Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,486,847 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
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pagerman @ work
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I've been conducting my own investigation into all of this.

My explosive report was due out yesterday, but I'm having problems with spell check and all the Ukrainian/Russian/foreign names.

But trust me, when it drops it will be an absolute bombshell.

I will reveal more this Sunday night on the Dr. Demento show, followed by several appearances next week on Coast to Coast radio. Yuge.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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The State Department utilized a powerful Facebook-owned social media tracking tool linked to leftist billionaire George Soros to unlawfully monitor prominent U.S. conservative figures, journalists and persons with ties to President Donald Trump, according to an agency source. The State Department veteran identified Crowdtangle as the tool used to closely watch more than a dozen U.S. citizens, including the president's son, personal attorney and popular television personalities such as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, among others.

Last week Judicial Watch launched an investigation into the unlawful monitoring, which State Department sources say was conducted by the agency in Ukraine at the request of ousted U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, an Obama appointee. Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating Yovanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain U.S. persons using State Department resources. Yovanovitch reportedly ordered monitoring keyed to the following search terms: Biden, Giuliani, Soros and Yovanovitch. Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department last week and continues gathering facts from government sources. This week Judicial Watch filed another FOIA request for information related to the State Department's use of Crowdtangle.......

I think Schiff may just have lost one of his witnesses.

Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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pagerman @ work said:

I've been conducting my own investigation into all of this.

My explosive report was due out yesterday, but I'm having problems with spell check and all the Ukrainian/Russian/foreign names.

But trust me, when it drops it will be an absolute bombshell.

I will reveal more this Sunday night on the Dr. Demento show, followed by several appearances next week on Coast to Coast radio. Yuge.

pretty much. i feel like this investigation has the worst PR possible.

next week. month.
our bad. next week for sure.
august is a HOT month!
not really hot this year (thanks, climate change), but get ready for red october!
scratch that, definitely thanksgiving.
after second thought, christmas. who's been naughty or nice?
nevermind, let's ring in the new year with some perp walks!
april fools!
hold up...investigation expanded. investigators investigating. definitely before 2020 election.
nope, you have to re-elect to see what's in it.

this is the opposite of red pill at this point.
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.....While Steele's not the focus, the IG report is expected to lay out missteps, failures and a lack of adherence to the very reforms Murphy laid out for the bureau's modern day informant network.

A source familiar with the preliminary findings says the IG appears to have identified a pattern of FBI agents ignoring red flags raised about sources during the course of investigations or from other intelligence agencies.

In addition, there is some concern that human source validation reports were incomplete or outdated, the source said......

This article is a prelude to the 'explosive' report coming out next week per Solomon. So the FBI wasn't following procedures established by Congress regarding validating human source data. Perhaps this is being presented separately so it can be simply referenced when the FISA abuse IG report comes out late this month. But it doesn't sound 'explosive' to me unless it's put in the context of what they did with the Steele dossier. We'll see...

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Just sounds like MORE / ON-GOING unpunished Govt. corruption.
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Bill Taylor has no idea what is coming his way next Wednesday. Having already been under oath for 324 pages, he now has to go under oath again. Disaster awaits. I predict he steps in at least four perjury traps.

It is obvious he is entrapping the Trump officials into a Schiff created narrative. He is fugged.
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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drcrinum said:


.....While Steele's not the focus, the IG report is expected to lay out missteps, failures and a lack of adherence to the very reforms Murphy laid out for the bureau's modern day informant network.

A source familiar with the preliminary findings says the IG appears to have identified a pattern of FBI agents ignoring red flags raised about sources during the course of investigations or from other intelligence agencies.

In addition, there is some concern that human source validation reports were incomplete or outdated, the source said......

This article is a prelude to the 'explosive' report coming out next week per Solomon. So the FBI wasn't following procedures established by Congress regarding validating human source data. Perhaps this is being presented separately so it can be simply referenced when the FISA abuse IG report comes out late this month. But it doesn't sound 'explosive' to me unless it's put in the context of what they did with the Steele dossier. We'll see...

