Why didn't Bill heal the divisions?
This is the talking point that drives me nuts.
The divisions are entirely created by the unhinged and deranged reactions of those on the left to Trump's election.
You don't get to spend 4 years unrelentingly creating and subsequently flinging sh/t around your cage with wild abandon and then claim that getting what you want will cause all of us (including the majority of us that have not been flinging sh/t around) to finally be able to get past the awfulness of the sh/t flinging mess we have had to endure the last 4 years.
The "divisions" are exclusively the result of your behavior, so you've had the power to "heal" all along, Dorothy.
Grow up, get over it, and stop flinging sh/t everywhere.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill