Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Barr -- one minute video.
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drcrinum said:

Barr -- one minute video.

How can any cogent being make a case that it was not spied on? FISA surveillance, wired up CIs and god knows what else
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drcrinum said:

Barr -- one minute video.

But, I thought our concerned moderates told us that was NOT how FISA warrants work?
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captkirk said:

How can any cogent being make a case that it was not spied on? FISA surveillance, wired up CIs and god knows what else
They're conflating "spying" and "spying with legitimate reason"

They don't think it's spying because they believe it was warranted.
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GCP12 said:

captkirk said:

How can any cogent being make a case that it was not spied on? FISA surveillance, wired up CIs and god knows what else
They're conflating "spying" and "spying with legitimate reason"

They don't think it's spying because they believe it was warranted.
That isn't what was asked
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I know. I'm just explaining what they're doing.
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That video from Barr clearly shows disdain for what happened. Combined with Durham's statement, I have a glimmer of hope that there will be perp walks of big names. A glimmer.

I'm still skeptical that they will truly clear all the dirty laundry but this gives me hope.

I don't care about the media narrative today. They are spinning the Horowitz report so bad I would say they are spreading lies about the report. But arrest some of these FBI CIA bad actors and there is no way to spin it.. That will be the real story during 2020.

The idiots in congress shined a light on Biden's corruption. He's done. And any thinking person outside of blue enclaves knows damn well that the Vice President's son getting at least $1million from a corrupt Ukrainian company for doing nothing of corporate value should be investigated.

At this point there is no doubt in my mind that Trump wins in a landslide. But the deep state has to be brought to heel or trump is a speed bump on the road to the end of the republic.
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I did not know that. Hmmm....
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drcrinum said:

I did not know that. Hmmm....
But then he joined Team Mueller in May 2017.
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captkirk said:

drcrinum said:

Barr -- one minute video.

How can any cogent being make a case that it was not spied on? FISA surveillance, wired up CIs and god knows what else
Well, right now there are about 70 MM (~20-25%) people that are convinced it was not spying.

What a coincidence...that's the same %age that are Democrats...
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SeMgCo87 said:

captkirk said:

drcrinum said:

Barr -- one minute video.

How can any cogent being make a case that it was not spied on? FISA surveillance, wired up CIs and god knows what else
Well, right now there are about 70 MM (~20-25%) people that are convinced it was not spying.

What a coincidence...that's the same %age that are Democrats morons...
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Another 2 minute video with Barr.
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This may be entertaining; i.e., there could be some political fireworks.
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I'd say the odds are good!

I think you'll hear several "what the hell were you thinking with the first FISA statement"!!
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That video from Barr clearly shows disdain for what happened. Combined with Durham's statement, I have a glimmer of hope that there will be perp walks of big names. A glimmer.
Only if they happen before say, October 2020. OR if Trump wins re-election and takes the House back for the GOP in the process. Otherwise a still divided Congress will find ways to just derail things and then make it about the almost inevitable next SCOTUS replacement and stall till 2024.
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Every single person who was involved in this and all the media propagandists who aided them can go f/ck themselves if they think we give a sh/t how they feel about being called out by Trump now that the tables are turning.

Cry to someone who gives a damn.
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Prognightmare said:

When you are seditious maybe being "terrified" is the correct emotional response.
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Pgs 164-165 of the IG Report; pgs 199-200 on the pdf reader.


In addition we learned that Person 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx302 We also were concerned that the FISA application did not disclose to the court the FBI's belief that this sub-source was, at the time of the application, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We were told that the Department will usually share with the FISC the fact that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The OI Attorney told us he did not recall knowing this information at the time of the first application, even though NYFO opened the case after consulting with and notifying Case Agent 1 and SSA 1 prior to October 12, 2016, nine days before the FISA application was filed. Case Agent 1 said that he may have mentioned the case to the OI Attorney "in passing," but he did not specifically recall doing so. 303

We believe the FBI should have specifically and explicitly advised OI about the FBI's assessment that this particular sub-source relied upon in the FISA application was Person 1, that Steele had provided derogatory information regarding person 1, and that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Those facts were relevant to Ol's assessment of the strength of the information in the FISA application and, based on what we were told was the Department's practice, likely would have been included by OI in the application so that the FISC could consider the information in deciding whether to grant the requested FISA authority.

