Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,481,692 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by aggiehawg
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CrowdStrike was a nobody in 2016, yet it became the cornerstone of Obama's ICA and, of course, Mueller's indictments of the Russians. Very fishy.
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Preet's schtick is getting old

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Swamp gonna swamp:
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Special Master update from Cohen case

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Follow the above on twitter. There are a series of responses between 2 individuals, Larry Beech & Land of the Free. Very interesting. It's about the article below from January 2017 by Paul Wood. It uncovers the likely other intel operation 'Dragon' (as opposed to 'Crossfire Hurricane').

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drcrinum said:



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2264304
Jul 24 2018 12:28:11 (EST)

Does FOIA cover FISA?
[FISA highest level of CLAS]
How did FOIA generate redacted FISA [Page]?
Section 5.2 CLAS [Office of President]
Why redacted?
Think HUBER.
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stetson said:

drcrinum said:



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2264304
Jul 24 2018 12:28:11 (EST)

Does FOIA cover FISA?
[FISA highest level of CLAS]
How did FOIA generate redacted FISA [Page]?
Section 5.2 CLAS [Office of President]
Why redacted?
Think HUBER.

Let's hope so, but I'll believe it when I see the indictments.
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Abolish the FISA Court
The introduction of judges shields the executive branch from accountability.

When President Trump tweeted Monday morning that it was "looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon," the common rejoinder was four judges had signed off on it.

Now ask yourself: Would Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who signed one of the renewal applications) and others be so quick to put their names on something like this if they didn't have a FISA judge to give them cover?

The argument is not new. Just before FISA became law, a Yale law professor wrote a prophetic article in these pages about the abuses to come. His name was Robert Bork, and among his worries were that judges would show undue deference to intelligence agencies, that congressional committees wouldn't be able to summon judges to explain their warrant approvals, and, above all, that giving courts the last say would have "the effect of immunizing everyone, and sooner or later that fact will be taken advantage of."

In the short term, Mr. Trump would serve himself better by forgoing tweets about witch hunts and instead ordering the declassification of documents that would show the American people just what the Justice Department and the FBI did in 2016. In the longer term, Congress should consider getting rid of FISA courts altogether. Because without judges to hide behind, executive officials who order spying on their fellow citizens will have to own those decisions themselves.

Bork predicted this would happen.
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Prognightmare said:

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RoscoePColtrane said:

This idiot

The reviling and astonishing thing written here by the Dem Sword Swallower is his use of the word EXPERT in conjunction with CLAPPER. Holy Bejesus!

Now THAT's an oxymoron!
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This is an incomplete thread (to be finished 'later') by McIntyre. He has discovered that DCLeaks published Podesta email attachments on June 8, 2016, a full week before Gruccifer 2 began his postings. This throws the entire 'hacking' of HRC's emails for a loop. It was accomplished via a simple spearphishing operation and indicated that a high-ranking HRC Campaign official was the initial target.
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Well, I guess we've heard the last of that story in the MSM
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GCP12 said:

Well, I guess we've heard the last of that story in the MSM

Don't bet on it. Turns out Carter Page's boss while he worked in Moscow for Merrill Lynch has links to Maria Butina. See the above thread.
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GCP12 said:

Well, I guess we've heard the last of that story in the MSM
She'll be in court tomorrow
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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What everyone seems to overlook, is how easily the intelligence apparatus handed over the FISA application on March 17th, 2017 (to the Senate Intel Committee); yet, the House Judiciary Committee (Nunes), House Intelligence Committee (Goodlatte) and Senate Judiciary Committee (Grassley), had to demand and threaten to sue the DOJ in December, January and February 2018 to see it.

Why the difference in compliance?

My ongoing suspicion is that someone within the IC, likely ODNI Dan Coats and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, knew the Senate Intelligence Committee was fully compromised; and they used the March 17, 2017, copy production as bait in their successful leak hunt. [Ultimately culminating in the indictment of Wolfe]
I have no doubt the March 17th, 2017, produced copy has an intentionally changed date of the FISA application.

The date on the original FISC copy is October 21st, 2016. That is when it was approved by Judge Rosemary Collyer. That is the correct date. However, the Washington Post first reported on the FISA application, from leaked sources, with an origination date of October 19th, 2017.

I will bet you a donut the March 17th copy of the FISA application has October 19th, 2016, as the leak tracer within it....

TCTH doing detective work on the bed of snakes known as the Senate Intel Committee.
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Yes he's doing some seriously good work
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Clapper is in a talkative mood these days. Two days in a row he throws Barry under the bus

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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This kid has lost his mind

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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His 15 minutes was up a while back. Poor little fella is just trying to stay relevant.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

This kid has lost his mind

Sounds like a threat against a sitting President.

I suspect he is trying to get a Secret Service visit so he can claim Trump is persecuting him and revive his 15 minutes.

Then he'll go back to writing his DNC 2020 keynote address.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

This kid has lost his mind

I am going to be really happy when this kid slips up and tweets something that sends his lunatic followers into a feeding frenzy.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Clapper is in a talkative mood these days. Two days in a row he throws Barry under the bus

Uh oh!

i doubt he's going to be "deep throat", but that's a fairly significan crack in the dam. There's going to be quite a few questions for him from news outlets, lawyers, etc. He's not going to have a great August September.

