Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,513,772 Views | 49272 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by will25u
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blessed said:

Aggiehawg or knowledgeable others, what are the chances Barr and Durham lump a large number of the coup conspirators into a giant RICO case? Could you elaborate how that would work if it is realistic possibility.
IMHO, prosecutors will take the route of low hanging fruit first. i.e. perjury, obstruction of justice, etc. But I still think 'Conspiracy to Defraud the Gov' has possibilities if they can show intent (which won't be easy) and beyond a reasonable doubt (which also won't be easy).


In summary, those activities which courts have held defraud the United States under 18 U.S.C. 371 affect the government in at least one of three ways:

  • They cheat the government out of money or property;
  • They interfere or obstruct legitimate Government activity; or
  • They make wrongful use of a governmental instrumentality.

  • Quote:


    The fraud of wrongful use of a government instrumentality is characterized by the lack of threatened or real pecuniary or proprietary loss, or obstruction of governmental activity. An example of such a scheme might be the use of false United States Internal Revenue Service receipts to defraud private persons of money. Furthermore, the United States has the right to ensure that funds be administered in accordance with law and honesty without corrupt influence or bribery.

    Thus, a scheme to defraud the United States can range from directly cheating or swindling money or property from the government to simply using the government in a wrongful fashion with the only injury being to the pride and integrity of the government. The case law demonstrates, moreover, that any injury to the integrity of the government is sufficient.
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    TruckGuy said:

    Nothing but a circus so the Democrats can come away with it screaming for impeachment.

    Mueller will not answer any questions from the Republicans with anything but deflections.
    "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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    Oh my, what could possibly go wrong for the Democrats doing this?

    Are they idiots?
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    TruckGuy said:

    CNN: Robert Mueller will testify before Congress on July 17 after House Democrats issued a subpoena for his appearance, a move that paves the way for a reluctant special counsel to answer questions publicly for the first time about his 22-month investigation into President Donald Trump.
    Good. And after his House appearance, subpoena his bony ass before the Senate judiciary and let Cruz and Graham have their turn..
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    benchmark said:

    TruckGuy said:

    CNN: Robert Mueller will testify before Congress on July 17 after House Democrats issued a subpoena for his appearance, a move that paves the way for a reluctant special counsel to answer questions publicly for the first time about his 22-month investigation into President Donald Trump.
    Good. And after his House appearance, subpoena his bony ass before the Senate judiciary and let Cruze and Graham have their turn..

    This is exactly what I'm hoping for. Now maybe Lindsey will get off his a$$ since the leftist keep pushing.
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    We'll see...

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    Collins sent the above letter in February. Looks like Jeff Carlson's article about Nadler, Lawfare & the Brookings Institution was spot on.
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    Supposedly Samantha Powers' e-mails that read like the Stroeck and Page texting.
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    We foolish Americans handed Dems Congressional poweron the basis of lies...
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    MouthBQ98 said:

    We foolish Americans handed Dems Congressional poweron the basis of lies...

    I agree, but 40 Republicans not seeking re-election didnt help either. Incumbency is a powerful drug......unless the incumbent is completely disengaged from his Pete Sessions.
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    MouthBQ98 said:

    We foolish Americans handed Dems Congressional power on the basis of lies...
    While the globalist/swamp (what ever you wish to call them) cabal had CNN spouting those lies non-stop. There will always be lies from here on out. The controlled media arm of the cabal is now fully entrenched and operational. I am afraid it (some form of propaganda) will never end now....and the 'foolish American' population increases by the day also.

    Additionally, with the obvious non-stop vicious divisive clown-show that goes on in DC.....what enterprising American with half a brain (the non-foolish population) would even want to run for public office?!?!?!? Therefore, ceding the government to the other side.
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    .....Then came the bombshell: "And I do think most of the information I will need to review may be classified," Powell responded. "I don't know for sure, but out of an abundance of caution," Flynn's new attorney continued, before Sullivan interjected, "Notwithstanding the government's representations?" "That's with regards to what they produced. There is other information," Powell replied pointedly, to which the court quipped: "Now you've piqued the government's interest."

