Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,487,094 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
The Catalyst
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Dick painter sounds like he has one in his mouth!
How bout you go back down the hill and get it then?
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Good lord, I did a search on Dick Painter and all I came up with was Pricasso...the man who paints with his *****.

Since I am actually posting here...I want to say that I'm a long time lurker and appreciate all of those who post on this thread. I especially want to thank those who break down the legalese for us laymen.

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You're brave, but try Richard Painter and it will yield better results. But look on the bright side that previous search should change your advertising pop ups.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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It appears Grassley is sending smoke signals to Federal Judges, President Trump, Mueller, and Rosenstein. And it appears you are correct in that Grassley knows the answer(s).

Do you think Rosenstein made a misstep if he gave Mueller authority to conduct a counterintelligence investigation?
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I thought this was relevant.

Can I go to sleep Looch?
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So if the MSM is saying an informant is standard procedure to have for counterintelligence in the trump campaign to warn them of Russia election interference then how soon do we hear about the informant placed in Hillary's campaign? I'm sure they'll be giving us that info any minute now, right libs?

Shouldn't we be asking if OTHER 2016 Republican Presidential candidates were spies upon too?

For instance....say Rand Paul?


Paul's letter offered no further detail on the source of the allegations of any specific incident or intercepts.

A source in the intelligence community told Circa on Friday that they were unaware of any unmaskings of NSA intercepts that occurred in 2016 when Paul was running for president that would have required a notification to Congress. The source did not know about prior years.

Usually if the intelligence community reveals the identity of a lawmaker in an NSA intercept, Congress gets what is known as a Gates notification.

"A source was unaware ", Sound legit to me. I guess we should believe them.....
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Here's what is puzzling to me with this narrative that the DOJ/Mueller is leaking all this info on the possibility of a FBI operative trying to infiltrate or set up the Trump campaign, to the NYT and WaPO to get out front of the OIG report that is soon to come out, to lesson the impact, just doesn't hold water, unless the report isn't just the phase concerning the investigation of the Clinton Server and how it was handled by the DOJ/FBI.

Maybe this is a sign that the report coming out not only covers the Clinton Server scandal but also the FISA abuses, which was suppose to be the third phase of the OIG investigation. The way all these leaks are being pushed through the MSM it sounds likely this upcoming OIG report release covers a wider scope than just the server investigation. It's the only thing that makes sense given this current narrative. I see no logic in putting out that they are now admitting the Obama people spied on Trump to protect him, to distract from a report on Hillary's server investigation. It's a bizarre move politically that baffles me.

But you have to admire Chuck Grassley for his ability to stay with the grind and keeping moving forward. Hell Grassley makes Sisyphus look like a damn quitter.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Here's what is puzzling to me with this narrative that the DOJ/Mueller is leaking all this info on the possibility of a FBI operative trying to infiltrate or set up the Trump campaign, to the NYT and WaPO to get out front of the OIG report that is soon to come out, to lesson the impact, just doesn't hold water, unless the report isn't just the phase concerning the investigation of the Clinton Server and how it was handled by the DOJ/FBI.

Maybe this is a sign that the report coming out not only covers the Clinton Server scandal but also the FISA abuses, which was suppose to be the third phase of the OIG investigation. The way all these leaks are being pushed through the MSM it sounds likely this upcoming OIG report release covers a wider scope than just the server investigation. It's the only thing that makes sense given this current narrative. I see no logic in putting out that they are now admitting the Obama people spied on Trump to protect him, to distract from a report on Hillary's server investigation. It's a bizarre move politically that baffles me.

But you have to admire Chuck Grassley for his ability to stay with the grind and keeping moving forward. Hell Grassley makes Sisyphus look like a damn quitter.
Mueller et al are smart. It's possible the OIG report phase 2 is of sufficient quality they are worried about phase 3 (e.g. if the IG drops a MOAB on the email investigation, he'll probably do the same on the surveillance, eventually). By starting now with their new excuse, the link between their excuses and the phase 3 IG report is camouflaged, at least a little bit.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

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RoscoePColtrane said:

You're brave, but try Richard Painter and it will yield better results. But look on the bright side that previous search should change your advertising pop ups.