Rules be damned when Orange Man Bad
Who is John Galt?

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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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drcrinum said:

The last estimate for the IG report said last week or this week. So I'll just put this estimate in the round file.
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
Ellis Wyatt
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drcrinum said:

A source familiar with the preliminary findings says the IG appears to have identified a pattern of FBI agents ignoring red flags raised about sources during the course of investigations or from other intelligence agencies.

In addition, there is some concern that human source validation reports were incomplete or outdated, the source said......
Hey, you cant have Obama's fundamental transformation without a few eggs being cracked. That's the price of "progress."
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Apologies if this has already been posted here, I don't remember seeing it. A career FBI Agent tells about his change of mind since initially believing there was nothing nefarious about the FBI's actions.


Powell charges that Page directed Strzok to alter his Flynn interview 302. As in most instances in life, words matter. The change in wording was instrumental in moving Flynn from a target to a subject. One recalls how critical wording was in the FBI's decision not to argue that DOJ charge Hillary Clinton with a crime in the private email server investigation. Comey elected not to use "gross negligence" to characterize Clinton's actions which would have been the required language in the mishandling of classified information statute and instead settled upon the more benign and non-indictable "extreme carelessness."

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Ciaramella is, without question, the "whistleblower"...

Hiding his identity has nothing to do with has everything to do with keeping the fact that he is in bed with the left as a true operative a secret...
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I wonder if the photos have a time stamp on them? This is absolutely sickening. I hope Eric did not know Seth Rich.
Rangers Lead the Way, NSDQ

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This brings me back to mirror telexing. I suspect Ciaramella -- let us continue the hypothesis -- was involved in a role reversal with Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Vindman is the Ukraine director on the National Security Council, the same position Ciaramella had in 2017, and he recently testified to the impeachment committee. Vindman was on the July 25 call. Ciaramella was not. Ciaramella, if he's the whistleblower, probably got his ideas about the call from Vindman; they're bound to have known each other. It seems likely that they arranged for Ciaramella to step forward as the whistleblower and for Vindman to follow up by testifying to the truth of a story of which he himself was the author.

If Vindman is the source of the whistleblower account, that would certainly undermine the force of Vindman's supposed corroboration of the whistleblower account.

If Vindman was not the starting point for the whistleblower's view of the phone call, who was? The public deserves to know. Let's not keep this secret.

2 + 2 = 4
The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
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They met with Schiff BEFORE the account came out, so yes, there's at least cause to think that there was indeed a conspiracy between State, Congress, and a left-sympathizing element within the WH...
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Don't forget the CIA
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
Also Ciaramella's contacts with Schiff and staff, that directed Ciaramella to "a lawyer" Zaid(?) and then Schiff and the Atlantic Council send Thomas Eager to Ukraine to feed Bill Taylor the narrative and get him to send texts to make a fake electronic paper trail on a non-existent quid pro quo to the most unseasoned of diplomats, Sondland.

Sounds like the perfect trap and it was working until the NY Times revealed the connection between Ciaramella and Schiff before the "whistleblower" complaint was filed with the IC IG.

I still maintain that the Times would have sat on that story without a tacit go-ahead from Pelosi. (Unless they knew someone else also had the story and wanted to have the scoop.)

Rudy's actions caused too much distraction and confusion, in my view and he clearly veered out of his lane, being led down a garden path by Lutshenko and Poroshenko who desperately wanted Trump's endorsement in the upcoming Ukrainian elections. Yovanovitch gets caught in the crossfire and winds up taking the fall. (Not that she was that dialed in and terrific as an ambassador in the first place.)
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aggiehawg said:


The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
Also Ciaramella's contacts with Schiff and staff, that directed Ciaramella to "a lawyer" Zaid(?) and then Schiff and the Atlantic Council send Thomas Eager to Ukraine to feed Bill Taylor the narrative and get him to send texts to make a fake electronic paper trail on a non-existent quid pro quo to the most unseasoned of diplomats, Sondland.