    But Van Grack persisted, noting that "again, in terms of the information the government produced, there's nothing that the government produced that's classified." "But you'd like to know what this other information is, too?" Sullivan queried. Van Grack suggested the "court would want some specificity in terms of the basis for getting a security clearance from government, which is in possession of the classified information," at which point Sullivan called the classified information security officer to the bench and held a sidebar discussion that was sealed by the court and redacted in the court transcript.

    Did the Special Counsel Hide Key Evidence?

    These exchanges raises the question of whether the special counsel's office failed to provide Flynn's prior attorneys all material information related to the case against Flynn. Although in his plea agreement, Flynn had agreed to "forego the right to any further discovery or disclosures of information not already provided at the time of the entry of Flynn's guilty plea," shortly after Flynn pled guilty before Judge Rudolph Contreras, the case was reassigned to Judge Sullivan.

    Sullivan's first order of business was to enter the standard order he issues in all criminal cases on his docket. That standing order requires the prosecution to produce "any evidence in its possession that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant's guilt or punishment." Significantly, Sullivan's standing order directs the government to submit to the court "any information which is favorable to the defendant but which the government believes not to be material." In other words, Robert Mueller's team could not withhold evidence with the excuse that it was immaterial......

    We've pretty much covered the above revelations from Flynn's recent hearing, but (new) why did the judge have a special redacted session with the security officer?

    Houston Lee
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    I get a big feeling that Mueller's testimony for July 17th will be postponed or cancelled.

    Especially, if DECLASS and a lot of the other things we have been discussing are made public between now and then.
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    Watch from about 8 mins to 11 mins. AG Barr plays the bagpipes, and has a little humor.
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    Why Republicans were not demanding Muelller testify directly after the report is beyond me. Clearly, Democrats had this in their poLincket and were delaying to bring Mueller up to speed. I guess I shouldn't be suprised considering Lindsey didn't get far in the Republican Primary, but he should have jumped the gun and demanded Mueller in front of the Senate instead of his, "This is the last word for me" type mantra.

    This makes me an even greater fan of Donald Trump because of his bodaciousness . "Classical Conservatives" (Old School) still don't understand how this politics game is played in todays social media age! They are failing and th pillars of our instituions are coming down because of their incompetence in what I have been dubbing for years now: Pop Politics.

    Edit to insert pillars.
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    Alan Dershowitz said the Democrats have exposed Robert Mueller to a grilling over claims the FBI spied on the Trump campaign in demanding his testimony next month.

    The veteran lawyer told Fox News that Republicans would now be able to tear into the special counsel over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application - a request by the FBI to monitor a member of the Trump campaign team in 2016.

    Dershowitz told The Ingraham Angle: 'Those are the kind of questions that I think Republicans will be very well prepared to ask.

    'Those are the kind of questions which are currently under investigation by the inspector general whose report we are waiting for.

    'But those are not in any way precluded. So I think that they will regret having called him.'

    President Donald Trump referred to the FISA warrants approved by the Obama Justice Department as 'bigger than WATERGATE' last month.
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    Yes, but don't they set boundaries on the questioning that can be asked?

    I can see Nadler now just striking the gavel all day as these questions outside the "scope" of the report come up.
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    I honestly am not familiar with the procedures but I posted it so the folks more informed than I can opine on it.
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    drcrinum said:

    We've pretty much covered the above revelations from Flynn's recent hearing, but (new) why did the judge have a special redacted session with the security officer?
    Because there was a FISA title 1 warrant on Flynn that was used to construct the evidentiary record against him in parallel to legal methods for assembling a record and then surreptitiously swapped when convenient/helpful to scumbag prosecutors looking for a political hit.

    Just a guess, but wouldn't surprise me.
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    scottimus said:

    Why Republicans were not demanding Muelller testify directly after the report is beyond me. Clearly, Democrats had this in their poLincket and were delaying to bring Mueller up to speed. I guess I shouldn't be suprised considering Lindsey didn't get far in the Republican Primary, but he should have jumped the gun and demanded Mueller in front of the Senate instead of his, "This is the last word for me" type mantra.
    Better to wait and let the House take first wack and also wait to see what's in Horowitz's report. Maybe Durham pops an early surprise. And in the meantime keep giving Nadler and the Democrats more rope. Primary season is just around the corner and voters have short memories.

