Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,486,871 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Forgive me if the matter has been thoroughly discussed, but this thread is daunting and growing daily, but I'm assuming that criminal referrals and indictments are lined up and waiting for the filing of the OIG report. Is that merely wishful thinking? Because the only thing that will stop the politilization of our LE and IC is prosecutions- resignations in dishonor with cushy consulting, private practice and journalist positions waiting and government pensions intact is going to do squat.

It makes sense that the indictments are waiting for the report, but is there smoke with fire, or is it just a nice and naive pipedream?
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Nosmo said:

Sara Carter, tonight on Hannity, said expect the IG report to be released to the public in THREE to FOUR WEEKS.
Good, the closer to midterm elections, the worse for the Democrats.
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Geez this is a disaster


Rhee: We have 2tb of social media data.
Defense: What language is it in?
Rhee: Russian.
Defense: Have you translated it?
Rhee: No.
Defense: Then how do you know what's in it?
Rhee: [silence]

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Ellis Wyatt
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Joe diGenova on Carl Tuckerton this evening. He says John Brennan is going to find himself in front of a grand jury soon.

marble rye
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I wish a R Senator would just lead a filibuster off with,"And now the OIG report. Unredacted." And read the while thing.

They can't be stopped or interrupted, right?
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Just caught up on this thread. Thanks to all who keep it up to date and offer legal opinion.

Astounding how rotten to the core the alphabet agencies under Obama had become. If Americans are ever going to be able to trust their government again it all has to come to light. All of it - in full view and then let the chips fall where they may. The guilty, and there appear to be a lot of them, have to be punished and the swamp has to be purged and cleaned up quickly or the work Trump and his team have done will all be for naught. Any attempts to delay or hide should be dealt with expeditiously and harshly so the perpetrators don't have time to figure out how to slither away.

This thing has drug on long enough and done much damage, both to the presidents agenda and Americans' faith in the system. The American people deserve decisive action and justice delivered. Trump and Co. along with the Republicans in Congress must go on the offensive - hard.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I was under the understanding that he can request it but not grant it, under 32 CFR 719.112

Mueller has secretly had a Magistrate suspend the Statute of Limitations in the Manafort case. The likelihood that he got a judge to sign off on an immunity deal for Comey has increased because of that, in my view. I have long wondered about Comey and immunity, going all the way back to when he went public about his memos.

As this has been unpacked over the last two years, in particular the last year of the Mueller investigation I cannot help but marvel at how much obstruction of justice, incompetence and outright stupidity has been exposed. Nor can I minimize the damage that has been done to our justice system by those entrusted with its administration.

Handing out immunity deals like Halloween candy from the Hillary email case through to whatever the hell Mueller has done, makes it nearly impossible to legally hold people accountable for their actions.

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If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.
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Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.
I read something yesterday from a questionable source that Rosenstein was blackmailed into appointing Mueller. Supposedly a captured "dark web" conversation between FBI agents right before Mueller was appointed. I tend to ignore such "tin foil hat" stuff but with the way things are now, it seems more plausible that FBI agents would have such an outlet to communicate than it should be.

<sigh> Well, at least Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see his failure of a Presidency far eclipsed by Obama's.
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aggiehawg said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

I was under the understanding that he can request it but not grant it, under 32 CFR 719.112

Mueller has secretly had a Magistrate suspend the Statute of Limitations in the Manafort case. The likelihood that he got a judge to sign off on an immunity deal for Comey has increased because of that, in my view. I have long wondered about Comey and immunity, going all the way back to when he went public about his memos.

As this has been unpacked over the last two years, in particular the last year of the Mueller investigation I cannot help but marvel at how much obstruction of justice, incompetence and outright stupidity has been exposed. Nor can I minimize the damage that has been done to our justice system by those entrusted with its administration.

Handing out immunity deals like Halloween candy from the Hillary email case through to whatever the hell Mueller has done, makes it nearly impossible to legally hold people accountable for their actions.

