Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,481,749 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by aggiehawg
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Michael Barnhart said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Michael Barnhart said:

I believe that's what was being suggested, least in 2015-2016
That's not how the internet works.
Seriously? The "internet" does not work via TCP protocols that have discrete packet sizes and require verification of packet receipt as part of the process?

You might suggest "there are other communication protocols". You might even identify a particular protocol that would work consistent with the cited data. Or, you might attack the data itself as not being valid and/or reliable for the purpose(s) recited. You did none of those which suggests your parroting somebody else, and probably somebody who has no clue themselves.

There are times you raise reasonable questions, but for goodness sakes stop ignorantly parroting every sound bite that presses toward your desired outcome.

We have a winner. Lets just change MTU!!
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This discussion ratchets back up my suspicion about media outlets being on the payroll. They couldn't stop paying attention to Trump from the second he came on the scene. Perhaps they really were complicit in an operation to build up primary Trump and then "destroy" general election Trump. And characters like Brennan knew exactly what was going on.
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GCP12 said:

TD is claiming that Lisa Page testified to Congress that China hacked Hillary's server and the FBI covered it up... No solid link, yet.
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blindey said:

This discussion ratchets back up my suspicion about media outlets being on the payroll. They couldn't stop paying attention to Trump from the second he came on the scene. Perhaps they really were complicit in an operation to build up primary Trump and then "destroy" general election Trump. And characters like Brennan knew exactly what was going on.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

blindey said:

This discussion ratchets back up my suspicion about media outlets being on the payroll. They couldn't stop paying attention to Trump from the second he came on the scene. Perhaps they really were complicit in an operation to build up primary Trump and then "destroy" general election Trump. And characters like Brennan knew exactly what was going on.

The Church Report says:

The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.


Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half are "accredited" by U.S. media organizations ... The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad ... More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.
but they shut all that down in the mid-70s; William Colby and GW Bush told us so.
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SpreadsheetAg said:

The single MOST damning part is they have almost every single daily intelligence brief for obama during her time as SoS. Every day. The single most classified document in the entire United States, every day, Clinton effectively handed it to the Chinese on a silver platter.
Garrelli 5000
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Lot Y is an expert on all things. Just like he said you can't subpoena an email, because Duces Tecum is latin for two teas
Staff - take out the trash.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Bonfire1996 said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

The single MOST damning part is they have almost every single daily intelligence brief for obama during her time as SoS. Every day. The single most classified document in the entire United States, every day, Clinton effectively handed it to the Chinese on a silver platter.
One, that tweet is full of ***** Two, she didnt get her daily briefing via email.
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Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Michael Barnhart said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Michael Barnhart said:

I believe that's what was being suggested, least in 2015-2016
That's not how the internet works.
Seriously? The "internet" does not work via TCP protocols that have discrete packet sizes and require verification of packet receipt as part of the process?

You might suggest "there are other communication protocols". You might even identify a particular protocol that would work consistent with the cited data. Or, you might attack the data itself as not being valid and/or reliable for the purpose(s) recited. You did none of those which suggests your parroting somebody else, and probably somebody who has no clue themselves.

There are times you raise reasonable questions, but for goodness sakes stop ignorantly parroting every sound bite that presses toward your desired outcome.
That is exactly what you are doing, you know 50Mbps throughput to Europe is nothing, I don't know exactly how it works, but I know that it does.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.

Gohmert said it himself. She had it emailed to "the house" so a staffer could print it for her.

Your world is crumbling before your eyes
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Steve Bannon comes out and says, "We are at war with China." Something tells me the Page testimony is part of that conclusion and it isn't just about Trade.
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.
He asks. He's answered. Result...he learns nothing.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Bonfire1996 said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.

Gohmert said it himself. She had it emailed to "the house" so a staffer could print it for her.

Your world is crumbling before your eyes
hence the reason he's back again trying to get this thread locked.
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SpreadsheetAg said:

GCP12 said:

TD is claiming that Lisa Page testified to Congress that China hacked Hillary's server and the FBI covered it up... No solid link, yet.