    Time is on the GOP's side.
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    benchmark said:

    scottimus said:

    Why Republicans were not demanding Muelller testify directly after the report is beyond me. Clearly, Democrats had this in their poLincket and were delaying to bring Mueller up to speed. I guess I shouldn't be suprised considering Lindsey didn't get far in the Republican Primary, but he should have jumped the gun and demanded Mueller in front of the Senate instead of his, "This is the last word for me" type mantra.
    Better to wait and let the House take first wack and also wait to see what's in Horowitz's report. Maybe Durham pops an early surprise. And in the meantime keep giving Nadler and the Democrats more rope. Primary season is just around the corner and voters have short memories.

    Time is on the GOP's side.
    I have speculated before that Lindsay is cooperating with a stand down request from Barr and Durham. According to Trump this morning, Lindsay is incensed about the amount of spying that was going on. Something he would normally want to investigate further.

    He hasn't acted yet, however. Hopefully, Horowitz's FISA report drops soon. And I think that is what Sidney Powell is counting on as well. That would explain her request for a security clearance to see the applications for the Flynn FISA warrants, in case Barr doesn't declass those in the IG report.
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    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
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    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.
    FTAG 2000
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    aggiehawg said:

    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.

    This is where I'm at. If Trump and the GOP leaders in D.C. go on the attack now, there's plenty of time for the lefty media to whitewash whatever happens and find a candidate they can separate from it all for 2020.

    If all this starts rolling out May or summer next year, there's little time for the Dems to recover. Not just for the presidential election, but my guess is there's some Dem senators and reps who'd be collateral damage to this all in the end too (especially those who are bloviating so hard now, if they're found to have known this was all a lie).

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    AG 2000' said:

    aggiehawg said:

    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.

    This is where I'm at. If Trump and the GOP leaders in D.C. go on the attack now, there's plenty of time for the lefty media to whitewash whatever happens and find a candidate they can separate from it all for 2020.

    If all this starts rolling out May or summer next year, there's little time for the Dems to recover. Not just for the presidential election, but my guess is there's some Dem senators and reps who'd be collateral damage to this all in the end too (especially those who are bloviating so hard now, if they're found to have known this was all a lie).

    Agree with this strategy. I hope and pray this is what is actually going on also!
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    AG 2000' said:

    aggiehawg said:

    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.

    This is where I'm at. If Trump and the GOP leaders in D.C. go on the attack now, there's plenty of time for the lefty media to whitewash whatever happens and find a candidate they can separate from it all for 2020.

    If all this starts rolling out May or summer next year, there's little time for the Dems to recover. Not just for the presidential election, but my guess is there's some Dem senators and reps who'd be collateral damage to this all in the end too (especially those who are bloviating so hard now, if they're found to have known this was all a lie).

    I don't think the democrat nominee for 2020 has entered the race yet. I'm beginning to think it will be Michelle Obama. This current crop of lunatics don't stand a chance and the DNC and big money donors know it.
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    valvemonkey91 said:

    AG 2000' said:

    aggiehawg said:

    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.

    This is where I'm at. If Trump and the GOP leaders in D.C. go on the attack now, there's plenty of time for the lefty media to whitewash whatever happens and find a candidate they can separate from it all for 2020.

    If all this starts rolling out May or summer next year, there's little time for the Dems to recover. Not just for the presidential election, but my guess is there's some Dem senators and reps who'd be collateral damage to this all in the end too (especially those who are bloviating so hard now, if they're found to have known this was all a lie).

    I don't think the democrat nominee for 2020 has entered the race yet. I'm beginning to think it will be Michelle Obama. This current crop of lunatics don't stand a chance and the DNC and big money donors know it.

    I don't think there is any way it will be Michelle Obama if Obama himself or a lot of his cronies are rolled up in the wide net that will be cast... She will be hiding under a bed somewhere saying (crying) that they were "paid" to do the things they did. Obama himself may just roll into a permanent fetal position and never come out of it.

