Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,513,428 Views | 49272 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by will25u
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benchmark said:

Patentmike said:

Obviously, Mueller is worried about a perjury trap.
Totally triggers me that Mueller can dictate testimony terms while Hope Hicks can be grilled for 8 hrs. I hope Graham isn't this accommodating when he subpoenas Mueller's bony ass before the Senate judiciary..
I don't think Mueller is as afraid of Congress than he is afraid of John Durham (again). Durham has ripped Mueller's butt before.
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Patentmike said:

Obviously, Mueller is worried about a perjury trap.
To mix metaphors, it seems the hand is now on the other foot.
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SPF250 said:

Patentmike said:

Obviously, Mueller is worried about a perjury trap.
To mix metaphors, it seems the hand is now on the other foot.
Which is why the Mueller Report is such a puzzle to me. They all knew full well when they employed the narrative version for the report without flagging 6(e) material that it would provoke many questions as to their honesty.

I have said on this and other threads that when embellishments are made to bolster credibility, those details often come back to haunt the one making them. Every damn trial lawyer with experience knows that. It's the details that can be attacked the easiest and disproved, thus wrecking the entire narrative.

But speaking indictments are a forte of Weissmann, just can't resist the urge to twist facts, hide exculpatory material and craft his own narrative.

Still amazes me they truly believed they would get away with it.
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aggiehawg said:

benchmark said:

Totally triggers me that Mueller can dictate testimony terms while Hope Hicks can be grilled for 8 hrs. I hope Graham isn't this accommodating when he subpoenas Mueller's bony ass before the Senate judiciary..
I don't think Mueller is as afraid of Congress than he is afraid of John Durham (again). Durham has ripped Mueller's butt before.
If Mueller gets the softball treatment in the House, maybe Graham can help Durham in the Senate.
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benchmark said:

aggiehawg said:

benchmark said:

Totally triggers me that Mueller can dictate testimony terms while Hope Hicks can be grilled for 8 hrs. I hope Graham isn't this accommodating when he subpoenas Mueller's bony ass before the Senate judiciary..
I don't think Mueller is as afraid of Congress than he is afraid of John Durham (again). Durham has ripped Mueller's butt before.
If Mueller gets the softball treatment in the House, maybe Graham can help Durham in the Senate.
Graham won't step on Durham's investigation unless he absolutely has to, IMO.
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He may have to after this farce
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captkirk said:

He may have to after this farce
Yeah, I agree. Good thing it is July 2019 and not July 2020. Time to swat down the guaranteed-to-be-leaked-and-lied-about crap.

But Republicans will need audio tapes to be transcribed to prove it.
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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SPF250 said:

Patentmike said:

Obviously, Mueller is worried about a perjury trap.
To mix metaphors, it seems the hand is now on the other foot.
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A lot of articles in this thread have really important information, but I don't know it unless one of y'all point it out.

However, assuming the Epoch Times article is correct, this is just gd infuriating. The ICIG was doing their job, and being played every single day. Surely Horowitz suspected, he's a frickin' professional investigator.

Edit: This is classic Big Government BS. ANY elected official who saw this for what it was, should immediately be indicted, forced to cough up retainers of $1M-at least-, and publicly pilloried. As far as the ICIG employees, I can understand them not saying anything. Their jobs are, and were imperiled.
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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This is classic Big Government BS. ANY elected official who saw this for what it was, should immediately be indicted, forced to cough up retainers of $1M-at least-, and publicly pilloried. As far as the ICIG employees, I can understand them not saying anything. Their jobs are, and were imperiled.


For nearly eight years, the Obama administration sought to cover up serial wrongdoing by waging a veritable war against the watchdog inspectors general of various federal agencies.

In 2014, 47 of the nation's 73 inspectors general signed a letter alleging that Obama had stonewalled their "ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner."

The frustrated nonpartisan auditors cited systematic Obama-administration refusals to turn over incriminating documents that were central to their investigations.
The administration had purportedly tried to sidetrack an IG investigation into possible misconduct by thenSacramento mayor Kevin Johnson. In addition, the Obama administration reportedly thwarted IG investigations of Amtrak, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and the Office of Management and Budget.

In 2012, Horowitz recommended that 14 Justice Department and ATF officials be disciplined for their conduct in the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal.
A 2013 IG audit found that the IRS had targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny prior to the 2012 Obama reelection effort.

In 2014, an internal audit revealed that CIA officials had hacked the Senate Intelligence Committee's computers while compiling a report on enhanced interrogation techniques. CIA director John Brennan had claimed that his agents were not improperly monitoring Senate staff computer files. He was forced to retract his denials and apologize for his prevarication.

