966,087 Views | 9220 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Pizza
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titan said:

Rockdoc said:

I wish the liberal posters who play the reverse logic posting games would just come out and say what they feel. They would be more respected (after all everybody is on one side or the other).
Very true. Take Chuck Todd's interview of Rand Paul. Todd kept trying to make it some kind of "so two wrongs make a right" when Rand's point was -- blatant one-sided "justice" that is consistently biased and unjust will produce a reaction where the other side doesn't care that you are suddenly acting concerned because you are not walking the talk.

He could have even added, sometimes the evil is great enough where it doesn't even matter. People don't realize it was the Allies that ordered going to un-restricted submarine warfare first and broke the convention limits on that. Because by the time of WW II they knew what they were up against.

This is the problem. Hillary is constantly investigated and always come out unscathed. Trump, on the other hand, just received a two million dollar fine for operating a charity. The system is completely against Republicans.
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BigRobSA said:

captkirk said:

Gary Johnson said:

Trump is a corruption superhero defense.

He's conveniently only interested in debunked conspiracy theory corruption that helps him personally.
I'm starting to think you don't know what the term "debunked" means
I'm assuming GJ is talking about that completely asinine conspiracy theory about Obama not being a citizen, born in Kenya. That stupid Clinton-pushed narrative has been absolutely and thoroughly debunked by reality, kind of like liberal fiscal policies. Funnily, Clinton running in 2008 was supported by DJT like always.

He's talking about Biden corruption, which isn't even close to being "debunked"
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chimmy said:

titan said:

FireAg said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:


ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS on Wednesday will preempt their regularly scheduled programming for live coverage of the House Intelligence Committee's open impeachment hearings of President Trump.
Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, William Taylor, on Wednesday is slated as the first to publicly testify regarding possible efforts by Trump administration officials to link U.S. military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigating top 2020 Democratic contender Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for business dealings in the country.
Taylor's testimony will be followed by deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent.

(insert 'so it begins' meme)
First it was the Cohen hearing, then the Mueller hearing, then the Lewindowski hearing. How many times are you guys going to get excited only to have your heads bashed in?
It's all a play toward drumming up enough public sentiment to oust Trump in 2020 at the ballot box...

It's the only way they can try to win...

It will fail...
Hopefully so, and quite possibly will fail. Because Trump, unlike most former GOP leaders -- WILL keep reminding the public what the Democrats are offering instead: Rwanda-Venezuela.

It just doesn't matter what the hearings come up with until that choice itself changes.

So it really doesn't matter what Trump did, or does, because the alternative is pure evil. I like it.
Guy has been investigated 6 ways from Sunday for 3 years, including illegal surveillance by the IC. I'm pretty sure there is nothing of significance there or we would know it by now. He's got to be the most vetted/thoroughly investigated POTUS in the history of the Republic
Gary Johnson
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He's talking about Biden corruption, which isn't even close to being "debunked"

It's debunked which is why idiots like John Solomon are the only ones running with it.

The "Ukraine" "server" conspiracy was also part of the QPQ and has been thoroughly debunked. It never made any sense to begin with. The type of thing only a senile 73 year old would fall for.
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captkirk said:

chimmy said:

titan said:

FireAg said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:


ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS on Wednesday will preempt their regularly scheduled programming for live coverage of the House Intelligence Committee's open impeachment hearings of President Trump.
Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, William Taylor, on Wednesday is slated as the first to publicly testify regarding possible efforts by Trump administration officials to link U.S. military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigating top 2020 Democratic contender Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for business dealings in the country.
Taylor's testimony will be followed by deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent.

(insert 'so it begins' meme)
First it was the Cohen hearing, then the Mueller hearing, then the Lewindowski hearing. How many times are you guys going to get excited only to have your heads bashed in?
It's all a play toward drumming up enough public sentiment to oust Trump in 2020 at the ballot box...

It's the only way they can try to win...

It will fail...
Hopefully so, and quite possibly will fail. Because Trump, unlike most former GOP leaders -- WILL keep reminding the public what the Democrats are offering instead: Rwanda-Venezuela.

It just doesn't matter what the hearings come up with until that choice itself changes.

So it really doesn't matter what Trump did, or does, because the alternative is pure evil. I like it.
Guy has been investigated 6 ways from Sunday for 3 years, including illegal surveillance by the IC. I'm pretty sure there is nothing of significance there or we would know it by now. He's got to be the most vetted/thoroughly investigated POTUS in the history of the Republic

Not even close to the Clinton's record. Benghazi alone was easily the longest congressional investigation ever, lasting almost as long Obama's entire second term. And what happened with all of that? They found her email server and she got a slap on the wrist. The whole system stinks.

Like Titan said, even if there is significant stuff on Trump, it wouldn't matter. The alternative to Trump is not acceptable.
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Gary Johnson said:


He's talking about Biden corruption, which isn't even close to being "debunked"

It's debunked which is why idiots like John Solomon are the only ones running with it.