    Now I agree, someone like Bloomberg or another wealthy Democrat will probably be the candidate, its probably not gonna be the lunatics they are strolling out their right now.
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    MAJOR FIND: More Ammunition for Roger Stone: The Only Firm to Review DNC Server, Crowdstrike, is Connected to James Clapper, The Atlantic Council and More Shoddy IT Investigative Work


    So who exactly is DFRL?

    Oh, yeah, the DFRL is the research lab at the Atlantic Councilthese are the same people who investigated the DNC servers and determined they were hacked which the FBI and the Mueller team relied on throughout the entire Mueller sham investigation.

    Yes, of course DFRL is connected to CrowdStrike, the guys who found the "evidence" of Russians hacking the DNC and the DCCC!


    So DFRL is connected to Crowdstrike which is connected to former Obama Director of National Intelligence, the corrupt and slanderous James Clapper, and they are all connected to the Atlantic Council. And, they are involved is shoddy, if not worthless investigations into data leaks and hackers.

    I think Roger Stone might want to see this!
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    Let's not forget the CrowdStrike CEO was as former assistant executive director at FBI, under Mueller's tutelage.
    "And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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    Let's not forget the CrowdStrike CEO was as former assistant executive director at FBI, under Mueller's tutelage.
    "And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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    fullback44 said:

    valvemonkey91 said:

    AG 2000' said:

    aggiehawg said:

    fullback44 said:

    I know we need to be patient, but dam when are we going to have some "popcorn time", it has to be coming, this cant all be a show for the people.

    But until then, I want thank you guys for all you efforts and hard work in helping to explain many of these findings and helping "turn the lights on" for those that are in the dark.

    you are true Americans.. Thanks
    Just consider how frustrating this has been for people like Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and the rest who already know this stuff but can't talk about it.

    I have asked myself if I were in their shoes could I keep quiet? Whether to my credit or detriment, I honestly don't think I could restrain myself, certainly not for two years.

    This is where I'm at. If Trump and the GOP leaders in D.C. go on the attack now, there's plenty of time for the lefty media to whitewash whatever happens and find a candidate they can separate from it all for 2020.

    If all this starts rolling out May or summer next year, there's little time for the Dems to recover. Not just for the presidential election, but my guess is there's some Dem senators and reps who'd be collateral damage to this all in the end too (especially those who are bloviating so hard now, if they're found to have known this was all a lie).

    I don't think the democrat nominee for 2020 has entered the race yet. I'm beginning to think it will be Michelle Obama. This current crop of lunatics don't stand a chance and the DNC and big money donors know it.

    I don't think there is any way it will be Michelle Obama if Obama himself or a lot of his cronies are rolled up in the wide net that will be cast... She will be hiding under a bed somewhere saying (crying) that they were "paid" to do the things they did. Obama himself may just roll into a permanent fetal position and never come out of it.

    Now I agree, someone like Bloomberg or another wealthy Democrat will probably be the candidate, its probably not gonna be the lunatics they are strolling out their right now.

    There is NO WAY IN HELL that Obama is going to be implicated or associated or tarnished with ANY of this lawlessness. Half the country worships him as the messiah and a large majority of the GOP caucus is scared ****less of saying anything bad about a black man. Moochelle is LOVED by the left (as if any of this criminality would dissuade a Democrat anyway). The thought of not voting for the first black woman presidential candidate would be too much to ignore by idiot "moderates" with white guilt. Mooch is the only person that could give Trump a race.
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    By dragging everyone under Obama into this investigation it will tarnish him. I think there is a reason Obama has been so quiet of late.
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    Samantha Powers emails from John Solomon. (click the tweet to read up to 10)

    Can I go to sleep Looch?
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    Wendy 1990 said:

    By dragging everyone under Obama into this investigation it will tarnish him. I think there is a reason Obama has been so quiet of late.
    This... Mooshell will be toast, the embarrassment that Odumbutt will bring to the Dems will cause both Obummer and his wife to go into hiding, hell they are pretty much hiding now as it stands
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