In 2016, the State Department's inspector general found that Hillary Clinton had never sought approval for her reckless and illegal use of an unsecured private email server. The IG also found that other Clinton aides silenced staffers who were worried about national security being compromised by the unsecured server.
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In his May 11th, 2017 testimony before Congress, McCabe has the following exchange:

Senator Rubio: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. McCabe, can youwithout going to the specifics of any individual investigation, I think the American people want to know, has the dismissal of Mr. Comey in any way impeded, interrupted, stopped, or negatively impacted any of the work, any investigation, or any ongoing projects at the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

Director McCabe. As you know, Senator, the work of the men and women of the FBI continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions. So there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date. Quite simply put, sir, you cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.

Why did McCabe open an investigation the day prior to this testimony if 'no effort' had been encountered to impede or obstruct?
Why indeed?
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I debated posting this here since it briefly mentions another parallel thread but the initial questions asked are not relevant to his interview.

It was retweeted by Giulio Occhionero.


5. If you were not hacking why do you think you were chosen as patsies?


5) The full picture still escapes me but surely targeting was done on a political basis. Even in the fabrication of proofs against us, CNAIPIC affirms receiving the Occhionero name in April 2016 from the FBI; as I was traced back to the famous MailBee license. However, CNAIPIC has produced a document in court where they made an informative doc on Giulio and Francesca Occhionero in March 2016; when they should have not even known our names. Moreover, they only received "Delegation to Investigation" from Albamonte in May 2016; so investigating in absence of delegation was also a crime. Someone had great appetite for the Occhionero's.


6. In the first Neon Revolt article, it's mentioned that in your defense you point to several contradictions and suspicious circumstance, can you detail any of them for us?


6) There are bunches of contraditions but, most of all, false statements. I have filed a complaint against the judge Antonella Bencivinni as well; because in her motivations for the sentence she made 21 different false statements. Check Neon's doc:

20190114 Nuovo Esposto ed Integrazioni Perugia.pdf

20190114 Nuovo Esposto ed Integrazioni Perugia
Translated 20190114 Nuovo Esposto ed Integrazioni Perugia.
However, my lawyers want me to leave this here because an appeal is pending.


9. In your letter to Congress, you describe in detail the means and methods used by a sophisticated group (and Italian authorities) to gain control of your server and presumably plant evidence. Have you been able to uncover any additional evidence since that time of further hacking or illegal information gathering by these agencies?


9) Unfortunately the servers (e.g. the very hardware) are now in the possession of Albamonte and CNAIPIC. It is disturbing to think that the FBI has handed over the hardware rather than just a copy of the hard disks, but that is. To these dazzling picture, you should add that, contrary to dozens of investigations, my servers were delivered to Italy via a diplomatic bag. So the Italian Embassy in Washington and Italian Ambassador Varricchio had some very role in this; which looks like an overkill, for the limited scope of sending a package to Rome.


15. Any predictions on the upcoming press conference scheduled for 6:15 today?


15) Conte's conference has now gone with little show.

As a final consideration, I want to emphasize that media diversions like Russiagate and EyePyramid have the wider scope of distracting attention from covert operations of those who need some chaos to stay below detection threshold. In this very way, a foreign police force has been hacking into US cyber space (a bit more in this Twitter discussion) for now three years at least.

In this effort they have both impersonated Microsoft's digital identity and uploaded dozens of infected apps to Google PlayStore. They have attempted taking control of a server owned by a US company in front of me, by the most blatant and arrogant of hacks: attempting a Remote Desktop session, from their laptops and IPs.

While this was ongoing, and while Politico and The Guardian were more than happy to celebrate the EyePyramid/Russiagate cases, foreign agents went in and out of US; within the framework of some ops the American people should possibly know about. So, don't let them fool you.

Sorry if I have been short here and there, but I have to balance it all with my own defense.

Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Nixon's administration was more corrupt that Obama's? I don't think so
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Secolobo said:

I don't understand why this can't be tied to the murder of Chinese CIA assets and have this ***** convicted. I guess the answer is that no wants wants to.
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OOOH, I forgot about that.

I guess after being responsible for one murder, either directly, or indirectly, it's just not that big of a deal!

Good one!
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I THINK I know the answer to this, but when investigations are complete, will it be possible to review the hiring processes at DOJ, State, and FBI?

I think Comey, Strozk, etc., have been in the government well before Obama was there, although it's likely they were hired during the Clinton years (see FBI files in the WH). However, the tangential characters in all of these departments certainly couldn't have been employed by the Government for more than ten years!

IF someone could review the hiring process, whether the prospective employee was asked which party they supported, or at least their political views, then some of this could return to. a reasonably normal work environment.

I bring this up because there are about 100 people involved in this, at a minimum, and the actions they took are incredibly risky and dangerous to their freedom, not to mention their family. With this many people involved, there has to be a ring leader, and the outline of a plan for a long time
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fasthorses05 said:

I THINK I know the answer to this, but when investigations are complete, will it be possible to review the hiring processes at DOJ, State, and FBI?

I think Comey, Strozk, etc., have been in the government well before Obama was there, although it's likely they were hired during the Clinton years (see FBI files in the WH). However, the tangential characters in all of these departments certainly couldn't have been employed by the Government for more than ten years!