LOL. Fortunately for me, I saw it on the replay and they identified him as Richard, so that's what I Googled. Saved me from Fountain's issue.

🤡 🤡 🤡
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Oops, wrong forum.
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drcrinum said:

...The primary question within the letter is: Under what authority, and within what statute, is the AAG authorized to assign a counterintelligence investigation to a special counsel:

" More specifically, section 600.1 states the Attorney General "will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted." The omitted regulations do not authorize counterintelligence investigations."

Grassley's letter is asking Rosenstein to take a hard position on this fundamental legal question: Can the AAG legally appoint a SC that does not comply with department regulations 600.1 - 600-3?

If so, Rosenstein's appointment authorization can be adjudicated ... probably all the way to SCOTUS. If not, Mueller was illegally authorized to conduct counterintelligence.
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coyote68 said:


It appears Grassley is sending smoke signals to Federal Judges, President Trump, Mueller, and Rosenstein. And it appears you are correct in that Grassley knows the answer(s).

Do you think Rosenstein made a misstep if he gave Mueller authority to conduct a counterintelligence investigation?
It's not just a continuation of the secret counterintelligence operation to undermine a sitting President that had begun under the previous Administration, it's would be an expansion. Clearly sedition...seditious conspiracy IMO.

I was thinking about that NYT article..."they did it to protect the President". That's going to be Rosenstein's defense when **** hits the fan come May 31 or whenever it is publicly revealed that Rosenstein gave Mueller unfettered power of unlimited FISA authority (assuming that is what he did).

I have a feeling there is going to be a huge explosion in the near future, & I am not talking about the OIG Report. And I am afraid it's looking like the counterintelligence revelation is going to coincide roughly with the OIG Report release, and the combination is going to dilute one of these bombshells (& that will be the OIG Report since it will deal with Hillary's emails).

It's going to be a long hot summer.
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...Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, in which the Reagan campaign -- using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush -- got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration. The plot involved CIA operatives passing classified information about Carter's foreign policy to Reagan campaign officials in order to ensure the Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering....

I am beginning to detect the odor of Bush-Clinton perfume at the crime scene.
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Prognightmare said:

aggiehawg said:

If we are able to get to the bottom of this rabbit hole, we might just find the Arc of the Covenant.

Dang, I knew the name "Warburg" sounded familiar ...

Moses Marcus Warburg (17631830), founder, with his brother Gerson Warburg (17651825), of M. M. Warburg & Co. in 1798.

Warburg was one of the founders of the Federal Reserve Banking System. Yeah, that Warburg.

And the marriage between Felix Warburg and Frieda Schiff links them to the de Rothschilds.

Can't find any links between that Frieda Schiff and our great politician Ca. politician, Adam Schiff, but they seem to all come from the same NY, MA area, and it would have to be through cousins, not great- or grand- descendency.
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And once again this thread merges with the Q thread.
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aggiehawg said:

And once again this thread merges with the Q thread.
Not quite, but it does show that sorting out degrees of separation in this stinkhole, whether from links of legal documents, or genealogical descendent charts (or whatever), the results will tend to converge on a common outcome.

Do you agree that some of these links we are dissecting are at 3, or even 4, degrees separation?
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SeMgCo87 said:

aggiehawg said:

And once again this thread merges with the Q thread.
Not quite, but it does show that sorting out degrees of separation in this stinkhole, whether from links of legal documents, or genealogical descendent charts (or whatever), the results will tend to converge on a common outcome.

Do you agree that some of these links we are dissecting are at 3, or even 4, degrees separation?
Well, not to get on a thread derail here, my great grandfather was a slave owner in Alabama. Can I be tarred as a bigot because of my blood ties to him? Hell, no.