302 According to a document circulated among Crossfire Hurricane team members and supervisors in early October 2016, Person 1 had xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The document described reporting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, In addition, in late December 2016, Department Attorney Bruce Ohr told SSA 1 that he had met with Glenn Simpson and that Simpson had assessed that Person 1 was xxxxxxxxxxx who was central in connecting Trump to Russia.

303 Although an email indicates that the OI Attorney learned in March 2017 that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, the subsequent renewal applications did not include this fact. According to the OI Attorney, and as reflected in Renewal Application Nos. 2 and 3, the FBI expressed uncertainty about whether this sub-source was Person 1. However, other FBI documents in the same time period reflect that the ongoing assumption by the Crossfire Hurricane team was that this sub-source was Person 1.

Person 1 was thought to be Sergei Millian as previously discussed (although denied by Millian). My interpretation of the above is that Sergei Millian was involved in an investigation by SDNY at that time, possibly as a suspect or informant. Millian is a shadowy figure, involved in both real estate dealings & Russian activities. He had interactions with both Michael Cohen & Kushner, & there is an infamous picture of him with Trump. He was never interviewed by Mueller. Here are several articles about Millian:

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Lou is pissed.

Can I go to sleep Looch?
BMX Bandit
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from the Gates sentencing documents:

The first thing the judge asks needs to be: "Has the person offering monetary assistance been arrested? If not, why not?"
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The first thing the judge asks needs to be: "Has the person offering monetary assistance been arrested? If not, why not?"
Agree with your assessment the judge likely would made at least an inquiry about that.

But in Weissmann's Team Mueller's world having a job qualifies as monetary assistance. Plus, Gates embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from Manafort.

Since Stone was not charged with witness tampering (bribery) in relation to Gates and Manafort was in prison by that time (even pre-trial) if anyone did try to bribe Gates to not cooperate, they have never been charged.

More inclined to think that line was just a gratuitous shot in the overarching Orange Man Bad narrative. Just SOP for all of the pleadings that emanated from Team Mueller. Long on narrative, light on facts.

<sigh> Not a personal fan of Ken Starr because of the Baylor and Epstein stuff but he backed up all of his allegations with evidence and significantly more people went to jail.

The very selective weaponization of FARA as a threat allowed Team Mueller to engage in lawful but very questionable practices. That's the stink of it, the selective enforcement. Mueller did go after Greg Craig, an Obama advisor and the jury acquitted him.

And there has been much hemming and hawing about the use of FARA in the Flynn case with Team Mueller having to back away because of the conflict of interest that created between Flynn and his previous lawyers. When Flynn's business partner, Bijan Rafiekian was tried on that question, jury convicted yet the judge threw it out.

FARA needs to be revisited, IMO.
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Short thread elaborating on the altering of evidence concerning Carter Page. I believe that this clearly proves intent to deceive the FISC.

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Rather weak response IMO.

Interesting point, but he didn't decline to be 'employed'.
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The % of morons is way higher than that.
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....One of the American diplomats who attended that meeting, Gordon Sondland, the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, testified before the inquiry last month that he pulled Yermak aside after the Warsaw meeting and delivered an important message: U.S. aid to Ukraine would probably not resume until Zelensky's government announced two investigations that could implicate President Trump's political rivals.

"I told Mr. Yermak that I believed that the resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine took some kind of action on the public statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland testified......
Yermak disputes this. "Gordon and I were never alone together," he said when TIME asked about the Warsaw meeting. "We bumped into each other in the hallway next to the escalator, as I was walking out." He recalls that several members of the American and Ukrainian delegations were also nearby, as well as bodyguards and hotel staff, though he was not sure whether any of them heard his brief conversation with Sondland. "And I remember everything is fine with my memory we talked about how well the meeting went. That's all we talked about," Yermak says.

