Deats said:
Chance Chase McMasters said:
And this proves what?
It proves that in the Trump administration, unlike any other administration in my lifetime, the President directs foreign policy and does not cede those decisions to the Sec State, National Security Advisor, or Sec Def.
Can you believe the unmitigated gall of Donald Trump to
personally exercise the authority assigned to him under Article II and NOT let other people exercise it on behalf of the Interagency Group? Trump is trampling on 74 years of post-WWII tradition that men like Marshall, Acheson, Dulles, Rusk, McNamara, Clifford, Kissinger, Brzezinski (Zbigniew not Mika), Albright, John F***** Kerry, and Chase Chance McMasters worked to preserve. He's just p***ing all over their legacy of preserving the role of the US as doormat for dictators and spittoon for the UN.
Who the hell does Donald Trump think he is messing with the long established status quo and ignoring career civil servants? That takes balls. Giant. Brass. Balls.
In summary, he's doing exactly what his base elected him (with 304 electoral votes) to do in 2016. It's the reason that he's going to be reelected 11 months from now in a landslide that will set new records for crossover voters from the shell of what used to be the Democrat party before the Marxists hollowed it out from the center of its cold dead heart.
Speaking of cold dead hearts...