Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,485,446 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by aggiehawg
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"Not a smidgen of corruption"
FTAG 2000
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Deats said:

As I've mentioned before with the FISAGate stuff, team Trump is lining up RICO cases.

Who better to have run point than a guy who prosecuted a RICO case on the mob? Dude's going to destroy Biden and many others with what he finds.
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drcrinum said:

I think the legal beagels will thoroughly enjoy Turley's thesis. It's quite long & historically detailed, but it completely destroys Schiff's impeachment scheme. Plus Turley is most definitely not a Trump fan -- he voted for Obama & does not like Trump.

And of course Turley is being attacked and people are calling George Washington University saying they should fire him. He told the truth instead of going with the BSC narrative.
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drcrinum said:

Older reference article:

Things are not looking good for Biden. Note: The above is not Biden Jr.

Looking very good for baby momma, however!

Edit: sorry, this was pre-coffee
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Rudy is not Screwing Around, he is going for the Jugular !
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drcrinum said:

(not paywalled at this link for me)

Very intriguing read by Kim Strassel. Schiff may have set himself up for legal suits over his phone-call records grab. Hopefully Nunes or someone else will sue him.

As much as I hope it's true, I just can't see Schiff doing something illegal like that right out in the open.
Shooter McGavin
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AG 2000' said:

Deats said:

As I've mentioned before with the FISAGate stuff, team Trump is lining up RICO cases.

Who better to have run point than a guy who prosecuted a RICO case on the mob? Dude's going to destroy Biden and many others with what he finds.
They make fun of Rudy a lot, and mock him in the media. Perhaps it is self-inflicted. But the media hates him because he's the effing Honey Badger of corruption.

The dude got the mafia when nobody else could - and survived! Then he became the mayor of New York.

Rudy's no dumbass, and I wouldn't want him looking up my skirt if I had done anything wrong.
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txaggie_08 said:

drcrinum said:

(not paywalled at this link for me)

Very intriguing read by Kim Strassel. Schiff may have set himself up for legal suits over his phone-call records grab. Hopefully Nunes or someone else will sue him.

As much as I hope it's true, I just can't see Schiff doing something illegal like that right out in the open.

Unless he went to court to get a warrant, there is no way that is legal. If it is, then we are fcked. Members of congress can access that type of info at will for any damn reason. On anyone.

If so, then Nunes and others should get every record of every Dem member of congress over the past 4 years and publish them. The war has been started.
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“A republic, if you can keep it”

AggieKatie2 said:
ETX is honestly starting to scare me a bit as someone who may be trigger happy.
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“A republic, if you can keep it”

AggieKatie2 said:
ETX is honestly starting to scare me a bit as someone who may be trigger happy.
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As much as I hope it's true, I just can't see Schiff doing something illegal like that right out in the open.
If those phone records were obtained legally, Schiff would say so and say so loudly. When asked he demurs and refuses to answer. That's not the same thing as saying he personally stole information, however. They just suddenly "appeared" in his office one day, or some such cover story.
Long Live Sully
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Like the FBI files Hillary has been using all these years to blackmail the people she didn't kill.
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Cow Hop Ag said:

Like the FBI files Hillary has been using all these years to blackmail the people she didn't kill.
I wouldn't be surprised if she had a lot of material from Epstein and the Podestas as well. There are an awful lot of sick puppies within their close social and working circle. And when she was at State, she gathered similar materials on a global scale.

She and Bill were running an international shakedown using the Clinton Foundation. It is no accident that the number one country for donations their foundation was Ukraine.
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Deats said:

The more I learn, the more disgusted I become.
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Not sure if this will work on mobile but google foreign aid audit. The OIG looked into this in 2018. This happens with every single country. It's a huge problem and is the way how Soros and company fuel their efforts. Its the way the deep state fuels its efforts. It must stop.
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The more I learn, the more disgusted I become.
When this Ukraine mess first came up, I did some internet sleuthing of my own. Disregarded any article written after 2017 and focused on open source material in the 2009-2014 time period which coincided with the ouster of Yanukovych in February 2014.

All of these so-called anti-corruption efforts were imposed as loan conditions for Yanukovych. He was pressured to set up these bureaus and ministries which were then partnered with USAID NGOs. Those efforts to force this arrangement continued under Poroshenko's administration as well.

Money laundering operation, plain and simple. Who was behind it? Soros. It was very easy to just shrug and scream, "corruption!" if anyone asked where the money was going. So much "corruption" that the State Department had no "choice" but to throw more money at it, see? A portion of every dollar sent to Ukraine from not only the U.S. but European countries, IMF, World Bank was skimmed off of the top.

