An Amazing Feat + Coincidences + Unusual FootnotesA Timeline to the Opening of Crossfire Hurricane:1. July 28, 2016 Communication received from FFG about Papadopoulos' revelations.
2. July 31, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane opened.
3. August 1, 2016 Strzok & Priestap fly to London to meet with Downer & Co.
4. Early August, 2016 Case Agent 1 from NYFO assigned to Crossfire Hurricane Team.
5. Early August, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane Team targets Page, Papadopoulos, Manifort & Flynn.
6. August 10, 2016 CI investigations opened on Page, Papadopoulos & Manafort.
7. August 11, 2016 Case Agent 1 meets with Halper in London
So, Horowitz would have us believe, based upon his interviews & findings, that the investigation into Trump Campaign individuals & the Russians went from zero to full speed in two weeks time. I just can't help noticing how much was accomplished in such a short period of time -- they identified the 4 'suspects' & opened CIs on them, brought in Case Agent 1 from the NYFO where there was already an ongoing CI on Page -- Case Agent 1 being Halper's Handler (a 'coincidence'), & Case Agent 1 flew to London to meet with Halper (who was acquainted with 3 of the 'suspects', another 'coincidence') about being a CHS. All the while claiming that Steele's Reports didn't reach the Crossfire Hurricane Team until September 19, 2016 (see below). Hah!
Page 99:Quote:
On September 19, 2016, the Crossfire Hurricane team received the Steele reporting for the first time when Handling Agent 1 emailed SSA 1 six reports for SSA 1 to upload himself to the sub-file: Reports 80 and 94, and four additional reports (Reports 95, 100, 101, and 102) that Handling Agent 1 had since received from Steele. 226 FBI officials we interviewed told us that the length of time it took for Steele's election reporting to reach FBI Headquarters was excessive and that the reports should have been sent promptly after their receipt by the Legat. Members of the Crossfire Hurricane team told us that their assessment of the Steele election reporting could have started much earlier if the reporting had been made available to them.
Handling Agent 1 = Michael GaetaThe entire scenario of how it took so long for Gaeta to pass Steele's reports to the Crossfire Hurricane Team is a story unto itself involving bungling, ignorance & stupidity (or most likely, cover-up activity) that perhaps I will cover sometime.
Now let me share with you a couple of obscure Footnotes:
Page 98:Quote:
223 As we summarize in Chapter Ten, at approximately the same time that Handling Agent 1 was reporting information about Simpson to ASAC 1, an FBI agent from another FBI field office sent an email to his supervisor stating that he had been contacted by a former CHS who "was contacted recently by a colleague who runs an investigative firm. The firm had been hired by two entities (the Democratic National Committee as well as another individual...not name[d]) to explore Donald J. Trump's longstanding ties to Russian entities." On or about August 2, 2016, this information was shared by a CD supervisor with the Section Chief of CD's Counterintelligence Analysis Section I (Intel Section Chief), who provided it that day to members of the Crossfire Hurricane team (then Section Chief Peter Strzok, SSA 1, and the Supervisory Intel Analyst).
Page 310:Quote:
461 The only express direction we found that McCabe gave regarding the use of a CHS concerned a former FBI CHS, who contacted an FBI agent in an FBI field office in late July 2016 to report information from "a colleague who runs an investigative firm ... hired by two entities (the Democratic National Committee [DNC] as well as another individual...[who was] not name[d]) to explore Donald Trump's longstanding ties to Russian entities." The former CHS also gave the FBI agent a list of "individuals and entities who have surfaced in [the investigative firm's] examination," which the former CHS described as "mostly public source material." In mid-September 2016, McCabe told SSA 1 to instruct the FBI agent from the field office not to have any further contact with the former CHS, and not to accept any information regarding the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. McCabe told the OIG he did not remember giving those instructions, and could not tell us why he might have done so. We found no evidence that the FBI reopened the former CHS for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, or tasked the former CHS in connection with the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
There is no other info provided concerning the above 2 Footnotes -- the material sent to Strzok & Co. was not described/listed.
Grassley inquired about the above Footnote
461 during the Senate's meeting with Horowitz, but Horowitz was not familiar enough with it to answer specific questions. A few other people on Twitter have taken notice of these 2 footnotes as well. No good clues as to who this former CHS was.
I strongly suspect that the 3 'suspects' in addition to Papadopoulos who were targeted by the Crossfire Hurricane Team were identified in the 'list' provided by the above 'investigative firm' = Fusion GPS. Note that this unknown CHS described the material as being "mostly public source material" = Nellie Ohr's function.
They are hiding something.