But noting that the elites have a tight, if large, circle of entitlement and lack of consequences for their actions is an accurate observation. But not much more than that, in my view.
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aggiehawg said:

And once again this thread merges with the Q thread.
Continuing that because this seems to belong here, too:

TurkeyBaconLeg said:

Trump is setting things up this morning for a big drop coming soon.

🤡 🤡 🤡
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Hhmm, his tweet about the Podestas is interesting. Perp walk in Tony's immediate future?
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drcrinum said:


...Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, in which the Reagan campaign -- using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush -- got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration. The plot involved CIA operatives passing classified information about Carter's foreign policy to Reagan campaign officials in order to ensure the Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering....

I am beginning to detect the odor of Bush-Clinton perfume at the crime scene.

I think you are spot on with Halper. It's clear he's a Bush guy. So why is he working for Obama/ Hillary people?

I think the Bush hate for Trump and their closeness with the Clinton group allowed an arrangement to pass Halper off to the opposition when Jeb! Laid a turd in his campaign.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

These people are morons
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Missed this from 5 days ago:

Have to confess I have never heard of the Office of Net Assessment. But they were paying Halper in 2016.


Stefan Halper, the dual U.S.-U.K. citizen who reached out to Trump campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, is the international man of mystery when it comes to the origins of the FBI counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign and presidency. From public records, we know he was receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from the federal government national security apparatus.

And there's this: From Daily Caller


A company whose president is "best friends" with Chelsea Clinton received more than $11 million in contracts over the last decade from a highly secretive Department of Defense think tank, but to date, the group lacks official federal approval to handle classified materials, according to sensitive documents TheDCNF was allowed to review.

Jacqueline Newmyer, the president of a company called the Long Term Strategy Group, has over the last 10 years received numerous Defense Department contracts from a secretive think tank called Office of Net Assessment.

The Office of Net Assessment is so sensitive, the specialized think tank is housed in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and reports directly to the secretary.


But after winning a decade of contracts from the Office of Net Assessment, the federal agency is only now in the process of granting clearance to the company. Long Term Strategy Group never operated a secure room on their premises to handle classified materials, according to the Defense Security Service, a federal agency that approves secure rooms inside private sector firms. Long Term Strategy Group operates offices in Washington, D.C., and Cambridge, Mass.

WTH? Slush fund?
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Pay close attention to this interview with Nunes

Swallowswell sat right here on this network talking to Hemmer claiming he had seen the FISA application, and I called it a lie last week. Here Nunes explains that they still haven't seen it, and Comey claims there a mosaic of evidense used to get the warrant, Nunes and them want to see it.

Swallowswell lied ..... Shocking

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Here's what is puzzling to me with this narrative that the DOJ/Mueller is leaking all this info on the possibility of a FBI operative trying to infiltrate or set up the Trump campaign, to the NYT and WaPO to get out front of the OIG report that is soon to come out, to lesson the impact, just doesn't hold water, unless the report isn't just the phase concerning the investigation of the Clinton Server and how it was handled by the DOJ/FBI.

Maybe this is a sign that the report coming out not only covers the Clinton Server scandal but also the FISA abuses, which was suppose to be the third phase of the OIG investigation. The way all these leaks are being pushed through the MSM it sounds likely this upcoming OIG report release covers a wider scope than just the server investigation. It's the only thing that makes sense given this current narrative. I see no logic in putting out that they are now admitting the Obama people spied on Trump to protect him, to distract from a report on Hillary's server investigation. It's a bizarre move politically that baffles me.

But you have to admire Chuck Grassley for his ability to stay with the grind and keeping moving forward. Hell Grassley makes Sisyphus look like a damn quitter.
The mole theory was introduced when Feinstein released Glenn Simpson's testimony. A few smart people connected the dots recently that his retraction made no sense in light of the timeline of events, so his retraction was retracted.
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captkirk said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Here's what is puzzling to me with this narrative that the DOJ/Mueller is leaking all this info on the possibility of a FBI operative trying to infiltrate or set up the Trump campaign, to the NYT and WaPO to get out front of the OIG report that is soon to come out, to lesson the impact, just doesn't hold water, unless the report isn't just the phase concerning the investigation of the Clinton Server and how it was handled by the DOJ/FBI.