The "Ukraine" "server" conspiracy was also part of the QPQ and has been thoroughly debunked. It never made any sense to begin with. The type of thing only a senile 73 year old would fall for.

Possible, but at least the Biden scenario has all the required actions for a bribery scandal.

Your fever dream about Trump does not.
Spotted Ag
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chimmy said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:

titan said:

FireAg said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:


ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS on Wednesday will preempt their regularly scheduled programming for live coverage of the House Intelligence Committee's open impeachment hearings of President Trump.
Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, William Taylor, on Wednesday is slated as the first to publicly testify regarding possible efforts by Trump administration officials to link U.S. military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigating top 2020 Democratic contender Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for business dealings in the country.
Taylor's testimony will be followed by deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent.

(insert 'so it begins' meme)
First it was the Cohen hearing, then the Mueller hearing, then the Lewindowski hearing. How many times are you guys going to get excited only to have your heads bashed in?
It's all a play toward drumming up enough public sentiment to oust Trump in 2020 at the ballot box...

It's the only way they can try to win...

It will fail...
Hopefully so, and quite possibly will fail. Because Trump, unlike most former GOP leaders -- WILL keep reminding the public what the Democrats are offering instead: Rwanda-Venezuela.

It just doesn't matter what the hearings come up with until that choice itself changes.

So it really doesn't matter what Trump did, or does, because the alternative is pure evil. I like it.
Guy has been investigated 6 ways from Sunday for 3 years, including illegal surveillance by the IC. I'm pretty sure there is nothing of significance there or we would know it by now. He's got to be the most vetted/thoroughly investigated POTUS in the history of the Republic

Not even close to the Clinton's record. Benghazi alone was easily the longest congressional investigation ever, lasting almost as long Obama's entire second term. And what happened with all of that? They found her email server and she got a slap on the wrist. The whole system stinks.

Like Titan said, even if there is significant stuff on Trump, it wouldn't matter. The alternative to Trump is not acceptable.
Everyone should ask themselves this,

If Benghazi happened tomorrow would it have gone down the same way? OR, would our people have been sent reinforcements and rescued? We ALL know the answer to this question. Obama and Clinton were willing to sacrifice American lives to placate people who have yet to master the intricacies of indoor plumbing.

AND you can guarantee that if that did happen and Trump ordered our forces to "disperse" the crowd, he would be called a war criminal and Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff would be attempting to add that to their phony articles of impeachment.
Covidians, Communists, CNN, FOX, and all other MSM are enemies of the state and should be treated as such.
Gary Johnson
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Possible, but at least the Biden scenario has all the required actions for a bribery scandal.

Your fever dream about Trump does not.

"All" except the key part where Shokin was corrupt and not investigating crimes. This was a bad look by the Bidens, really dumb in fact. But any look deeper than surface headlines reveals that's all it was.
End Of Message
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Gary Johnson said:


Possible, but at least the Biden scenario has all the required actions for a bribery scandal.

Your fever dream about Trump does not.

"All" except the key part where Shokin was corrupt and not investigating crimes. This was a bad look by the Bidens, really dumb in fact. But any look deeper than surface headlines reveals that's all it was.

It doesn't matter if shokin was corrupt or not. If board members at burisma wanted shokin fired and used H Biden as a paid back channel...
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Gary Johnson said:


Possible, but at least the Biden scenario has all the required actions for a bribery scandal.

Your fever dream about Trump does not.

"All" except the key part where Shokin was corrupt and not investigating crimes. This was a bad look by the Bidens, really dumb in fact. But any look deeper than surface headlines reveals that's all it was.
So you are arguing degrees of corruption at this point. Forget Shokin. Was it appropriate for Hunter to be on the board of a foreign Company that had interest before the US government with his father as the key US government official over Ukraine policy?
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More obstruction of justice? There better be indictments for this.
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Gary Johnson
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Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

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Spotted Ag said:

Everyone should ask themselves this,

If Benghazi happened tomorrow would it have gone down the same way? OR, would our people have been sent reinforcements and rescued? We ALL know the answer to this question. Obama and Clinton were willing to sacrifice American lives to placate people who have yet to master the intricacies of indoor plumbing.

AND you can guarantee that if that did happen and Trump ordered our forces to "disperse" the crowd, he would be called a war criminal and Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff would be attempting to add that to their phony articles of impeachment.
Plus, there would not be blame placed on some damn YouTube video no one saw, there would be no apology video from POTUS sent to the sh*tholes of the earth either.
End Of Message
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So, the 20 people-person rally is proof that Ukrainians wanted Shokin out? Reminiscent of a Biden rally, IMHO.