The only public figure in Ukraine that did not profit tremendously off of their government service appears to be Viktor Shokin. He didn't play along with these powerful people. Of course they needed him out of the way.
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txaggie_08 said:

drcrinum said:

(not paywalled at this link for me)

Very intriguing read by Kim Strassel. Schiff may have set himself up for legal suits over his phone-call records grab. Hopefully Nunes or someone else will sue him.

As much as I hope it's true, I just can't see Schiff doing something illegal like that right out in the open.
Schiff is power hungry and stupid. Bad combo
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Subpoenas are basically just a filled out form, signed by a judge. IOW, very easy to forge if one were so inclined. FWIW.
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Tibbers said:

Not sure if this will work on mobile but google foreign aid audit. The OIG looked into this in 2018. This happens with every single country. It's a huge problem and is the way how Soros and company fuel their efforts. Its the way the deep state fuels its efforts. It must stop.
There were 6 Recommendations in this OIG Report. Number 6 is in-play regarding the Impeachment Hoax:


Recommendation 6: Establish requirements for PIOs to notify USAID of suspected and identified serious criminal misconduct in activities funded by USAID to include unlawful actions taken by employees, subpartners, subcontractors, vendors, or other parties. The requirements should specify the process for reporting and criteria for what to report.

Management Decision: USAID concurs with Recommendation 6. The Agency agrees the lack of a systematic approach to the reporting of fraud and misconduct is a gap in our current procedures. While Operating Units have negotiated clauses and Memoranda of Understanding for certain high-risk programs and countries, a standard approach is needed. In addition to other new requirements to promote accountability, USAID intends to finalize a standard provision to (1) require PIOs to notify the Agency and the OIG of instances of possible fraud and misconduct identified in relation to their agreements; and, (2) describe the process for reporting and the criteria for what to report. The Agency will immediately begin socializing these new requirements with major PIO partners at the corporate level, with the objective of obtaining agreement on specific language for standard provision prior to updating official guidance for Operating Units. The target completion date for finalization of the provision language and incorporation into ADS 308 will be three months from the date of this response, on November 19, 2018.

Target Completion Date: November 19, 2018

Note the Target Date, November 2018. Yovanovitch clearly was interfering with her directive.

(Definition per the report: PIO = public international organizations (PIOs) -- organizations principally made up of multiple governments or international financial institutions, such as the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).)
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Yes sir. That report is the keystone. Thanks for dissecting it so cleanly. I fell out of my chair when I read it and posted it in several places when discovered. Certainly makes sense why rudy is there now, to follow through and be the conduit by which this evidence is passed. It's the exact same method Barr and Durham took to directly collect the evidence from London, Italy and Australia. When you see the state department officials on display in the last impeachment hearing it becomes obvious why this circumvention is warranted. Evidence this incendiary needs to be in the right hands for several reasons, mainly to keep bad actors in the dark.
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Original article published here:

Interesting read. Certainly suspicious that Ciaramella was dealing dirty with Ukrainians & Soros people in December 2015 -- January 2016. Pay attention to the people in attendance at the first meeting: Sakvarelidze, Kholodnitsky & Telizhenko versus Sytnyk.
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David Horowitz wrote extensively about how the left basically launders government money through these departments to non government groups and puts it to work for progressive political causes. Billions of dollars a year, and the idiot republicans have ignored it for decades.
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MouthBQ98 said:

David Horowitz wrote extensively about how the left basically launders government money through these departments to non government groups and puts it to work for progressive political causes. Billions of dollars a year, and the idiot republicans have ignored it for decades.
They do it domestically as well - case in point - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, etc
FTAG 2000
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Deats said:

Favored NGOs.

Aka, all of the pet projects of Soros, Steyer, Clinton, Obama (once they got their rake, of course).
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Schiff and Pelosi are really going to regret going down the Ukraine rabbit hole. There will a lot of oxen gored but not one of them will be Trump.
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Keep giving them rope!
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aggiehawg said:

Schiff and Pelosi are really going to regret going down the Ukraine rabbit hole. There will a lot of oxen gored but not one of them will be Trump.
Hoping "gored" is back door legalese for indicted. Also hoping I live long enough to witness it.
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Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are seeking records from and transcribed staff interviews with two individuals reportedly involved in an effort by Ukrainian embassy officials to undermine the Trump campaign in the 2016 election. The interview and records requests are a continuation of an inquiry that Grassley launched in 2017 following news reports that a Democratic National Committee (DNC) consultant solicited derogatory information on the Trump campaign from Ukrainian embassy officials prior to the 2016 election. According to those reports, elements of the Ukrainian government were actively working to undermine candidate Trump's electoral prospects in favor of Hillary Clinton.

"Contrary to the popular narrative in the 'main stream media' that Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election has been debunked, or 'no evidence exists,' there are many unanswered questions that have festered for years. One of the reasons our nation remains so divided is the disconnect between those who are curious about any and all possible foreign interference and those who are not. Those who are curious, have a legitimate and understandable desire to know if wrongdoing occurred. The American public also has a right to know if no wrongdoing occurred. The sooner we get answers to the many unanswered questions, the sooner we can turn our attention to the many challenges our nation faces," Johnson said.

