Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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BMX Bandit said:

Since the deleted post was meant for me, can I get an explanation on what my question regarding a missing key paragraph of an article has to do with being a lawyer?

He was actually deferential to your status as an attorney and a poster, politely disagreed and wished you a good day but he clicked on the wrong post and it looked like he was responding to Htown, not you. It was not mean at all. Nothing to be upset about.
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Thread on Hillary email server. New info plus a concise review of all the illegalities that occurred.
BMX Bandit
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"There's a trail in these documents that would lead to the truth, and somebody who intended to violate the law wouldn't have done that." Judge Ellis said in a summary form of agreement

This is an odd quote from Ellis. There are numerous examples of criminals keeping detailed records of their crimes.

See Rita Crundwell as example. (Great Netflix documentary by the way)
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BMX Bandit said:


"There's a trail in these documents that would lead to the truth, and somebody who intended to violate the law wouldn't have done that." Judge Ellis said in a summary form of agreement

This is an odd quote from Ellis. There are numerous examples of criminals keeping detailed records of their crimes.

See Rita Crundwell as example. (Great Netflix documentary by the way)

He knows that this is overkill on Manafort because Manafort worked for Trump and wouldn't compose dirt On him. Ellis knows this is a heavy handed "justice". I get the feeling he doesn't like anything about the prosecution.
BMX Bandit
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All of that can be true & the quote still doesn't make much sense
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Thank you!

The depth and breadth of corruption is almost beyond comprehension. The same for these corrupt people's ability to control the MSM , FBI and DOJ.

Yet, somewhere in Utah.........

I'm back from a 12 hour ban over my Rick Gates/Carter Page fiasco. What a gaffe!
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coyote68 said:

Thank you!

The depth and breadth of corruption is almost beyond comprehension. The same for these corrupt people's ability to control the MSM , FBI and DOJ.

Yet, somewhere in Utah.........

I'm back from a 12 hour ban over my Rick Gates/Carter Page fiasco. What a gaffe!
Why did you draw a ban for making a mistake and owning up to it? Confused.
Ellis Wyatt
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He's trolling.
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Self ban for being stupid. No trolling with people I like.
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coyote68 said:

Self ban for being stupid. No trolling with people I like.
Impressive, me on the other hand tries to plead my case to the mods during my numerous warranted bans. Alas, to my chagrin, I have to sit in the corner the whole time.
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...The 71-page release of heavily redacted records concerning former MI6 spy Christopher Steele reveals that he was paid by the agency over an unknown period of time - at least 11 times during 2016, and that Steele was admonished by the agency for unknown reasons in February, 2016....

So we can surmise that the fact Steele was a current/recent paid FBI contractor/informant is buried somewhere in the redacted portions of the Carter Page FISA application. Surely they would have included such info to bolster the claim of Steele's proven credibility.
However, this fact now raises the question: Did the FBI/DOJ/White House refer Fusion GPS to Steele because of Steele's status as a paid contractor/informant? This reasoning behind this question is that Steele's contractor/informant status surely involved his known expertise regarding Russian intelligence, plus if one wanted to perform covert Trump-Russian opposition research, it would best be coordinated/accomplished outside the continental US.
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I did not read the article trying to state the GRU did everything and pinned it on Seth Rich.

This just does not make any sense at all. Why the heck fram Seth Rich? How could they frame Seth Rich in any case, he was just a computer guy with the DNC. So did the Russian hack Seth Rich? Add this to the already stated, there is no reason for the GRU to do all that stuff.

Let us not forget a few FACTS!

1. That the DNC hack and leak DID NOT REVEAL ONE ALTERED FACT. Not one. The DNC did rig the election for Hillary to get nominated over Sanders. That is a fact.

2. Seth Rich was known Sanders supporter.

3. Julian Assange has pretty much gone as far as he can go to say that Rich was the source.

4. Did the Russians kill Seth Rich? Please, no they did not.

5. Where is Seth Rich's lap top?

This is a sophisticated ploy to frame the GRU.

