Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,481,835 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 hrs ago by aggiehawg
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Are you lecturing me or the people who said she didn't have a secure fax?
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Oh crap
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I will say I don't remember PDB's being found in Hillary's emails. At least, the ones we are aware of.
Sarge 91
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MouthBQ98 said:

I will say I don't remember PDB's being found in Hillary's emails. At least, the ones we are aware of.
Maybe because she destroyed them?
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MouthBQ98 said:

I will say I don't remember PDB's being found in Hillary's emails. At least, the ones we are aware of.
The talk of PDB is just an attempt to derail this thread. People are falling for it. Just ignore the chatter about PDB.
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Agree. There would have been plenty of content and valuable metadata in the emails China did get.
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Just maybe it will get the hint that I do not see whatever it is saying unless someone quotes it.

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She didn't answer the phone on Benghazi because she claimed she didn't get a good signal in Chappaqua on her secure cell and the Cisco phone was in the SCIF and she wasn't going to be bothered at 3AM going onto the SCIF.
Oh my word!!!

I seem to recall some candidate for President ran a campaign ad that asked the question:

If that phone rings at 3 am in the White, who do you want to answer it?
When was it... 2008 I think... now who was it???

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Sarge 91 said:

MouthBQ98 said:

I will say I don't remember PDB's being found in Hillary's emails. At least, the ones we are aware of.
Maybe because she destroyed them?
Destroy them? Hell no, that is burning cash idiotic.

HRC sold the PDB's, parked that cash into CGI laundering vehicle. Well... "technically' not "sold", just a happenstance quid quo pro donation exchange appearance. So move on now...
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MouthBQ98 said:

I will say I don't remember PDB's being found in Hillary's emails. At least, the ones we are aware of.
Never saw any PDB in her emails and I looked a A LOT OF THEM.

Never saw it ever reported that she did either

What was true was Huma Abedin would take classified stuff off the secure net and scrub most of the markings and send them to the private net. She admits doing as much in her 302.

She literally claims she didn't recall ever being read into TS/SAP systems, and didn't know anything about classified handling and HER OFFICE WAS IN THE SCIF AT THE STATE DEPT!!!

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aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:


You know what has been bothering me lately? How Brennan laser focused on Trump so early in the primaries. March? April of 2016? I know Hillary preferred to run against Trump in the general but how could they be so sure he'd be the nominee?

Did they tamper with the primaries?
Their internal polling likely told them that Trump had a very good chance of getting the nomination.

Cruz was really the only other possible opponent and they probably were looking into doing the same thing to him if necessary.
I don't recall Cruz having that many jet-setting advisors around him who would have been exposed to Brit intelligence agents for entrapment purposes.
True, but they would have tried some other dirty trick.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

People are all in a twist over these immunities not knowing much at all. I doubt seriously it's either of the Podesta's.
For what it's worth.
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Rapier108 said:

aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:


You know what has been bothering me lately? How Brennan laser focused on Trump so early in the primaries. March? April of 2016? I know Hillary preferred to run against Trump in the general but how could they be so sure he'd be the nominee?

Did they tamper with the primaries?
Their internal polling likely told them that Trump had a very good chance of getting the nomination.

Cruz was really the only other possible opponent and they probably were looking into doing the same thing to him if necessary.
I don't recall Cruz having that many jet-setting advisors around him who would have been exposed to Brit intelligence agents for entrapment purposes.
True, but they would have tried some other dirty trick.
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Rapier108 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

People are all in a twist over these immunities not knowing much at all. I doubt seriously it's either of the Podesta's.
For what it's worth.

Yeah there are a handful on twitter screaming that at the tops of their lungs trying to get it to trend. Retweeting each other back and forth. I'm just not buying it. It would be the end of Mueller. Podesta's are on another list that the POTUS is going to deal with with extreme prejudice.

Thomas Paine got it kicked off and his little click jumped on the bandwagon. We will soon see.
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aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:

aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:


You know what has been bothering me lately? How Brennan laser focused on Trump so early in the primaries. March? April of 2016? I know Hillary preferred to run against Trump in the general but how could they be so sure he'd be the nominee?

Did they tamper with the primaries?
Their internal polling likely told them that Trump had a very good chance of getting the nomination.

Cruz was really the only other possible opponent and they probably were looking into doing the same thing to him if necessary.
I don't recall Cruz having that many jet-setting advisors around him who would have been exposed to Brit intelligence agents for entrapment purposes.
True, but they would have tried some other dirty trick.
JFK assassination?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:

aggiehawg said:

Rapier108 said:


You know what has been bothering me lately? How Brennan laser focused on Trump so early in the primaries. March? April of 2016? I know Hillary preferred to run against Trump in the general but how could they be so sure he'd be the nominee?

Did they tamper with the primaries?
Their internal polling likely told them that Trump had a very good chance of getting the nomination.