That's what Louie Gohmert has been screaming for a week.

The SoS IG Steve Linick Wrote a report on the servers existence and found issues and the ICIG Charles McCullough found an "anomaly on the server and sent his investigator Frank Ruckner to tell Strzok personally and he did nothing with it.

Strzok admitted to meeting with Ruckner but said he couldn't remember the "specific" content of their discussion.


The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an "anomaly on Hillary Clinton's emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list," Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.


"The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that," Gohmert said, "but you were given that information and you did nothing with it."
Meanwhile, "Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call," Gohmert said - and Horowitz wouldn't return the call. "

They have that IG Report

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Bonfire1996 said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.

Gohmert said it himself. She had it emailed to "the house" so a staffer could print it for her.

Your world is crumbling before your eyes
Link? Did Gohmert not understand that she had a SCIF fax at her house?
Um, SCIFs don't have comms equipment, and certainly nothing to print with.

It doesn't matter anyway, they sent it to her insecure email address which is how China got it. Lisa page testified to that effect. And she would know as "Andy's" FBI attorney

You are really bad at this.
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So you've seen news casts where someone is talking over a satellite link and there is a several second delay from the time one person stops speaking and the person on the other end responds. The problem here is very similar.

So imagine you have to convey a message to someone but you can only do it one sentence at a time. At the end of every sentence you ask "OK?". To which they must respond with either "OK" or "Could you repeat that?". Now if your in the same room this goes very quickly because the responses are instantaneous and you are much less likely to have to repeat a sentence. But imagine if you were using a satellite link where you have this long delay in the response because of the distance, plus, because of the distance you may have to repeat a sentence every now and then.

Do you see how it would take much longer to complete the message transmission. That is how the internet works on a very basic level.

Try this:


First one will hit a server in the US, the 2nd will hit one in France...see the difference?
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Bonfire1996 said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

The single MOST damning part is they have almost every single daily intelligence brief for obama during her time as SoS. Every day. The single most classified document in the entire United States, every day, Clinton effectively handed it to the Chinese on a silver platter.
One, that tweet is full of ***** Two, she didnt get her daily briefing via email.
1. Nope.

2. Maybe. You don't know that - you only know that SOME of them came via FAX - you don't know that NONE of them came via e-mail.


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents including ones containing classified information from her house in Washington, DC, emails and FBI memos show.


Clinton would first receive highly sensitive emails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

The Evolution of the President's Daily Brief

The style, format and presentation of the PDB are based on the preferences of the current president. President Barack Obama, for example, asked CIA to explore a way to deliver the PDB electronically. On Feb. 15, 2014 - 68 years after the first Daily Summary was published - the final hard copy edition of the PDB for the President was printed. President Obama and other key national security policymakers now receive the PDB, six days a week, in a tablet format. Hard copies, of course, are still produced for officials who prefer printed, rather than electronic, versions.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Bonfire1996 said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Bonfire1996 said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Deats said:

Asked and answered counselor. They took the briefing and scanned it and emailed it to her.

Gohmert said it himself. She had it emailed to "the house" so a staffer could print it for her.

Your world is crumbling before your eyes
Link? Did Gohmert not understand that she had a SCIF fax at her house?
Um, SCIFs don't have comms equipment, and certainly nothing to print with.

It doesn't matter anyway, they sent it to her insecure email address which is how China got it. Lisa page testified to that effect. And she would know as "Andy's" FBI attorney

You are really bad at this.
Computers operating within such a facility must conform to rules established by ICD 503. Computers and telecommunication equipment within must conform to TEMPEST emanations specification as directed by a Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority (CTTA).

But maybe it wasn't in the SCIF at her house, maybe the secure fax was elsewhere, point being, she had a secure fax at her house.