"only one thing is important!"
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Thread by Imperator Rex on an August 3rd Hannity interview with Nunes (link to interview in the thread)
Nunes has requested Trump to declassify at least 20 pages of the last FISA renewal...Hannity said he hears it is coming next week. Nunes also said there are emails corroborating what's in those redacted pages.
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Congressional investigators know that Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the Trump dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign, kept supplying allegations to the FBI after the 2016 election -- and even after he was terminated as a source by the bureau for giving confidential information to the media.

Because he had broken his agreement with the FBI, bureau procedure did not allow agents to keep using Steele as a source. But they did so anyway -- by devising a system in which Steele spoke regularly with Bruce Ohr, a top Obama Justice Department official whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, which hired Steele to search for dirt on Donald Trump in Russia. Ohr then passed on Steele's information to the FBI.

In a highly unusual arrangement, Ohr, who was the fourth-highest ranking official in the Justice Department, acted as an intermediary for a terminated source for the FBI's Trump-Russia probe. His task was to deliver to the FBI what Steele told him, which effectively meant the bureau kept Steele as a source.

Agents made a record of each time Ohr gave the bureau information from Steele. Those records are in the form of so-called 302 reports, in which the FBI agents write up notes of interviews during an investigation.

There are a dozen 302 reports on FBI post-election interviews of Ohr. The first was Nov. 22, 2016. After that, the FBI interviewed Ohr on Dec. 5; Dec. 12; Dec. 20; Jan. 23, 2017; Jan. 25; Jan. 27; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; May 8; May 12; and May 15. The dates, previously unreported publicly, were included in a July letter from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to the FBI and Justice Department.

Congressional investigators have read the Ohr-Steele 302s. But the FBI has kept them under tight control, insisting they remain classified and limiting access to a few lawmakers and staff. Congress is not allowed to physically possess copies of any of the documents......

Grassley also noted other documents of interest: In addition to the 302s, written by the FBI agents who interviewed Ohr, Ohr himself also made notes of his talks with Steele. Those notes, which were never classified, have apparently been given to Congress; in his letter, Grassley referred to "63 pages of unclassified emails and notes documenting Mr. Ohr's interactions with Mr. Steele."

Grassley's argument for declassification of the Ohr-Steele 302s is that the existence of the documents is widely known......

Apparently these Ohr 302s are damning. In addition to Grassley, Nunes is asking that they be declassified. I've a sneaky feeling that some of this material made it into the FISA renewals...that would be particularly embarrassing for the FBI/DOJ because they stated in the first FISA renewal that they have suspended Steele as a source because of his media contacts.

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Nunes has requested Trump to declassify at least 20 pages of the last FISA renewal...Hannity said he hears it is coming next week.


Something BIG is about to drop.
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Rex is off on the Veselnitskaya visa, I'm digging through paperwork to put something together, but her emergency extension was granted by the State Dept in June 2016 aka John Kerry

Also Doc I've got a link I'm going to send you of some files hosted on Autodesk, that have been scanned for illnesses and are safe, and it's kind of a hodgepodge of stuff but very curious.
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Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

Thread by Imperator Rex on an August 3rd Hannity interview with Nunes (link to interview in the thread)
Nunes has requested Trump to declassify at least 20 pages of the last FISA renewal...Hannity said he hears it is coming next week. Nunes also said there are emails corroborating what's in those redacted pages.
Rex is off a little bit on the immigration parole granted to Veselnitskaya.

Preet Bharara was requested by Veselnitskaya for an immigration parole on three occasions, when her client, Katsyv, was being deposed in the U.S. in the Prevezon case starting back in Sept. 25, 2015. But it expired Jan. 7, 2016 and she again requested an extension. Bharara refused her request in Jan 6 2016 in fact in March 2016, Bharara told the court in a hearing in March 2016 that the "extraordinary circumstances" parole extension request would need to be approved by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to override his denial.