IF someone could review the hiring process, whether the prospective employee was asked which party they supported, or at least their political views, then some of this could return to. a reasonably normal work environment.

I bring this up because there are about 100 people involved in this, at a minimum, and the actions they took are incredibly risky and dangerous to their freedom, not to mention their family. With this many people involved, there has to be a ring leader, and the outline of a plan for a long time
Actaully, I think it is the swamp that is the most corrupting influence. Rotating people out of DC to other FBI Field Offices would help tremendously. Just like when one is in the military, when told to move you move or leave the service.
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aggiehawg said:

fasthorses05 said:

I THINK I know the answer to this, but when investigations are complete, will it be possible to review the hiring processes at DOJ, State, and FBI?

I think Comey, Strozk, etc., have been in the government well before Obama was there, although it's likely they were hired during the Clinton years (see FBI files in the WH). However, the tangential characters in all of these departments certainly couldn't have been employed by the Government for more than ten years!

IF someone could review the hiring process, whether the prospective employee was asked which party they supported, or at least their political views, then some of this could return to. a reasonably normal work environment.

I bring this up because there are about 100 people involved in this, at a minimum, and the actions they took are incredibly risky and dangerous to their freedom, not to mention their family. With this many people involved, there has to be a ring leader, and the outline of a plan for a long time
Actaully, I think it is the swamp that is the most corrupting influence. Rotating people out of DC to other FBI Field Offices would help tremendously. Just like when one is in the military, when told to move you move or leave the service.
That's a problem that pervades the federal civil service and not just the DoJ. Employees that reach supervisory level of GS14 but particularly GS15 and SES should have tenure agreements that obligate them two assignments that are 2-4 years long. At the four year point they need to move organizationally if not geographically (which is too expensive).

Senior civil service rotational transfers should mean that they work for a different department and director, in a different office, with a different view, and different furniture, and most importantly that they leave behind ALL of their budgetary authority and role based access privileges to federal databases.

GS15s are generalists and managers and not specialists that are focused in a narrow area of technical expertise. If they are not scientist with technical PhDs doing research then they really should not remain stationary for decades in luxuriously feathered nests. Having senior civil service employees that spend decades in a job and just wait out appointed directors are the reason that change is so impossible in the federal government. Dig them up and replant them before their roots get too deep.

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Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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almost every day:

huge revelation!

...and nothing has happened.
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ruddyduck said:

will25u said:

our government is a f'ing farce.
Now you're getting it
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
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Secolobo said:

I think between this and the investigation that's already been done we have enough to indict her. This will be a glorious week.
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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ruddyduck said:

almost every day:

huge revelation!

...and nothing has happened.

That's because establishment doesn't want anything to happen and without a free press the masses won't know enough to care.
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That's because establishment doesn't want anything to happen and without a free press the masses won't know enough to care.
We have a free press. Unfortunately that freedom includes the ability to ignore news, put a pillow over it, until it stops moving.

(With mucho apologies to IowaHawk. I butchered the hell out of that.)
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Like Woodward and Bernstein covering up for Richard Nixon !
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Start at 2:30. Mueller's testimony before Nadler's committee on July 17 won't amount to a hill of beans, but the following day, Weissmann will appear in executive session. That's when the s*** will hit the fan.
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I'm sure there are a lot of foks who have questionable reputations in their professional lives, but I suspect that like Sid Blumenthal, Weissman is as rotten personally as he is professionally.

Although I suspect that both are highly regarded and respected among the Dems, since the means to an end crowd is always ready for good corruption!
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drcrinum said:

Start at 2:30. Mueller's testimony before Nadler's committee on July 17 won't amount to a hill of beans, but the following day, Weissmann will appear in executive session. That's when the s*** will hit the fan.
Good possibility Weissmann will expose Mueller as mostly an empty suit.
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aggiehawg said:


That's because establishment doesn't want anything to happen and without a free press the masses won't know enough to care.
We have a free press. Unfortunately that freedom includes the ability to ignore news, put a pillow over it, until it stops moving.

(With mucho apologies to IowaHawk. I butchered the hell out of that.)
I think it was that they cover news they don't like...with a pillow...until it stops moving
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benchmark said:

drcrinum said:

Start at 2:30. Mueller's testimony before Nadler's committee on July 17 won't amount to a hill of beans, but the following day, Weissmann will appear in executive session. That's when the s*** will hit the fan.
Good possibility Weissmann will expose Mueller as mostly an empty suit.

I'm sitting here trying to think why he woud do that, but if it stains Mueller, then it make is easier for the Dems to impeach if the report was incompetent. Of course, I'm pretty sure Weissman was VERY active in writing it, recruiting the attorneys, etc., so with a little luck, he would be slammed too.
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As you can see, the WaPo has just published a big stinker on Mifsud by attempting to provide cover for Mueller & the FBI's EC for Crossfire Hurricane. Everybody knew that Mifsud was NOT a Russian asset. I agree with Bongino that something is about to be declassified.
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