Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,486,467 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
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I was shocked that Pelosi allowed the Reps to put Jim Jordan on Schiff's committee for the hearings. I have NO idea what she's thinking, other than she assumes she knows the questions the Reps will ask, and believes there's nothing else Jordan can offer.

I suspect Schiff will allow more than Volcker, and then tell his DNC mouthpieces (the media) he agreed to everyone on the Rep list. You know they'll repeat it verbatim without asking questions.
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oysterbayAG said:

In view of all the revelations of the COUP D' ETAT attempts for the last 2 1/2 years, it appears to me, so far, that Trump and his Republican allies are quite a bit smarter than the Democrats and the Media.
IMHO, the real issue is "who" (which side) is winning public opinion. Personally, I think DJT is slowly pulling the black vote and perhaps more Hispanics across the divide, as well. I wish his message was better choreographed and projected on a daily basis. Again, MHO but he needs serious help in those areas. He also needs more Rep. officials to "step up" and become more vocal while some (we know who) need to take a seat and STFU.
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fasthorses05 said:

I was shocked that Pelosi allowed the Reps to put Jim Jordan on Schiff's committee for the hearings. I have NO idea what she's thinking, other than she assumes she knows the questions the Reps will ask, and believes there's nothing else Jordan can offer.

I suspect Schiff will allow more than Volcker, and then tell his DNC mouthpieces (the media) he agreed to everyone on the Rep list. You know they'll repeat it verbatim without asking questions.
I wasn't that surprised she went along with it. She knows that impeachment will ultimately fail and is happy to have Schiff and Nadler be the faces of what she knows is a doomed effort.
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whatthehey78 said:

oysterbayAG said:

In view of all the revelations of the COUP D' ETAT attempts for the last 2 1/2 years, it appears to me, so far, that Trump and his Republican allies are quite a bit smarter than the Democrats and the Media.
IMHO, the real issue is "who" (which side) is winning public opinion. Personally, I think DJT is slowly pulling the black vote and perhaps more Hispanics across the divide, as well. I wish his message was better choreographed and projected on a daily basis. Again, MHO but he needs serious help in those areas. He also needs more Rep. officials to "step up" and become more vocal while some (we know who) need to take a seat and STFU.
Rudy needs to take a slow boat to China and hide out for awhile.
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I suspect Schiff will allow more than Volcker, and then tell his DNC mouthpieces (the media) he agreed to everyone on the Rep list. You know they'll repeat it verbatim without asking questions.
Correct. If you will notice, they have already started to trump up and conjure anti-Jourdan stories and hit pieces. They probably have some junk lined up against him and think it will deter. (Maybe it will, or maybe he will just ram through -- no one on the right is going to care about anything less than mega-serious stuff now)
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drcrinum said:

Would've been more hilarious if they had called both Ciaramella and the 'whistleblower' as witnesses.
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Thread from earlier this year by Lokhova that received little attention. So if you think there is no media bias in the MSM.....
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..."This inquiry is not, and will not serve, however, as a vehicle to undertake the same sham investigations into the Bidens or 2016 that the President pressed Ukraine to conduct for his personal political benefit, or to facilitate the President's effort to threaten, intimidate, and retaliate against the whistleblower who courageously raised the initial alarm," he said....
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drcrinum said:

Thread from earlier this year by Lokhova that received little attention. So if you think there is no media bias in the MSM.....

MSM is Pro Democrat, Period.

And now, its even pro Collectivist, though whether `Period' yet applies is unclear.

Garrelli 5000
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..."This inquiry is not, and will not serve, however, as a vehicle to undertake the same sham investigations into the Bidens or 2016 that the President pressed Ukraine to conduct for his personal political benefit, or to facilitate the President's effort to threaten, intimidate, and retaliate against the whistleblower who courageously raised the initial alarm," he said....
This eunuch said recently he had an open mind on the whistleblower investigation and just wanted the truth.

The quote is not the words of someone seeking truth. That Schiff is allowed to remain chair is a mockery of governance.
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Adam Ag 98 said:


..."This inquiry is not, and will not serve, however, as a vehicle to undertake the same sham investigations into the Bidens or 2016 that the President pressed Ukraine to conduct for his personal political benefit, or to facilitate the President's effort to threaten, intimidate, and retaliate against the whistleblower who courageously raised the initial alarm," he said....
This eunuch said recently he had an open mind on the whistleblower investigation and just wanted the truth.

The quote is not the words of someone seeking truth. That Schiff is allowed to remain chair is a mockery of governance.
Actually, Schiff's statements are proof the "impeachment inquiry" is not a judicial proceeding and the House shouldn't be able to get Grand Jury materials. Judicial proceedings include the right to confront accusers and that right is absent in the House.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

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drcrinum said:

Thread from earlier this year by Lokhova that received little attention. So if you think there is no media bias in the MSM.....

