenders?
And roughnecks. Don't forget about the roughnecks.
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MassAggie97 said:


. Now do heart disease and when we'll be mandating what people can eat and how often they go to the gym. ... also, no elective procedures for the obese...
Okay? A little out of left field, no? I'm just saying the low fatality rate is thrown around usually without the context that fatality is not the only bad outcome.

I really have no idea what point you're making here and how it pertains to the discussion about fatality rate, especially since heart disease is not contagious.
It may not be contagious, but champ made a good point, and in addition, obesity is culturally accepted here in America and damn near encouraged by some. Fat shaming is seen as bad, but shaming a skinny person doesn't matter.

which can be more dangerous than a contagious disease because of the lack of caring and/or understanding/education about what being obese really does to our society.

As for your other point? My guess is, the long term damage is still something like 99.something% not to occur.
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Aggie95 said:

1) I could have sworn phase 3 trials started a couple of weeks ago...could be wrong

2) We need a vaccine...whether you are pro vaccine or not, it's a very important step in getting rid of this ****

3) I will trust my family that is in clinical research. So far, they are okay with the idea of taking such a vaccine. Part of the "rush" vaccine is the operation "Warp Speed"...with nearly unlimited funds being thrown at it and a reduction in bureaucratic bs. Companies are not having to get funding for phase 1....pausing and getting funding for phase 2, etc. We often cry about government bs and how long it takes to build a road or nuclear plant, but when funds are made available and the "road cleared" for **** to should be applauded.
Good to know. I'm 99.9% sure it will be safe. But I'm also 99.9% sure I'll live from covid, so that's a moot point

But even so, as a 34 year old healthy person, I'm still not sure it's worth it to be the first in line. I'd rather let more at risk people rush to get it first. It's not like we can vaccinate 329 million people in a week anyways. So the healthier, less risk people might as well sit back for a few months anyways while it's distributed to others more at risk, who have more of a reason to take it to begin with.

At the end of the day, we likely don't need 70 or 80% of the population to get the vaccine. I would bet 20% getting vaccinated could get us almost 100% back to the old normal. So no real reason to force people to anyways. More than enough will line up for it day 1.
Wyoming Aggie
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Yay, a vaccine that will be lucky to be 30% effective for a virus with a 99.99% survival rate.
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Stinky T said:

B-1 83 said:

Cant Think of a Name said:

Rushing a vaccine without having any idea about longterm effects of said vaccine on a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Are there modern day examples of a vaccine having long term side effects (autism bull #$@& aside)?

There are zero examples of what happens with an RNA vaccine in humans.
He asked any. I believe one of the ones (also from China? Or was it Vietnam? in the 70's saw a record vaccine turn-around of about 9 months, but kind of went really awry. At least a dozen known deaths. Maybe someone will recall better what it was. Its been so long. Maybe it was before Carter or Ford. But about in that range.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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RockTXAggie said:

Yay, a vaccine that will be lucky to be 30% effective for a virus with a 99.99% survival rate.
30% effective would have a wonderful impact on things. I don't know why people downplay the possible good that comes with a vaccine. It doesn't mean you have to get it. It doesn't guarantee it will work....but if we can reduce new infections by 30% (and reduce severity of symptoms by 30%) similar to how the flu vaccine does, that would be incredible and reduce the "stay at home...doom and gloom peeps" out there.
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4 out of 15 volunteers died from the vaccine in Ukraine. I don't think we're that close.
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This virus is basically SARS, thats why its real name is SARS-COVID 2

The research was very scary for SARS vaccines, that is why we are still waiting since 2003 for one.
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Everyone who is lining up to take one of these SARS vaccines should look at the news articles from 2003-2006 on the various potential SARS vaccines. Several of which went to rushed human trials....yet we have heard NOTHING about them.

Also research from Australian (could be New Zealand) researchers on the dangers of rats vaccinated with several versions of these SARS vaccines then being exposed to a virus....they all died.

Vaccine safety normally takes a decade.
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Aggie95 said:

1) I could have sworn phase 3 trials started a couple of weeks ago...could be wrong

2) We need a vaccine...whether you are pro vaccine or not, it's a very important step in getting rid of this ****

3) I will trust my family that is in clinical research. So far, they are okay with the idea of taking such a vaccine. Part of the "rush" vaccine is the operation "Warp Speed"...with nearly unlimited funds being thrown at it and a reduction in bureaucratic bs. Companies are not having to get funding for phase 1....pausing and getting funding for phase 2, etc. We often cry about government bs and how long it takes to build a road or nuclear plant, but when funds are made available and the "road cleared" for **** to should be applauded.
1) I believe that trial had problems

2) No, we need to open up and get over a virus less deadly than the flu.

3) You can trust what ever you want. We also complain about these companies being in BED with goverment, and being able to bypass safety requirements with bs loopholes. Or how many of them are filled with former members of the same people that set on goverment commissions to approve the products they made.

The research going into this new SARS virus is not new...and the past research from 2003 onward's is UGLY.

You can throw all the money at the problem, and remove all the red tape you want. It does not change the length of time and amount of studies that are required to verify something is "safe".
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googles godaddy
waits to profit

I won't buy a first year model vehicle, and those have warranties.
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will get it, day 1, without reservations
B-1 83
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Stinky T said:

B-1 83 said:

Cant Think of a Name said:

Rushing a vaccine without having any idea about longterm effects of said vaccine on a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Are there modern day examples of a vaccine having long term side effects (autism bull #$@& aside)?

There are zero examples of what happens with an RNA vaccine in humans.
What about this?
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gambochaman said:

will get it, day 1, without reservations
Thank you for beta testing for the rest of us and ignoring established vaccine safety science.

rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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