Cruz was really the only other possible opponent and they probably were looking into doing the same thing to him if necessary.
I don't recall Cruz having that many jet-setting advisors around him who would have been exposed to Brit intelligence agents for entrapment purposes.
True, but they would have tried some other dirty trick.
JFK assassination?
Even Obama couldn't pull that off.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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There was some legitimate Russian and other foreign spying and propaganda activity to investigate from a counterintelligence perspective. All the BS trying to tie it to trump, conceal how that was set up, and distract from the Hillary email scandal by his select team afterwards is the problem.

A special counsel was never justified or necessary.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Wray is either a dumbass or a double agent.
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When Mueller hires the clintonistas as his staff attorneys, he played his hand.

Wray has played his.

And Mueller's best friend Comey???

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RoscoePColtrane said:

They said the same thing about the Comeynist.

By his own admission, he ended up being little more than a sniveling coward obstructing justice to serve the interests of the Democratic Party above that of his nation.

Color me cynical when we hear Mueller mentioned with the same glowing terms used to crown Comey.

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In other news, Manafort's motion to suppress the search of his residence was denied yesterday.
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pedro_martinez said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Wray is either a dumbass or a double agent.
I think Wray is asking to be dismissed. He had left the DOJ for the private sector, a 13 years ago and was enjoying the cushy life and a decent salary as a partner at King & Spalding out of Atlanta. I think he stepped into this role eyes wide open and is not liking what he's seeing. Wray worked for Comey during the Bush administration at the DOJ. Mueller was the Bureau Chief then, and as the # 3 at the DOJ, interacted with Mueller likely daily. Wray came back to government to find it worse off than when he left it. And I think he's had enough.

You have to understand, Wray was hand picked by John Ashcroft, his old boss at the DOJ for Trump to head the Bureau. People need to realize the pull John Ashcroft has with POTUS DJT. He is one of Trump's TOP advisors behind the scenes. Ashcroft is never talked about on purpose, he stays dark on purpose. Ashcroft is a Black Ops contractor, his group includes what use to be called Blackwater (Erik Prince). Since leaving government in 2005, he has spent his time fighting DC swamp and Homeland Security. Ashcroft left the Bush administration because he crossed swords with Karl Rove, and Rove leaking out of the Bush Whitehouse. Rove is a hot commodity @ Fox for a reason. He strategically leaked to them to drive narrative for years out of the oval office.

You have to understand, by 2005 was a trying time and a huge shift in the intelligence portion of our government, Rove, Mueller (FBI), Hayden (NSA) and George J. Tenet (DNI), walked us into this mess in the ME in response to 9/11 on crap intelligence. Colin Powell knew it but was overridden, he knew they were looking for an excuse to overthrow Saddam from day one of the Bush administration, long before 9/11. Ashcroft was in the same boat with Powell, but as AG it wasn't his place.

In 2005 a lot of key figures left government, long time career good patriots. Ashcroft, Powell, Wray, were just a few. 2005 the DNI no longer head the CIA, Bush formed a new position of Director of CIA to isolate them from other departments. Patriot Act was completely out of hand. NSA became a weapon against the citizens as much as they were a weapon against our enemies. EO 12333 was in full force as of August 27, 2004 (this was when Bush altered the original EO and the IC began to run wild on warrantless spying on US Citizens).

Bill Binney walked away from the NSA a month after 9/11 because they had been screaming that something was going down and no one was listening. Michael Hayden, his boss, was too busy putting together a crap sandwich to justify invading and overthrowing Saddam, when the planes were slamming into the WTC. That's when Bill Binney had enough, and left the agency he spent his career developing, it was no longer being used for what it was intended for originally. Bill Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe and Edward Loomis, the three architects of the NSA, all three left right after 9/11, all three had been warning Clinton and Bush both that 9/11 was coming. NOBODY WAS LISTENING.

In 2005 Bill Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe and Edward Loomis, were the key sources in the NYT series of stories of the spying on US Citizens, and it was during this time Bush came under fire, and it was then that people like Ashcroft, Powell, Wray, etc etc made a mass exodus from government. Trump supporters are just now finding out that Bush 43 wasn't the mister nice guy chucklehead he was once thought of. And Bush 41 is swampy as they come, former DCI longtime DC swamp creature.

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HTownAg98 said:

In other news, Manafort's motion to suppress the search of his residence was denied yesterday.

I thought I mentioned this yesterday but anyway, yeah this was coming. His lawyers are grasping straws on this one. They already had the goods on him from the storage locker. I have the entire 21 page order if anyone needs it.

He tried the same thing in the EDVA. With the sealed immunities and deals in the EDVA you can bet they have Alex Trosky as one of the sealed witnesses. He's the one that let them in in the first place before getting the warrant the month prior.
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From June 2011:


Clinton calls Google hacking claim 'very serious'

Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, has described Google's claim that Chinese hackers tried to break into hundreds of e-mail accounts as "very serious", despite official Chinese denials.