Using those entities to support your proposition doesn't do what you think it does.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
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Gary Johnson said:

Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

You keep saying it is a "bad look". The best case scenario is much, much worse than that

If Don Jr. was earning 83K per month on the board of some foreign Company with interests before the US government, you'd lose your f-ing mind
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Gary Johnson said:

Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

It doesn't matter if all the UN voted to fire shokin. It doesn't matter if Shokin murdered Joe Biden's puppy. If Ukrainians paid Biden's son to encourage Biden to fire a prosecutor. And Joe was aware of the payments. That is bribery.

And if that is the case, congress should impeach Joe Biden so he never holds a federal job ever again.

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Gary Johnson said:

Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

I know this has been posted before, but:


Some of this needs to be investigated.


In theory, the IMF appeared to require direct supervision of how the Ukrainian banks used the aid. In fact, it appears the banks got to select their own auditors." [source]
.... their own auditors. ... sounds fishy


Kolomoisky's bank, PrivatBank, is later revealed to be a recipient of billions of dollars of IMF funds. Kolomoisky is believed to have looted those funds ....

.....At one point in time, Kolomoisky had been placed on a US Government Visa ban list due to his questionable business practices; however, shortly after Archer Devon and Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, that ban was mysteriously lifted, and there has been no investigation into these missing funds.
...... mysteriously lifted ......

I would guess at least someone should investigate. If they have please present a link to the investigation, who performed the investigation and the results and documentation of that investigation.

Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Spotted Ag said:

chimmy said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:

titan said:

FireAg said:

captkirk said:

chimmy said:


ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS on Wednesday will preempt their regularly scheduled programming for live coverage of the House Intelligence Committee's open impeachment hearings of President Trump.
Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, William Taylor, on Wednesday is slated as the first to publicly testify regarding possible efforts by Trump administration officials to link U.S. military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigating top 2020 Democratic contender Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for business dealings in the country.
Taylor's testimony will be followed by deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent.

(insert 'so it begins' meme)
First it was the Cohen hearing, then the Mueller hearing, then the Lewindowski hearing. How many times are you guys going to get excited only to have your heads bashed in?
It's all a play toward drumming up enough public sentiment to oust Trump in 2020 at the ballot box...

It's the only way they can try to win...

It will fail...
Hopefully so, and quite possibly will fail. Because Trump, unlike most former GOP leaders -- WILL keep reminding the public what the Democrats are offering instead: Rwanda-Venezuela.

It just doesn't matter what the hearings come up with until that choice itself changes.

So it really doesn't matter what Trump did, or does, because the alternative is pure evil. I like it.
Guy has been investigated 6 ways from Sunday for 3 years, including illegal surveillance by the IC. I'm pretty sure there is nothing of significance there or we would know it by now. He's got to be the most vetted/thoroughly investigated POTUS in the history of the Republic

Not even close to the Clinton's record. Benghazi alone was easily the longest congressional investigation ever, lasting almost as long Obama's entire second term. And what happened with all of that? They found her email server and she got a slap on the wrist. The whole system stinks.

Like Titan said, even if there is significant stuff on Trump, it wouldn't matter. The alternative to Trump is not acceptable.
Everyone should ask themselves this,

If Benghazi happened tomorrow would it have gone down the same way? OR, would our people have been sent reinforcements and rescued? We ALL know the answer to this question. Obama and Clinton were willing to sacrifice American lives to placate people who have yet to master the intricacies of indoor plumbing.

AND you can guarantee that if that did happen and Trump ordered our forces to "disperse" the crowd, he would be called a war criminal and Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff would be attempting to add that to their phony articles of impeachment.

Could additional forces have reached Benghazi in time to matter? The State Department should have had better security and evac plans.
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The State Department should have had better security and evac plans.

Agree with that 100%. It's on the Ambassador. He didn't have any contingency plans. If he asked for additional security and was denied, he should've cancelled the trip.

I do not blame Hillary for what happened. I do blame her and Obama for lying about it and blaming it on a youtube video.
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Noble07 said:


The State Department should have had better security and evac plans.

Agree with that 100%. It's on the Ambassador. He didn't have any contingency plans. If he asked for additional security and was denied, he should've cancelled the trip.

I do not blame Hillary for what happened. I do blame her and Obama for lying about it and blaming it on a youtube video.
And especially CONTINUING to lie about it to the whole world at the UN address of September 26th at the end of that month when knew better.
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Noble07 said:


The State Department should have had better security and evac plans.

Agree with that 100%. It's on the Ambassador. He didn't have any contingency plans. If he asked for additional security and was denied, he should've cancelled the trip.

I do not blame Hillary for what happened. I do blame her and Obama for lying about it and blaming it on a youtube video.

Lied....or gullible enough to believe it? Which is worse?
Gary Johnson
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Pinche Abogado said:

So, the 20 people-person rally is proof that Ukrainians wanted Shokin out? Reminiscent of a Biden rally, IMHO.