If Mueller abused his authority to give immunity to criminals as part of a cover up who would have given Mueller immunity?
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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If Mueller gave immunity to Comey, it will, beyond a doubt, prove to the American People that we have a Deep State Kangaroo Court Justice System ! If this immunity was granted and in connection with the upcoming IG Reports, I can't see how Mueller could survive !
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Thanks for your wisdom and guidance as we try to navigate this historical event. This appears to be a "no holds barred " legal, political and public relations battle to the death.

From the perspective that Mueller and Comey are long time friends , you are probably correct on the likelihood that Comey got an immunity deal. But Mueller and Rosenstein know that the IG report will probably place Comey in peril of indictment and possible jail time. The public relations and political fallout from an immunity deal would be disastrous for the leftist cause at the ballot box this fall. Comey means nothing to Obama and the Clintons and their agenda. They will expect him to sacrifice his life for their protection and cause. All Mueller's assistants that surround him are not there to just get Trump. They are there to make sure Mueller doesn't do anything stupid. Giving Comey immunity would be a really stupid idea because of all the fallout. The Clintons have a huge grudge and dislike for Comey.

It would be really stupid to give Comey immunity. Oops, it looks like stupid may be in charge. He probably got it.

Legal question. Is it blanket, covering everything or is it specific?
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Joe diGenova on Carl Tuckerton this evening. He says John Brennan is going to find himself in front of a grand jury soon.


i really want to believe this but it just sounds too good to be true. Has Degenova been accurate in the past?
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If Mueller abused his authority to give immunity to criminals as part of a cover up who would have given Mueller immunity?

Theoretically speaking, it would have to be Rosenstein, if that actually happened.

But I'm not that sure Mueller has fully grasped the gravitas of his actions yet. When the OIG report(s) come out and he's made aware of the full extent of the fool's errand he was given, his tune may change. Right now, Guiliani is beginning to school him on that. Horowitz will deliver the rest of the lesson.

Mueller trusted the wrong people and trashed his reputation in the process. And he has also managed to take down some formerly respected attorneys with him. Between the Manafort and Russian companies' litigation stances in open court, he has sent out minions to make fools of themselves.
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Legal question. Is it blanket, covering everything or is it specific?
Normally, it would be specific and be addressed to acts preceding the grant of immunity.

Here's my concern, the "Oliver North Dilemma." North was granted partial transactional immunity for his Congressional testimony in the Iran Contra affair. His convictions were subsequently voided on appeal because the language used in the grant of immunity could be interpreted to include the charges for which he was convicted.

IOW, a "limited" grant of immunity can easily be converted into a broader one with the deliberate use of certain language. As in sabotaging any future possible charges, short of treason.
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I would gladly trade prison time for Comey and his ilk for 4 more years of Trump, resulting in a couple more conservative appointees to SCOTUS.
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aggiehawg said:

Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.
I read something yesterday from a questionable source that Rosenstein was blackmailed into appointing Mueller. Supposedly a captured "dark web" conversation between FBI agents right before Mueller was appointed. I tend to ignore such "tin foil hat" stuff but with the way things are now, it seems more plausible that FBI agents would have such an outlet to communicate than it should be.

<sigh> Well, at least Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see his failure of a Presidency far eclipsed by Obama's.

I just hope the general public is able to comprehend and realize this. I'm afraid it will come out decades later as opposed to now in the form of a retrospective analysis tying all this together simply because there is such current deviseness that they are unwilling to hear the truth.

This brings me to another concern, which is the Flynn surveillance starting in 2015. If they are admitting this now, it seems that this is further justification for abuses that "led" the investigators to the Trump campaign as opposed to a convenient retroactive narrative. However, it's a narrative that will be regurgitated by MSM ad nauseam. I'm wondering what form of incontrovertible evidence will the nation require as a whole or at least the majority to result in them saying, Holy **** this was a setup!
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This brings me to another concern, which is the Flynn surveillance starting in 2015. If they are admitting this now, it seems that this is further justification for abuses that "led" the investigators to the Trump campaign as opposed to a convenient retroactive narrative. However, it's a narrative that will be regurgitated by MSM ad nauseam. I'm wondering what form of incontrovertible evidence will the nation require as a whole or at least the majority to result in them saying, Holy **** this was a setup!
Mueller in an orange jumpsuit with "D.O.C." on the back.