Sounds like the perfect trap and it was working until the NY Times revealed the connection between Ciaramella and Schiff before the "whistleblower" complaint was filed with the IC IG.

I still maintain that the Times would have sat on that story without a tacit go-ahead from Pelosi. (Unless they knew someone else also had the story and wanted to have the scoop.)

Rudy's actions caused too much distraction and confusion, in my view and he clearly veered out of his lane, being led down a garden path by Lutshenko and Poroshenko who desperately wanted Trump's endorsement in the upcoming Ukrainian elections. Yovanovitch gets caught in the crossfire and winds up taking the fall. (Not that she was that dialed in and terrific as an ambassador in the first place.)
That's precisely my take on how this all came to be...
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Secolobo said:

A whole lotta punchable faces in that one.
BMX Bandit
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can we keep ukraine & whistleblower stuff in "impeachment" thread?

there is some crossover sure, but this thread should be on last remnants of Mueller investigation and (more importantly now) the origin of that investigation?

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BMX Bandit said:

can we keep ukraine & whistleblower stuff in "impeachment" thread?

there is some crossover sure, but this thread should be on last remnants of Mueller investigation and (more importantly now) the origin of that investigation?

The impeachment thread has too many trolls to maintain a continuous discussion without a derail. We can keep the story more fact based and the time frames accurate here since we are mostly all up to date and on the same page on this thread.

My .02.
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aggiehawg said:

BMX Bandit said:

can we keep ukraine & whistleblower stuff in "impeachment" thread?

there is some crossover sure, but this thread should be on last remnants of Mueller investigation and (more importantly now) the origin of that investigation?

The impeachment thread has too many trolls to maintain a continuous discussion without a derail. We can keep the story more fact based and the time frames accurate here since we are mostly all up to date and on the same page on this thread.

My .02.
What she said...
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Agree with hawg. This thread offers a good single source for all of this stuff Mueller + Ukraine without having to wade through socks of Stephenville and etcetera.
BMX Bandit
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fair point
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4stringAg said:

Agree with hawg. This thread offers a good single source for all of this stuff Mueller + Ukraine without having to wade through socks of Stephenville and etcetera.
And Lot Y...
pagerman @ work
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aggiehawg said:


The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
Also Ciaramella's contacts with Schiff and staff, that directed Ciaramella to "a lawyer" Zaid(?) and then Schiff and the Atlantic Council send Thomas Eager to Ukraine to feed Bill Taylor the narrative and get him to send texts to make a fake electronic paper trail on a non-existent quid pro quo to the most unseasoned of diplomats, Sondland.

Sounds like the perfect trap and it was working until the NY Times revealed the connection between Ciaramella and Schiff before the "whistleblower" complaint was filed with the IC IG.

I still maintain that the Times would have sat on that story without a tacit go-ahead from Pelosi. (Unless they knew someone else also had the story and wanted to have the scoop.)

Rudy's actions caused too much distraction and confusion, in my view and he clearly veered out of his lane, being led down a garden path by Lutshenko and Poroshenko who desperately wanted Trump's endorsement in the upcoming Ukrainian elections. Yovanovitch gets caught in the crossfire and winds up taking the fall. (Not that she was that dialed in and terrific as an ambassador in the first place.)

Isn't this essentially the same methodology the FBI was using during their investigation into the Trump campaign for FISA warrants?

Leak a story to the press and then use that story as 3rd party corroboration to the court, so that essentially the thing you are trying to corroborate becomes evidence for itself?
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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pagerman @ work said:

aggiehawg said:


The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
Also Ciaramella's contacts with Schiff and staff, that directed Ciaramella to "a lawyer" Zaid(?) and then Schiff and the Atlantic Council send Thomas Eager to Ukraine to feed Bill Taylor the narrative and get him to send texts to make a fake electronic paper trail on a non-existent quid pro quo to the most unseasoned of diplomats, Sondland.

