Whens lunch said:
I doubt there will be any fallout for Mueller.
If there"s a hung jury, it will be spun as a "Trumpster" on the jury that would not listen to reason. Of course, this will be further evidence of how "unhinged" the right is.
The MSM already has the story written.
Finding a Trumpster in the jury pools of the EDVA is a long row to hoe. They try that spin and it will be laughable, at 79% democratic.
That being said Manafort walking on acquittal is near zero chance, I'd say hung jury is close to 50/50 based on the case that team Mueller put on. I think Gates hurt the prosecution way more than the media is playing it, and the prosecution knew it would be, that's why they hinted to the judge that they may not even call him to testify, and the judge called their bluff and let them know that if they think they are going to try and go after any type of conspiracy without him, that he wouldn't even consider it.
Minimal sentence fine and back taxes are going to really be a tough pill to swallow over the $40 million dollar fee that went along with this. This could have been tried by the EDVA for a lot less. And Gates is next to worthless in the DC case now after this fiasco. His own admissions on top of that plea deal are not a good look. Curious if that plea deal is still good if they mistrial?
Looking at the polling on this I'm not sure Mueller gets much worse regardless of the outcome. They left will be furious when they don't deliver 300 years like the MSM has been hyping. <10 years will look like a wrist slap, and they will be triggered to no end.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42