Tanya 93 said:
taxpreparer said:
Reading level depends on motivation and interest. I was reading mysteries and science fiction well above my grade level in junior high. (A long time ago.) I had trouble reading most biographies at any level.
Interest does help reading levels. My Demon Spawn was reading at a HS level in elementary, even though he still enjoyed the Captain Underpants or Dogman books.
That is what this comic is about. Find what you like, return what you don't, and always strive to do more.
Books fundamentally change lives. Never stop kids from trying books above what you think they can read and understand.
Completely agree wholeheartedly! Great Mom to let Benny choose his own path, including reading materials because he has an innate curiosity. Wants to know more.
Tell Benny the lawyer chick a/k/a aggiehawg says, "Hi! And keep reading what is of interest."
I was twelve and reading TimeLife books about land wars in Europe in 1944-45, naval wars in the Pacific from 1941-45 because I was interested in that history.
Kudos to you and to him for having that level of wanting to know.
(Oh and I agree with you.
Heart of Darkness was a slog to get through nor do I think I was better for it. Then again,
Atlas Shrugged bogged down at times too. But it really had an effect on me.)