Using those entities to support your proposition doesn't do what you think it does.

Right......Ignore the rest of the facts around the affair. You're proferring that Hunter Biden, through his dad, manipulated an entire continent, got them to withhold $20 billion in Euros and visa reform to protect a $50k/mo board position for a politically connected American?

The photo is from before Biden's trip and more proof that Biden was following this move not leading it.
End Of Message
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Pro tip: Biden was not trying to protect his worthless son's BS board position; he was protecting access to Ukraine, generally.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
Gary Johnson
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Pinche Abogado said:

Pro tip: Biden was not trying to protect his worthless son's BS board position; he was protecting access to Ukraine, generally.

Go on..... How does Christine Lagarde fit in this diabolical scheme?
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This is the Dems investigation chief for the public hearings. He'll have up to 45 minutes to question witnesses uninterrupted.

William Taylor and George Kent are both scheduled to testify on Wednesday. Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch is scheduled to testify on Friday.
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Gary Johnson said:

Pinche Abogado said:

Pro tip: Biden was not trying to protect his worthless son's BS board position; he was protecting access to Ukraine, generally.

Go on..... How does Christine Lagarde fit in this diabolical scheme?

Its not a "diabolical scheme". Its the son of the vice president getting paid millions of dollars while his dad was making policy decisions.

Please tell me, how much money has Trump or his kids made from Ukraine during his presidency?
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hbtheduce said:

Gary Johnson said:

Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

It doesn't matter if all the UN voted to fire shokin. It doesn't matter if Shokin murdered Joe Biden's puppy. If Ukrainians paid Biden's son to encourage Biden to fire a prosecutor. And Joe was aware of the payments. That is bribery.

And if that is the case, congress should impeach Joe Biden so he never holds a federal job ever again.

So your saying Biden's punishment would be he's not allowed to work for the federal government?

What your saying is "okay joe, you get to keep your billions of bribery money but you have to go into retirement now. "

No, of your guilty of treason or bribery there should be jail time.
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biglebowski said:

hbtheduce said:

Gary Johnson said:

Really bad look especially for the potential conflict of interest which rightly demands extra scrutiny. But getting rid of Shokin was the right thing to do at the time and demanded by the IMF, EU, American ambassadors, European ambassadors, and Ukrainian NABU before Biden's infamous speech.

It doesn't matter if all the UN voted to fire shokin. It doesn't matter if Shokin murdered Joe Biden's puppy. If Ukrainians paid Biden's son to encourage Biden to fire a prosecutor. And Joe was aware of the payments. That is bribery.

And if that is the case, congress should impeach Joe Biden so he never holds a federal job ever again.

So your saying Biden's punishment would be he's not allowed to work for the federal government?

What your saying is "okay joe, you get to keep your billions of bribery money but you have to go into retirement now. "

No, of your guilty of treason or bribery there should be jail time.

Not what I said at all. My point is if the Trump reached the dem's standard for impeachment. Biden should be impeached as well. at least that would be logically consistent.

Obviously if the DOJ thinks a crime was committed they should bring charges in a federal court.
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When the **** are people going to comprehend that almost ALL politicians and political appointment bureacrats in america have been compromised and screened by foreign powers for corrupt socialist agenda since bush 1.

This isnt 'a scandal'

Its normal corruption for decades and that is why they are so desperate now.

Fast furious

None of these are 'scandals'

These actors GOT to power because they were BOUGHT and COMPROMISED


Trump is not part of that.
Gary Johnson
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You keep saying it is a "bad look". The best case scenario is much, much worse than that

If Don Jr. was earning 83K per month on the board of some foreign Company with interests before the US government, you'd lose your f-ing mind

What are you talking about? The Trumps are making millions from foreign deals and investments. Not a crime unless they also do something in office that subverts American interests. Axing Shokin was in our interest.

Now if Biden pushed Ukraine to keep Shokin, who was protecting Zlochevsky, contra to American and EU policy, then you'd have the corruption you're looking for.
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Gary Johnson said:


You keep saying it is a "bad look". The best case scenario is much, much worse than that

If Don Jr. was earning 83K per month on the board of some foreign Company with interests before the US government, you'd lose your f-ing mind

What are you talking about? The Trumps are making millions from foreign deals and investments. Not a crime unless they also do something in office that subverts American interests. Axing Shokin was in our interest.

Now if Biden pushed Ukraine to keep Shokin, who was protecting Zlochevsky, contra to American and EU policy, then you'd have the corruption you're looking for.

How much money has Trump made from Ukraine?

Cintons took 10 Mill
Bidens took several mill
Gary Johnson
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I'm not a dem or Hillary lover. Trump "took millions" from China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, you can do this all day. Every listed company on the DOW "took millions" from foreigners. Not a crime unless there's a crime.
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