These comments cast doubt on an important moment in the impeachment inquiry's reconstruction of events: specifically, the only known point at which an American official directly tells the Ukrainians about the link between U.S. aid and the announcement of specific investigations......

Worth a read. A top Ukrainian official (Yermak) throws Sondland, a key Dem witness in Schiff's Kangaroo Court hearings, under the bus.

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Sundance is crowing today:
1) DOJ reclassified the dates on the FISA renewals, verifying Sundance's analysis that James Wolfe had been entrapped with a barium meal = a copy of Page's FISA renewal application with an erroneous date.
2) Ed O'Callaghan was Rosenstein's chief lieutenant, responsible for overseeing the Mueller Investigation.
3) Jessie Liu has been sacked as DC US Attorney, being 'promoted' to Undersecretary at the Department of the Treasury -- she was formerly deputy general counsel at the US Treasury, so in a way it's a case of return-to-sender; i.e., good riddance.

2) + 3) = house cleaning
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Damn! thanx for that.

I've brought this up before, and have recently asked my congressman to put this request on his list, but wouldn't it be prudent to make it MUCH easier to fire DC scoundrels? Why is it so frickin' hard to fire corrupt or incompetent employees?

I guess that's why it was so important for Obama/Jarrett to get their partisan butt sniffer lackeys in every nook and cranny in the gd federal government, because you can't fire their asses.
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It would seem to me that this investigation's main focus is going to pivot strongly now that IG Horowitz has presented his report. There is much meat in that report for Durham to chew on.

So, what are thoughts about the Justice Department's investigation by Federal Attorney 'Bull' Durham?

One obvious thing to do is to go get that easy low-hanging fruit Clinesmith, and start squeezing him. Work your way up the food chain.
If there were three FBI teams of FISA processing preparation agents (from a dozen to two dozen per team per FISA renewal) that would amount to from 36 minimum to 72 maximum of FISA prep agents of various levels of experience and responsibility to SQEEZE. Haha!

The thing is ...
We have Finally moved past the long awaited IG report. Mueller, then IG Horowitz. Next up is Durham.
The tide has turned.
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First of all, I like the way you think.

Secondly,, there's a big part of me that would love to go full Weissman and threaten their families with whatever Weissman BS we could come up with. I know that won't happen, but I'm in a vengeful mood!
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1) Buried in the IG report is a line that poses an enormous question, one that is central to everything, and really must be answered. Remember: According to all relevant players, prior to July of 2016, nobody had a Trump-Russia collusion narrative on their minds. ...(cont)

2) Indeed, the FBI says it was only the Downer tip-off at end-July that spurred the investigation. Downer for his part says it was public revelation in July of the DNC hack that caused him to finally wonder about collusion and connect his spring conversation with Papadopoulos.

3) Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, meanwhile, in Senate testimony, "stress[ed]" he hired Steele in May to look at Trump's "business activities" in Russia....By Simpson's telling (under penalty of perjury), Steele just sort of stumbled on this much "broader" "political conspiracy."

4) But here is what Steele told the IG: That in May 2016, Simpson approached Steele to "assist in determining Russia's actions related to the 2016 election"; "whether Russia was trying to achieve a particular election outcome"; and...

5) "whether there were any ties between the Russian government and Trump and his campaign." (Page 93) Seems Simpson had a pretty good bead on the "narrative" long before the govt. claims to have had it and before even his own source had reported it to him. Huh.

6) Let's hope Attorney John Durham provides some answers on who exactly knew what in the spring of 2016.

But...but...Glenn Simpson didn't work at the FBI in the Counterintelligence Division, did he? And Mary Jacoby, Simpson's wife, was just a casual visitor at the White House on April 19, 2016...sure.
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They manufactured the charge out of thin air and then tried to backfill the evidence. When the evidence was only exculpatory, it became an investigation in search of a crime.

The question still remains: Who was the originator of this plan? My money is on Brennan, but I think realistically Ohr and/or Simpson will be the the scapegoat(s).
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Oh lord...Sydney is retweeting roscoe. Not going to do it.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Nellie Ohr wrote the dossier. Steele just laundered it.
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