Another thing is these chat logs Durham has produced that are also showing tie ins with Dan Jones and that group as well. This conspiracy blanket just keeps getting bigger. Joffe chatting up Jones about this "project" is pretty amazing.
We all remember Dan J. Jones, he's former FBI also former intelligence committee investigator working for Feinstein and Mark Warner. And after Trump's election, Jones founded PQR, Penn Quarter Group, who continued the pursuit of goal to take out Trump. Then PQG hired Fusion GPS to help prove any scrap it could of the Steele's dossier.
So with all this activity in Feb 2017, when Sussman brings the CIA the manufactured data, Jones brought the same data to Senate Armed Services Committee. Then the Democrats on the committee commissioned Jones to investigate. Mark my words you'll see Durham has evidence, as late as Aug 2017, Jones was still working on it and wasn't working alone. And always remember the Statute of Limitations on Conspiracy starts with the last overt act, including cover-up.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.