"Election interference by any foreign entity is a serious matter. Since the last presidential election, our nation rightly expended significant resources to examine allegations of collusion and foreign interference by Russia to influence the outcome. While there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, we know that Russia meddled in our democratic processes. However, certain reports of collusion and interference involving Ukrainian officials have not been sufficiently examined, and the few answers that have been given are inadequate. With another election right around the corner, choosing to ignore these matters or conflating them with separate, uncorroborated allegations is no way to adequately safeguard the sanctity of our elections," Grassley said.

"To believe that the mainstream media will investigate all things Russia or Ukraine is to hope against hope. The hacking of the Democratic National Committee's emails was done by the Russians and no one else. Whether there's a connection between Democratic operatives and Ukrainian officials during the 2016 election has yet to be determined. It will only be found by looking. We intend to look," said Graham.

In additional to the production of relevant records, Johnson, Grassley and Graham are requesting staff-led transcribed interviews with then-DNC consultant Alexandra Chalupa, who reportedly solicited damaging information on Trump campaign associates and lobbied Congress to launch a congressional investigation months before the election. They are also seeking a similar interview with Andrii Telizhenko, a political officer within the Ukrainian embassy at the time. According to reports, Telizhenko was ordered to assist in an off-the-books investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia he said was being coordinated between Ukrainian officials and "the Hillary team." That investigation included then-Trump campaign advisor Paul Manafort's prior business dealings in the region. A CBS News analysis of the reported arrangement noted that "it's deeply unusual for an American campaign to be working with foreign assets like this, regardless of whether it's Ukraine or Russia."

Grassley and Johnson recently requested information from the National Archives and Records Administration regarding White House meetings in 2016 that included representatives from the Obama administration, Ukrainian government and the DNC. They also requested Justice Department records related to the FBI's interactions with Chalupa. The senators' inquiries are unrelated to an uncorroborated theory that Ukraine was also behind the hack of DNC servers. U.S. intelligence officials and Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation found that Russia was responsible for the DNC hack.

Grassley, Johnson, and Graham also have outstanding requests (see here, here, here, and here) related to potential conflicts of interest and political influence by Ukrainian elements, including the natural gas firm Burisma, which employed as a board member Hunter Biden while his father was the U.S. vice president and public face of the Obama administration's handling of Ukraine. Additional records and interviews related to these matters may also be necessary.

Well, well. Several GOP senators are calling Pelosi/Schiff's bluff.

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Hoping "gored" is back door legalese for indicted. Also hoping I live long enough to witness it.
Considering it is Ukraine, where actual bribery of public officials is a daily occurrence and the number of American citizens who have business interests there, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is squarely in play, in my view.

Burisma is just one issue that Biden has there. His bestie and large donor, John Hynansky has car dealerships in Ukraine. (He's of Ukrainian descent.) He also received a 20 million dollar federal loan to do so.

Have to wonder if Ol' Joe gets a kickback on every vehicle sold there?
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I think the answer to my coming question is the same thing we've said here over 100 times--"they never thought she would lose".

Over the last two years of this thread, there are double digit reported stories like Hyansky and Biden, and we've never heard of them before. Here's the really bad part, 95% of the regulars on this thread are VERY tuned in to news and operations of the US government, but 95% of the country (and media) isn't.

My question is how often do you think these types of things have happened with other administrations? I dont care if it's tangential employees of the Reagan, Bush I & II, Cllinton, or Obama. So many of these things are overseas, although I suspect it could have happened in the US, since 6-7 of our agencies are hell bent to ignore and obfuscate criminal activity.
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I have to ponder that a bit before responding because I want to be measured and as accurate as possible.

I ask for your forbearance here.
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I think since JFK's assassination, we've seen new ways to raid the taxpayer piggyback by skimming and then laundering back into organizations here in the states like the Atlantic council. Keep in mind Eisenhower's dire farewell address where he warned us of the military industrial complex. These are not new concepts but new ratlines have emerged since JFK's death. It really started with progressives like Woodrow Wilson who instituted income tax laws as well as the reemergence of the Fed. Think of it as a global bureaucracy. However altruistic in nature their inception, eventually it grows in size to a point of self preservation. But what do I know, I never graduated from college so take it with a grain of salt.
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Of course, take your time.

Besides, your big stressor for the week is over (the fridge), so it's all down hill now.

I've just never thought about it, well, at least not like what happened during, and after Obama. At least under Clinton, the press actually went after Bill's WH, kind of. FBI records in the attic, Barbara Olsen's book on the travel office (good read), etc..

Oh, and Tibbers, graduation from college has nothing to do with wisdom.
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