However Veselnitskaya obtained a visa from the State Department to enter the country in June 2016, according to the government filing. The filing, which came in response to a new request by Veselnitskaya to be allowed into the U.S. for a Nov. 9 2016 hearing in the Prevezon case. Her reason for being there in June was justified as hearing preparation.

This is Veselnitskaya's brief where she mentions being denied by Preet Bharara and asking the court to order the DOJ to extend her Visa.

Here is the transcript where this was addressed on 1/6/16

And the DOJ's reply to the judge who asked if they would extend her expiration a week to 1/14/16 so they could finish the proceeding, and that pretty much shut down the proceeding until it could be addressed by the DOJ.

Preet Bharara wrote a letter to the court later basically saying Veselnitskaya really had no real reason to be there since neither her client or her were going to testify. And the DOJ denied her request for extension and she was forced to leave the country. only to be granted a rare and special visa by the state dept in June, they day before she appeared in the Trump Jr meeting in Trump tower.

Of course Kerry wouldn't offer explanation why they granted the "special visa".

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Code 7 10-42
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Shifting Gears to whether or not the FBI had the Dec 13 section of the Steele dossier, well according to his own testimony in the UK court, He gave a copy of the Dec 13 section to Kramer/McCain as well as Fusion GPS.

So if McCain had it you can bet the FBI ended up with it.

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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Of course Kerry wouldn't offer explanation why they granted the "special visa".
Victoria Nuland is likely the real power-broker here. She became entrenched in the State Department during Bill Clinton's tenure and remained there throughout Obama's terms. Nuland's fingers are all over the dossier, and of course she didn't know about Steele briefing State Department officials in October 2016 until afterwards. Being a long time Clinton ally, Nuland had to be in direct contact with Blumenthal for many years.
I think we all agree that the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 was a setup. We know that Fusion GPS had direct access to the White House (Mary Jacoby) and the DOJ (Bruce & Nellie Ohr), so would it not be reasonable to assume that Fusion GPS had unfettered access to the Clinton Outpost known as the US State Department (Nuland, Winer, Kerry)?
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drcrinum said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Of course Kerry wouldn't offer explanation why they granted the "special visa".
Victoria Nuland is likely the real power-broker here. She became entrenched in the State Department during Bill Clinton's tenure and remained there throughout Obama's terms. Nuland's fingers are all over the dossier, and of course she didn't know about Steele briefing State Department officials in October 2016 until afterwards. Being a long time Clinton ally, Nuland had to be in direct contact with Blumenthal for many years.
I think we all agree that the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 was a setup. We know that Fusion GPS had direct access to the White House (Mary Jacoby) and the DOJ (Bruce & Nellie Ohr), so would it not be reasonable to assume that Fusion GPS had unfettered access to the Clinton Outpost known as the US State Department (Nuland, Winer, Kerry)?
Very true
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Code 7 10-42
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So, only UK intel & Fusion GPS were given copies of the December 13, 2016 Steele memo, the latter being instructed to give a copy to Kramer to pass onto McCain. So how did the FBI receive it's copy & when? Via Nellie to Bruce Ohr to the FBI? That's where those Ohr 302s come into play. Or could it have been UK intel? Or McCain? But when did Kramer & McCain receive a copy? And who gave a copy to BuzzFeed & when?
And one other question: When, if ever, did the December 13 memo make into the FISA renewals and how was it explained since Steele had been discontinued as a source?
Lot's of questions...
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Intuition is a difficult thing to recognize. Meaning it's difficult to know when it's accurate, but there's been so much information lately, that's fairly innocuous, that I feel like something reasonably big (for the good guys) is going to happen before long. I know, it's sounds like Q, but it's not based on that thread. When all of the "innocuous" is put together, then there will be something significant.

Q is what it is, which is very interesting, until the goods are delivered, if ever. In my case, sometime in the next 30 days, after all of the vacations, etc., are completed, not only is the election going to heat up, but this topic will also.