I read your post earlier today, and got angry, so I stopped. It's not that I 'm not aware of the issues with the media, but I was angry I had neve thought of how many people at various news organizations set up their interviews and have multiple people in the room.

I don't really have an issue with the talking heads, but a frickin' enormous issue with producers. As long as were getting transcripts of phone calls, I'd love to get the records of calls from execs at NBC, ABC, and CBS.

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Rather amazing times we live in. Above is a factual account about the Flynn case at, a Russian news service, mirroring multiple items you can see on our thread, and yet you won't find this coverage in the US MSM.
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.....Instead, Barr is directly attempting to put some proof behind the claims that Donald Trump was trying to extort out of Ukraine: That there was never any real contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, that the DNC servers were not in fact hacked by Russia, that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud was a CIA plant put in place to lure George Papadopoulos, that Australian official Andrew Downer was an instrument of U.S. intelligence, and that Ukrainian hackers conspired with Hillary Clinton to make it seem as if Russia stole data from the DNC and presented it to WikiLeaks, when all the while it was a scheme to justify launching an investigation into the Trump campaign.....

The Daily Kos is a far left blog/internet forum site. I can't believe they are putting out something like the above. If those are the rumors The Left are hearing, then I've got my hopes up.
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drcrinum said:


.....Instead, Barr is directly attempting to put some proof behind the claims that Donald Trump was trying to extort out of Ukraine: That there was never any real contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, that the DNC servers were not in fact hacked by Russia, that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud was a CIA plant put in place to lure George Papadopoulos, that Australian official Andrew Downer was an instrument of U.S. intelligence, and that Ukrainian hackers conspired with Hillary Clinton to make it seem as if Russia stole data from the DNC and presented it to WikiLeaks, when all the while it was a scheme to justify launching an investigation into the Trump campaign.....

The Daily Kos is a far left blog/internet forum site. I can't believe they are putting out something like the above. If those are the rumors The Left are hearing, then I've got my hopes up.

I read the article and they are listing that litany of items above to make it seem as one giant conspiracy theory. And, they then describe the upcoming report from Barr as a sideshow to derail impeachment and to "incinerate the rule of law"

in other words, about what one would expect from the Daily Kos.
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IDAGG said:

I read the article and they are listing that litany of items above to make it seem as one giant conspiracy theory. And, they then describe the upcoming report from Barr as a sideshow to derail impeachment and to "incinerate the rule of law"

in other words, about what one would expect from the Daily Kos.
It's sad how far journalism has fallen the last 3 years ... devolved into nothing more than opinions that can be monetized.
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drcrinum said:


.....Instead, Barr is directly attempting to put some proof behind the claims that Donald Trump was trying to extort out of Ukraine: That there was never any real contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, that the DNC servers were not in fact hacked by Russia, that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud was a CIA plant put in place to lure George Papadopoulos, that Australian official Andrew Downer was an instrument of U.S. intelligence, and that Ukrainian hackers conspired with Hillary Clinton to make it seem as if Russia stole data from the DNC and presented it to WikiLeaks, when all the while it was a scheme to justify launching an investigation into the Trump campaign.....

The Daily Kos is a far left blog/internet forum site. I can't believe they are putting out something like the above. If those are the rumors The Left are hearing, then I've got my hopes up.

That article is the epitome of gaslighting. Those "journalists" know what is coming, and it is 100% contrary to all the crap that they have been reporting.
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Since Pelosi has made this Congress the "Lawfare" House of Reps, I would assume that's where the Kos dodos are getting their information.

IMO, it would be the true definition of the "practice of law", because they're practicing how to frame a corrupt argument that only Obama judges would defend.
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The Daily Kos is a far left blog/internet forum site. I can't believe they are putting out something like the above. If those are the rumors The Left are hearing, then I've got my hopes up.

I'm with you. Add in the claim DoJ sent the report back for citations of the statutory violations and I'm pretty excited for it's release.

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fasthorses05 said:

Since Pelosi has made this Congress the "Lawfare" House of Reps, I would assume that's where the Kos dodos are getting their information.

IMO, it would be the true definition of the "practice of law", because they're practicing how to frame a corrupt argument that only Obama judges would defend.
That lawfare outfit is a scourge. That being said, the right needs to set up a similar operation to antagonize and attack our opponents
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Instead, Barr is directly attempting to put some proof behind the claims that Donald Trump was trying to extort out of Ukraine:

Spin, spin, spin. Another way to look at it is he is actually going where the evidence leads.


That there was never any real contact between Russia and the Trump campaign,

Correct - see the Mueller report.


that the DNC servers were not in fact hacked by Russia,

There are plenty of reasons to question whether they were hacked by Russia.


that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud was a CIA plant put in place to lure George Papadopoulos,

He had two US government issued Blackberries. Seems worth investigating.


that Australian official Andrew Downer was an instrument of U.S. intelligence,

Another item that seems worth investigating.


and that Ukrainian hackers conspired with Hillary Clinton to make it seem as if Russia stole data from the DNC and presented it to WikiLeaks, when all the while it was a scheme to justify launching an investigation into the Trump campaign....