Sounds like the perfect trap and it was working until the NY Times revealed the connection between Ciaramella and Schiff before the "whistleblower" complaint was filed with the IC IG.

I still maintain that the Times would have sat on that story without a tacit go-ahead from Pelosi. (Unless they knew someone else also had the story and wanted to have the scoop.)

Rudy's actions caused too much distraction and confusion, in my view and he clearly veered out of his lane, being led down a garden path by Lutshenko and Poroshenko who desperately wanted Trump's endorsement in the upcoming Ukrainian elections. Yovanovitch gets caught in the crossfire and winds up taking the fall. (Not that she was that dialed in and terrific as an ambassador in the first place.)

Isn't this essentially the same methodology the FBI was using during their investigation into the Trump campaign for FISA warrants?

Leak a story to the press and then use that story as 3rd party corroboration to the court, so that essentially the thing you are trying to corroborate becomes evidence for itself?
Yes, it sure has the same feel...
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Isn't this essentially the same methodology the FBI was using during their investigation into the Trump campaign for FISA warrants?

Leak a story to the press and then use that story as 3rd party corroboration to the court, so that essentially the thing you are trying to corroborate becomes evidence for itself?
I also have to wonder if Schiff's hiring of former NSC employees was the first step. And by that I mean having his staffers with existing friendships to encourage an open line of communication with scuttlebutt and rumors floating around the White House. In essence requesting their buddies to violate the law and leak to them.

And then Schiff leaks to the press. They print it and Schiff calls for an investigation.

(Side note: While Marie Yovanovitch was still reading her opening statement (hyperbole but not by much) the statement was already in the press. Violation of Schiff's own rules since he and only he has authority to say anything publicly about the substance in these closed hearings. Yovanovitch's attorney got tied up in knots directing her not to answer questions about whether she leaked it or whether she knew if her lawyer leaked it. In one of those, "Oh s***!" moments lawyers have on occasion. I chuckled.)
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I just want to go ahead and say hello to Roscoe since we know he will be copying and pasting this in his twitter feed momentarily.

Hawg, you are my leader.

aggiehawg said:


The next question: Did they conspire to construct a whistleblower story to undermine Trump? A personal relationship between Vindman & Ciaramella needs to be investigated including all emails, telecoms, texts, meetings & contacts between them.
Also Ciaramella's contacts with Schiff and staff, that directed Ciaramella to "a lawyer" Zaid(?) and then Schiff and the Atlantic Council send Thomas Eager to Ukraine to feed Bill Taylor the narrative and get him to send texts to make a fake electronic paper trail on a non-existent quid pro quo to the most unseasoned of diplomats, Sondland.

Sounds like the perfect trap and it was working until the NY Times revealed the connection between Ciaramella and Schiff before the "whistleblower" complaint was filed with the IC IG.

I still maintain that the Times would have sat on that story without a tacit go-ahead from Pelosi. (Unless they knew someone else also had the story and wanted to have the scoop.)

Rudy's actions caused too much distraction and confusion, in my view and he clearly veered out of his lane, being led down a garden path by Lutshenko and Poroshenko who desperately wanted Trump's endorsement in the upcoming Ukrainian elections. Yovanovitch gets caught in the crossfire and winds up taking the fall. (Not that she was that dialed in and terrific as an ambassador in the first place.)
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BMX Bandit said:

can we keep ukraine & whistleblower stuff in "impeachment" thread?

there is some crossover sure, but this thread should be on last remnants of Mueller investigation and (more importantly now) the origin of that investigation?

I stopped following the impeachment thread weeks ago because of the trolls. I appreciate everything being here. It's all somewhat tied together, and it seems the Dems are using the same playbook as Russiagate.
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