Just my 2 cents.
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fasthorses05 said:

Intuition is a difficult thing to recognize. Meaning it's difficult to know when it's accurate, but there's been so much information lately, that's fairly innocuous, that I feel like something reasonably big (for the good guys) is going to happen before long. I know, it's sounds like Q, but it's not based on that thread. When all of the "innocuous" is put together, then there will be something significant.

Q is what it is, which is very interesting, until the goods are delivered, if ever. In my case, sometime in the next 30 days, after all of the vacations, etc., are completed, not only is the election going to heat up, but this topic will also.

Just my 2 cents.

I'm with you in thinking that what better way to reveal some of this stuff is in the lead up to midterms. They could decimate the Dems of some of this is true.
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drcrinum said:

So, only UK intel & Fusion GPS were given copies of the December 13, 2016 Steele memo, the latter being instructed to give a copy to Kramer to pass onto McCain. So how did the FBI receive it's copy & when? Via Nellie to Bruce Ohr to the FBI? That's where those Ohr 302s come into play. Or could it have been UK intel? Or McCain? But when did Kramer & McCain receive a copy? And who gave a copy to BuzzFeed & when?
And one other question: When, if ever, did the December 13 memo make into the FISA renewals and how was it explained since Steele had been discontinued as a source?
Lot's of questions...
Let's not forget the Strzok email that said the McCain supplied Dossier was different.

Or something similar to that

And in Steele's own testimony he admits to pursuing that last memo (Dec 13) on his own accord and not under contract.

Also in his testimony I found it interesting he talked about, he didn't seek out any of he info in the entire Dossier, it was just provided to him.

And we know in fact he hasn't set foot in Russia on over 20 years.
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Code 7 10-42
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Huber HAS to have been doing SOMETHING, right? I gotta believe they are just sitting on a bunch of stuff, waiting till the right time.

Or at least I'm HOPING. But I've become pretty cynical. But if Trump thinks the Republicans need the help in November, I can see him declassifying something pretty damning just to put his finger on the electoral scales.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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I'm computer illiterate. Does this mean Mueller's indictment of the 12 GRU agents is BS, or not?
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aggiehawg said:

I'm computer illiterate. Does this mean Mueller's indictment of the 12 GRU agents is BS, or not?
Yes he's basically expanded on Bill Binney's analysis and shown the once again the Mueller/Weissmann duo are manufacturing garbage indictments hoping they never get challenged in a real court of law.

Show indictments.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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Crowdstrike claimed that tradecraft of adversaries was "superb", but, in reality, it seems that they advertised their presence with the malware equivalent of billboards with flashing lights and neon.
Conclusion from thread.

Mueller's team handed out indictments assuming that Crowdstrike's version was correct, but did not do its own forensic analysis.
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aggiehawg said:

I'm computer illiterate. Does this mean Mueller's indictment of the 12 GRU agents is BS, or not?
I'm computer semi-literate, but probably not at the level needed to critically evaluate all the issues.

With that caveat I read this as a reexamination of some discussion from a while ago about whether Russians really could gave had a fast enough connection to steal the info. IIRC, this was argued to support various theories involving inside jobs, such as the Seth Rich schemes. That's the "hack vs leak" mentioned.

This thread is saying that argument fails, but are looking for other flaws in the cyber forensics. wrt the speed issue

previous speculations on July 5 copying speeds were all based on assumption that data being exfiltrated across Atlantic to Russia. Mueller indictment had new twist: "GRU" leased servers in US, including one in Illinois right beside MISDepartment Inc, technical service for DNC
Use of US servers vitiates all previous arguments based on copy speeds (including VIPS) - as relevant metric is rate of transfer within Illinois
The rest of the thread relates to whether the default delivery IP addresses make sense. I suspect that this concession makes that a non-issue

I presume that the destination server could have been controlled at the console over-riding the hard code enabling an operator to direct output to the Illinois server before its IP address was hard-coded.
IMO, this also means hard-coded destination IPs could be remnants of lazy coding or deliberate disinformation.