Assange has said repeatedly the emails did not come from Russia, or any other state actor. He says they were physically handed over by an insider.

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Google translation:

Joseph Di Gabriele: this is how he called himself Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor at the center of Russiagate, the one who confided in an April 2016 meeting to George Papadopoulos that he learned that the Russian government had "compromising material" (dirt) on Hillary Clinton "in the form of e-mail". According to the lawyer Stephan Roh at Adnkronos, leaving the village of Matelica in the Marche, Joseph Mifsud goes to Malta at the end of 2017 to "find the parents, who had health problems". At the beginning of 2018, Mifsud is "back in Italy, mainly in Rome". The lecturer, as confirmed by the credit card statements obtained by Adnkronos, stayed in the apartment-apartment of the Link in the capital.

"At this stage of his life - underlines the lawyer Roh - Mifsud kept himself out of the spotlight but he walked around quite freely using an Italian identity card in the name of Joseph Di Gabriele. I think it was the mother's last name. He showed it to me, I saw it with my own eyes ". "Alternative" identity that Americans have known for many months. In a letter dated May 22, 2019 and sent by Republican deputy Devin Nunes to President Donald Trump, Nunes asks the tycoon to report to then British Prime Minister Theresa May of Mifsud's activity "potentially also known as Joseph Di Gabriele" and which contacts the latter would have had the latter "with British intelligence" and "all the information that the British government has on the links between Mifsud / Di Gabriele with any other government or intelligence agency". The Americans, therefore, have known for months that Joseph Mifsud called himself Joseph Di Gabriele......

So, Mifsud had an alias...and it seems various people knew this...except Mueller???

FTAG 2000
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Mueller knew, it just wasn't part of his mandate (get Trump).

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AG 2000' said:

Mueller knew, it just wasn't part of his mandate (get Trump).

Based on what I saw in Mueller's testimony, Mueller didn't know jack **** about a lot of this which was calculated as the Dems knew he would be testifying under oath. The people that should be testifying under oath are the people who actually did the investigating and actually wrote the report.
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Something a bit off-topic, but I was wondering how the Steele Dossier was used to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page? Was Carter Page mentioned in the Dossier? The only person that it seems was mentioned was Trump. Am I wrong on this?
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aggietoombs01 said:

Something a bit off-topic, but I was wondering how the Steele Dossier was used to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page? Was Carter Page mentioned in the Dossier? The only person that it seems was mentioned was Trump. Am I wrong on this?
Page, Cohen's made up trip to Prague, Manafort were all mentioned in the dossier.
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VegasAg86 said:


Instead, Barr is directly attempting to put some proof behind the claims that Donald Trump was trying to extort out of Ukraine:

Spin, spin, spin. Another way to look at it is he is actually going where the evidence leads.


That there was never any real contact between Russia and the Trump campaign,

Correct - see the Mueller report.


that the DNC servers were not in fact hacked by Russia,

There are plenty of reasons to question whether they were hacked by Russia.


that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud was a CIA plant put in place to lure George Papadopoulos,

He had two US government issued Blackberries. Seems worth investigating.


that Australian official Andrew Downer was an instrument of U.S. intelligence,

Another item that seems worth investigating.


and that Ukrainian hackers conspired with Hillary Clinton to make it seem as if Russia stole data from the DNC and presented it to WikiLeaks, when all the while it was a scheme to justify launching an investigation into the Trump campaign....

Assange has said repeatedly the emails did not come from Russia, or any other state actor. He says they were physically handed over by an insider.

An insider that appears to have met an Eppstein fate of a suspicious death being insisted was of a more routine nature.
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Thank you!
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Are we now to the stage that these are "real subpoenas" as opposed just demand letters?

Fighting w some ding-a-lings on this point.

Many thanks for a link.

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So there is now a strong hint that Vindman is whistleblower #2, making him the source for Ciaramella, whistleblower #1. Figures. BTW, that would indicate that he gave classified info to someone not authorized; i.e., Ciaramella did not possess a 'need to know'.
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Artem Syntyk? Where have I heard that name before? Oh that's right, Marie Yovanovitch's testimony about Ukrainian criminal investigations in which she was actively involved.
Bird Poo
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drcrinum said:


This whistleblower BS is so transparent. These guys are doing everything possible to keep their corruption from being exposed.
End Of Message
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drcrinum said:

So there is now a strong hint that Vindman is whistleblower #2, making him the source for Ciaramella, whistleblower #1. Figures. BTW, that would indicate that he gave classified info to someone not authorized; i.e., Ciaramella did not possess a 'need to know'.
Which is a felony.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
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Vindman is the leaker who has never submitted a whistleblower complaint. So no, he's not entitled to any protection. And certainly no protection from felony charges. So he gets kicked off the NSC? Big deal. Guy should be facing federal charges not only for this but also the leaks in 2017.
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