Maybe this is a sign that the report coming out not only covers the Clinton Server scandal but also the FISA abuses, which was suppose to be the third phase of the OIG investigation. The way all these leaks are being pushed through the MSM it sounds likely this upcoming OIG report release covers a wider scope than just the server investigation. It's the only thing that makes sense given this current narrative. I see no logic in putting out that they are now admitting the Obama people spied on Trump to protect him, to distract from a report on Hillary's server investigation. It's a bizarre move politically that baffles me.

But you have to admire Chuck Grassley for his ability to stay with the grind and keeping moving forward. Hell Grassley makes Sisyphus look like a damn quitter.
The mole theory was introduced when Feinstein released Glenn Simpson's testimony. A few smart people connected the dots recently that his retraction made no sense in light of the timeline of events, so his retraction was retracted.
And I fully understand and I'm aware of that, I was just questioning the narrative that they were leaking all this to get in front of the OIG report soon to be released that really has nothing to do with this coming report, that's in the next phase that we may not see for months. It's timeline just doesn't jive to me.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Here's the lying Swallowswell saying he's seen the FISA application and all the evidense

And here even Comey questions if the "Application" has even been released. We know they got to see the Warrant itself, and it had the footnotes that were vague and showed the court wasn't fully informed that the DNC and Clintons paid for the dossier, Schiff said the opposite and that was the reason they needed to see the Application and the unredacted EC that opened counterintelligence investigation to start with, and according to Nunes and even Comey that hasn't been released

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Pay close attention to this interview with Nunes

Swallowswell sat right here on this network talking to Hemmer claiming he had seen the FISA application, and I called it a lie last week. Here Nunes explains that they still haven't seen it, and Comey claims there a mosaic of evidense used to get the warrant, Nunes and them want to see it.

Swallowswell lied ..... Shocking

A must watch -- both segments.

1) They tried to set up Nunes & Gowdy over the Friday night leaks about the informant.

2) One informant/spy or more than one comes up again.

3) They paid the informant(s)/spy/spies? Paying a ring of informant or spies to undermine a Presidential Campaign??

4) Did Steele talk directly with Russians? And pay them?

I am really beginning to suspect that Halper & dirty tricks/CIA friends/Bush/Hakluyt are involved in this scheme at a higher level than just 'informants'. Hakluyt is not just a UK private intel agency, it is scattered across the world; it has an office in New York; one in Sydney, Australia too (Downer).
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That's more than $400,000 to Halper. We need to see what he did and how long he spent doing it to warrant that much money.

Yes, damn sure looks like a slush fund.
🤡 🤡 🤡
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"...Clinton's bid was saved, not destroyed, by Obama's law-enforcement agencies, which tanked a criminal case on which she should have been indicted. And the hush-hush approach taken to the counterintelligence case against Donald Trump was not intended to protect the Republican candidate; it was intended to protect the Obama administration from the specter of a Watergate-level scandal had its spying on the opposition party's presidential campaign been revealed."

Yep. McCarthy succinctly nails it in this summary. And following to the logical conclusion, as the lie grew they had to take down a sitting president to cover their traitorous deception.

Burn them all down and purge the swamp. It's the only way to save this country.
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And Clinton with the help of the DNC screwed with thr Bernie campaign.
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Good question. Did Halper have a CIA expense account? Or was his government contract a slush fund to be used for dirty tricks as well as paying him for being a CIA operative?
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Swallowswell sat right here on this network talking to Hemmer claiming he had seen the FISA application, and I called it a lie last week. Here Nunes explains that they still haven't seen it, and Comey claims there a mosaic of evidense used to get the warrant, Nunes and them want to see it.
Strzok likely wrote the FISA app. He's still at the FBI in a cubicle some where, subpoena his ass to testify in closed session.
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Pelosi has the hands of Larry Bird in that clip.
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