A daily briefing wouldn't have gone over .gov email either.
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So your contention is Lisa Page concocted her testimony out of thin air?
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I can only imagine having a printed copy of the Presiden't daily briefing would be a pretty big security violation.
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Hillary didn't use a .gov email
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ntxVOL said:

I can only imagine having a printed copy of the Presiden't daily briefing would be a pretty big security violation.
inside Oval Office? No
Outside? Oh hell yeah
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Bonfire1996 said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

The single MOST damning part is they have almost every single daily intelligence brief for obama during her time as SoS. Every day. The single most classified document in the entire United States, every day, Clinton effectively handed it to the Chinese on a silver platter.
One, that tweet is full of ***** Two, she didnt get her daily briefing via email.
1. Nope.

2. Maybe. You don't know that - you only know that SOME of them came via FAX - you don't know that NONE of them came via e-mail.


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents including ones containing classified information from her house in Washington, DC, emails and FBI memos show.


Clinton would first receive highly sensitive emails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

The Evolution of the President's Daily Brief

The style, format and presentation of the PDB are based on the preferences of the current president. President Barack Obama, for example, asked CIA to explore a way to deliver the PDB electronically. On Feb. 15, 2014 - 68 years after the first Daily Summary was published - the final hard copy edition of the PDB for the President was printed. President Obama and other key national security policymakers now receive the PDB, six days a week, in a tablet format. Hard copies, of course, are still produced for officials who prefer printed, rather than electronic, versions.

And evidently, HRC preferred the printed version even though she was too technically challenged to print it herself and had her maid do it for her.
Lot Y Tailgate
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So all you have is speculation based on comments from one of the most partisan members of the House. If she was getting her daily briefing by email Horowitz would have said something.
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This has been hashed out multiple times here already, you are being trolled

Here is the 302 from Huma Abedin's FBI interview

Marina Santos was her Filipino maid

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Lot y start your own thread on this where you can argue till the cows come home. The reason this thread has lasted so long is because it is reserved for breaking info more or less. Everybody knows you're going for yet another kill shot
Lot Y Tailgate
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Rockdoc said:

Lot y start your own thread on this where you can argue till the cows come home. The reason this thread has lasted so long is because it is reserved for breaking info more or less. Everybody knows you're going for yet another kill shot
This thread is about the Mueller investigation, and that isn't even being discussed. Why don't you call out those people?
Lot Y Tailgate
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Thank you for agreeing with me about her not getting her daily brief scanned and sent to her email.
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

So all you have is speculation based on comments from one of the most partisan members of the House. If she was getting her daily briefing by email Horowitz would have said something.
No, Horowitz investigations only focused on how the FBI handled Clinton email investigation.
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...issues arising from. Many of the key players and witnesses were involved in the Hillary email AND the Mueller investigation.
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She actually had a SCIF in two of her homes, the one in Whitehaven, just outside DC and the one in Chappaqua NY.

The maid testified before the SPSIC saying she took things off a printer in the SCIF to give Clinton, and everyone who has ever been close to a SCIF knows a printer is a no no in a SCIF. Warner tried to justify the maids testimony by saying what she was referring to was actually a secure facsimile. The totally ignore the fact that he was a Foreign National Filipino Maid with zero security clearance walking into a SCIF to operate a secure facsimile, in a secure SCIF handling anything from a PDB to whatever else came across the secure fax in Chappaqua and giving it to Clinton or laying it on her dest to retrieve later. Testimony in the 302 verifies this. The Diplomatic pouch was hand delivered to Whitehaven when she was in DC but in CHappaqua she got the PDB by secure facsimile. She didn't answer the phone on Benghazi because she claimed she didn't get a good signal in Chappaqua on her secure cell and the Cisco phone was in the SCIF and she wasn't going to be bothered at 3AM going onto the SCIF.

Marina Santos is her Filipino Maid rule #1

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Sarge 91
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SpreadsheetAg said:

GCP12 said:

TD is claiming that Lisa Page testified to Congress that China hacked Hillary's server and the FBI covered it up... No solid link, yet.

Hell hath no fury.....
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