I think the last part of the thread is consistent with other things

Crowdstrike claimed that tradecraft of adversaries was "superb", but, in reality, it seems that they advertised their presence with the malware equivalent of billboards with flashing lights and neon.
That fits with what the GRU indictment says about the spear phishing. The GRU wasn't trying to hide their tracks. They only needed plausible deniability that covers the cyber equivalent of a Stormy Daniels stage costume. They wanted us to know it was them. My speculation is that there are two reasons for that: 1) flaunting it maximizes the political turmoil they create here and 2) they save the good stuff in their hacking arsenal for more valuable missions. I think they do the same thing with HUMINT. Butina's tradecraft is so bad that it suggests she's innocent... until you remember that Anna Chapman's wasn't impressive either.

So my reading of the thread is that this doesn't knock down the GRU indictment at all. I'm sure others have alternative views.

edit to add: as posted while I composed this!
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Fair enough. I too think that if we can ascertain it was the Russians, it is only because they wanted us to know. They have far too many satellite states and methods to leave that big of a fingerprint.
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aggiehawg said:

Fair enough. I too think that if we can ascertain it was the Russians, it is only because they wanted us to know. They have far too many satellite states and methods to leave that big of a fingerprint.
And we cannot forget the toolbox that Snowden exposed, showing that our NSA dark teams had tools at their disposal that would deliberately leave a code addressing fingerprint of whatever bad actor they wanted to be found.

He exposed where the PRISM had a "smugglers hold" where they could leave the fingerprints of whatever intruder they wanted to, like the GCHQ and the NSA did using real-time surveying of delegates' phone communications at the G20 Summit in 2009. They blamed it on China when in fact it was the PRISM program but doctored to make it look like the Chinese, and no one was the wiser until Snowden exposed it.

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Code 7 10-42
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As well I finally found Horowitz last report he made on FISA/NSL abuse he revised in 2016 to cover the gap that was left when the OIG was locked out of the national security arm of the DOJ. It also has less redactions than the original report. It's 210 pages long but very revealing. What was going on against Trump was nothing new, Obama's Justice Department just kept it tamped down.
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Code 7 10-42
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Judicial Watch announced today the FBI turned over 70 pages of heavily redacted records about Christopher Steele, the former British spy, hired with Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee funds, who authored the infamous Dossier targeting President Trump during last year's presidential campaign. The documents show that Steele was cut off as a "Confidential Human Source" (CHS) after he disclosed his relationship with the FBI to a third party. The documents show at least 11 FBI payments to Steele in 2016 and document that he was admonished for unknown reasons in February, 2016. The documents were turned over in response to Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records of communications and payments between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his private firm, Orbis Business Intelligence (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-00916)).

The documents include a "source closing communication" that states that Steele (referred to as "CHS" or Confidential Human Source) "is being closed" because:
CHS confirmed to an outside third party that CHS has a confidential relationship with the FBI. CHS was used as a source for an online article. In the article, CHS revealed CHS' relationship with the FBI as well as information that CHS obtained and provided to FBI. On November 1, 2016, CHS confirmed all of this to the handling agent. At that time, handling agent advised CHS that the nature of the relationship between the FBI and CHS would change completely and that it was unlikely that the FBI would continue a relationship with the CHS. Additionally, handling agent advised that CHS was not to operate to obtain any intelligence whatsoever on behalf of the FBI.

The documents also show that Steele was paid repeatedly by the FBI and was "admonished" for some unknown misconduct in February, 2016. The documents include:
  • Fifteen (15) FD-1023, Source Reports.
  • Thirteen (13) FD-209a, Contact Reports.
  • Eleven (11) FD-794b, Payment Requests. (It appears Steele was paid money eleven of the thirteen times he met with the FBI and gave them information.)
  • An Electronic Communication (EC) documenting that on February 2, 2016, Steele was admonished in accordance with the Justice Department guidelines and the FBI CHS Policy Manual.
  • [/ol]:...

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