one safe place said:
Six decades later, there are still questions about the Kennedy assassination as it relations to a lone gunman and other matters. I wonder if, six decades from now, they will still be discussing whether biden died of natural causes or whether he got an assist.
A mere five decades later, pop-culture hive mind is 50/50 as to whether the entire Apollo program was a fake. The study of history has been replaced with a relentless push to erase and rewrite what happened to support the collectivist narrative of what human history should have been.
Biden's going to have a burnished and revered reputation half a century from now. The only thing that will prevent that is if the corrupt Democrat officials are arrested, tried, and punished for their crimes committed under the premise of official duties.
If the guilty are not publicly tried, fined, and jailed, then we continue sliding into the abyss. That's nearly impossible to envision.
Mercy to the guilty is punishment to the innocent.
~Adam Smith