It may go nowhere, but it may lead others to start to cover their ass!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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There's going to be quite a few questions for him from news outlets,

You serious, Clark.

The MSM won't be doing that.
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Now we know why this never Trumper RINO isn't running again

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Kerry, Winer et al, State Department, another bed of snakes. Don't forget about Winer receiving the Shearer dossier via Sidney Blumenthal and passing it on to Steele, the latter giving it to the FBI. Do you think Winer also gave it to Nuland/Kerry as well, and it went to the FBI. Per Bongino, his sources said that the redacted stuff in the FISA application is more damning than what's in the Steele dossier. Could it include sections of the Shearer dossier?
Reservoir Dog
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Preet's schtick is getting old

Actually, Preet is spot on! I completely agree that Russian access should be revoked... not sure what Obama was thinking by allowing the Russians to gain access to begin with.
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Anyone ever get board here's some reading material, it's long

Carter Page's Testimony Transcript
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Prognightmare said:

What is this about?Notice that the link implies that FOX is bowing out for the time being and just plans to `break news', not investigate it,while they try to buy Sky News, and they don't want to `stir up' the waters going against Democrats. "No original investigations." Taken literally that would make it just part of the mouthpiece network.
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That deep dig by Sundance two days ago got me to looking back at his other work and stumbled across this article, from 6 months ago and really got the wheels turning.

Start off watching this video it's Mike Rogers talks about the discovery of the FISA abuse, it will refresh your memory on the incident

Going back through the 99 page FISC finding once Mike Rogers reported to the court what he found on the audit, they produced the 99 page document that is heavily redacted but there are things there and a few dates.

Page 83-84 it talks about an early finding in March of 2016 where there was improper minimization going on. 3/9/16 to be exact. In a redacted office/location.

And 3-9-16 is in the Strzok Page Texts

Strzok texted Page about a huge "F-up" at the "wfo" (Washington Field Office.)

And according to FISC ruling I posted above, NSA auditors discovered the illegal access by private contractors.

3-9-16 is a lot earlier than any FISA warrants we know of involving the Trump Campaign, and it may be totally unrelated to the Trumps at all, but Strzok having to go "fix it" makes me wonder if maybe it is. But this is the beginning of the NSA really looking into all this. And Mike Rogers shutting down all access in 4/18/16. Which is what triggered the scramble to get some sort of FISA warrant to justify spying on Trump they they had likely already been doing illegally. Then they could bootstrap their screwup with looking backwards through FISA 1 surveillance.

So Strzok then switched to other means of surveillance for their spying on the Trump campaign. Human sources, a FISA in October, Fusion GPS and according to their texts on 4/30/16 switching from Patriot Act (702) surveillance to a hard wiretap, since 702 Access was closed 4/18 by Rogers.

4/19/16 Mary Jacoby visits the White House for a meeting. Jacoby is Glenn Simpson's Wife.

Again this is in another Sundance article

And this twitter Blogger Katica

10/15/16 John Carlin DAAG who is directly responsible for DOJ FISA compliance is outta there, left for private practice he says. He's initially hired by Lawfare run by lefty Ben Wittes who happens to be married to Tamara Cofman Wittes who worked for Hillary at the state department 2009-2012.

So why did John Carlin resign from a Senior Level DOJ-NSD post when no one else from the Obama Administration did at that time? Carlin lied twice to the FISA court. The first time was on June, 2016 when Carlin signed the false FISA warrant on Page that was denied. It was false because Carlin named Carter Page a Russian spy, but he knew better. In an FBI press release dated March 11, 2016, Carlin was the lead Prosecutor in the case against Evgeny Buryakov, and he knew Carter Page was their FBI informant.

The second time was when he submitted a doctored FISA compliance report to the FISC, that was an attempt to get the 702 turned back on for Contractors. He submitted it and announced his retirement the same day.

The reinstatement was denied because the compliance report was BS. And the Contractor lock out was extended to 1/31/17 which is after DJT would be sworn in.

That sent off a frenzy to get the FISA on Carter Page, Carlin was gone, and Jim Rybicki assumed his spot in the interim. Rybicki resigned this last January as did Lisa Page, after the FISA scandal really hit the fan.

Rats from a sinking ship.

With Carlin out, The Steele Dossier is front and center and the key to getting this FISA. Out of shear coincidence, the same FISA judge that denied the first warrant, also extended the contractor lockout, approved the FISA warrant with the newly added "dossier" implicating Carter Page as a Russian Operative. Judge Rosemary Collyer.

I think Carter Page was Strzok's insurance policy. I think they knew they could likely frame him up enough to get surveillance on him and thus Trump. When Rogers shut down the date buffet, Carter page was their insurance policy.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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I've ran out of popcorn for tonight trying to keep up with all the new info, guess I'll get some more popcorn and continue reading tmrw night!

Thanks for all the info guys.. good stuff and keeps me busy!
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