Google says that it has uncovered a campaign run from inside China to monitor secretly the e-mails of senior US government figures, South Korean officials and other users of its Gmail service.

"These allegations are very serious," Mrs Clinton said, adding that the US was "very concerned about Google's announcement regarding a campaign that the company believes originated in China to collect the passwords of Google e-mail account holders".

She said that the company had informed the State Department before making the news public.....

Meanwhile, the Chinese were already reading Hillary's emails....but she was the smartest woman on the planet.
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The China threat is real, I think far more than anything that Putin is coming up with. And that two faced ******* XI. I hope Bolden and Pompeo have DJT straight on his untrustworthy ass.

China didn't just crap that new J-31 out of thin air looking like the Rolex knockoff.

Snowden's leaked showed they had it down to the pop rivet locations.

Government want to play it off like their stealing the recipe for Coca Cola. I to this day think Bill and Hill were selling the Chinese everything for years. F&*k them, Johnny Chung, John Huang and James Riady. They have made billions selling out our country over the past 25 years.
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And get this, every report that comes out we find out ten more officials working off the network on Gmail. Whose owned by Google, the largest customer of Perkins Coie and huge funder of Fusion GPS. Google is another monster riding the network pretty much unregulated. Worth more money than god and less than Jeff Bezos, they have the second largest cloud mainframe network (guess who #1 is? Bezos) they both lease secure storage to the government and they are complicit as any in a lot of this.

I know I know too much coffee laced with Woodford.

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Code 7 10-42
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Interesting thread.
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in the next two weeks some people better brace themselves because the band-aid is going to be ripped off. The swamp is going to force the hand and draw back a bloody stump. They are playing to an inside straight and don't know their opponent has a royal flush on the river card
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Got a couple questions for the posters here. We all know that the DNC did not turn over access to their servers to the FBI.

But did the DNC provide a digital clone of the server to the FBI for analysis? As in did the IC do the leg work to confirm the findings of crowdstrike?

Have yall come across any information regarding the situation above?
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FBI agent Peter Strzok's text to FBI lawyer Lisa Page hours after FBI Director James Comey was fired that said they needed to "open the case we've been waiting on" now that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was in charge was related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

"That text message was not unrelated to Russia," Gaetz said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday.

The evening right after Comey was fired on May 9, 2017, Strzok had texted Page, his then-paramour, at 8:14 p.m. with: "We need to open the case we've been waiting on now while Andy is acting."

Page responded the next morning at 4:57 a.m., with: "We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal, chargeable way. Soon."

Strzok confirmed during his testimony on Thursday that "Andy" meant McCabe, but refused to confirm what "case" he was referring to, or who Page was talking about.

But Page, who testified behind closed doors on Friday and Monday was much more forthcoming about those texts, Gaetz said.

"It's my understanding from discussions with my colleagues that Rosenstein had indicated that it had nothing to do with Russia or the Trump campaign, that it was this unrelated matter," he said.

"Strzok refused to answer what it was related to. And Lisa Page gave a testimony that was in direct conflict with what I understood to be Rosenstein's explanation."

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told Strzok during his open-testimony last week that if he and Page talked about opening an investigation based on who was then-FBI director, it would violate due process.......

The article included the above tweet. Roscoe, does "POTUS" fit in the redacted space? TCTH thought so.
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drcrinum said:


FBI agent Peter Strzok's text to FBI lawyer Lisa Page hours after FBI Director James Comey was fired that said they needed to "open the case we've been waiting on" now that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was in charge was related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

"That text message was not unrelated to Russia," Gaetz said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday.

The evening right after Comey was fired on May 9, 2017, Strzok had texted Page, his then-paramour, at 8:14 p.m. with: "We need to open the case we've been waiting on now while Andy is acting."

Page responded the next morning at 4:57 a.m., with: "We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal, chargeable way. Soon."

Strzok confirmed during his testimony on Thursday that "Andy" meant McCabe, but refused to confirm what "case" he was referring to, or who Page was talking about.

But Page, who testified behind closed doors on Friday and Monday was much more forthcoming about those texts, Gaetz said.

"It's my understanding from discussions with my colleagues that Rosenstein had indicated that it had nothing to do with Russia or the Trump campaign, that it was this unrelated matter," he said.

"Strzok refused to answer what it was related to. And Lisa Page gave a testimony that was in direct conflict with what I understood to be Rosenstein's explanation."

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told Strzok during his open-testimony last week that if he and Page talked about opening an investigation based on who was then-FBI director, it would violate due process.......

The article included the above tweet. Roscoe, does "POTUS" fit in the redacted space? TCTH thought so.
POTUS and TRUMP or Trump fit fine, that's been the notion for a while.
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What national security interest is served by redacting that?
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