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Nice reply!

That was kind of my question, in that now I want an investigation, for the investigation (SC). Politically, I'm sure it will make things look awful for the bad guys, the worse, the better.

However, legally, if Meuller is going to just throw out immunity deals to everyone, especially his bestie, then lets start digging on his ass. I already want one on him for the Uranium 1 issue, which I think is underway. There's so many DOJ investigations going right now, I can't keep count anymore. But, IF immunity for Comey took place, then we'll put that aggressive POS in court, prefferably with judge Ellis.

Once again, using the "company you keep" philosophy, Mueller has got to be not just a black hat, but a lousy individual, if he's besties with Comey.

Mostly, we've been speaking professionally about Mueller, but personally, it appears he may be a giant jackwagon!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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I am still not convinced that Mueller has formally granted Comey immunity. It's more that I wouldn't put it past him at this point, if he had. The secret suspension of the Statute of Limitations in the Manafort case threw me for a loop. Couple that with his overzealous manner of effectuating search warrants with no knock predawn raids is concerning as to which type of man he is. One who relishes power and wields it to the fullest extent possible.

He is Chuck Rhoades.
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It is only a guess, but I suspect Mueller has figured out that he is/was being used. He surrounded himself by loyal Clintonista attorneys probably not of his choice. Mueller and Rosenstein got suckered and are not in control of the "Mueller team". That may help explain the intimidation tactics that have been used.

A side note. An apparent retired FBI agent called in to Rush yesterday. The retired agent communicated his thoughts regarding the Mueller investigation. He believes the FBI is monitoring and has an active investigation of Mueller and Rosenstein and the participants in the Mueller investigation. Very interesting.
That is my recollection.

There is an all out political war being waged behind the scenes to take down the POTUS and our Constitution. Remember the term "Arkancide".

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If comey got immunity from mueller and mueller committed crimes, then the immunity is fruit from a broken tree...invalid
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aggiehawg said:

I am still not convinced that Mueller has formally granted Comey immunity. It's more that I wouldn't put it past him at this point, if he had. The secret suspension of the Statute of Limitations in the Manafort case threw me for a loop. Couple that with his overzealous manner of effectuating search warrants with no knock predawn raids is concerning as to which type of man he is. One who relishes power and wields it to the fullest extent possible.

He is Chuck Rhoades.
Mueller granting immunity to Comey for certain things. However, the OIG, Sessions & Huber are entirely independent from Mueller. If Huber indicts Comey, but Mueller had granted Comey immunity, is this a conflict? I assume it is because they both technically work for the DOJ, but immunity wouldn't cover all transgressions, would it?
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RoscoePColtrane said:
This is a fun read. Rhee has egg all over her face. I wonder if she realizes this fact?
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Mueller granting immunity to Comey for certain things. However, the OIG, Sessions & Huber are entirely independent from Mueller. If Huber indicts Comey, but Mueller had granted Comey immunity, is this a conflict? I assume it is because they both technically work for the DOJ, but immunity wouldn't cover all transgressions, would it?
If Comey has immunity, he has immunity for specified actions, period. And that would apply to Huber, Sessions or any other potential prosecutor. That is, normally it would.

Things have spun so far out of the norm at this point, it's hard to predict what might come down the pipe.
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The above is the first MSM outing of Stefan Halper, 'Agent Provocateur'.

Great video segment: Solomon Wisenberg (former White Water prosecutor), Mollie Hemingway & Roger Stone. Well worth watching.
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Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.

Sessions has his hands all over this steaming pile. His supporters will really be let down after they realize the depths of his participation.
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txwxman said:

Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.

Sessions has his hands all over this steaming pile. His supporters will really be let down after they realize the depths of his participation.

Sessions has supporters? Who?
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txwxman said:

Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.

Sessions has his hands all over this steaming pile. His supporters will really be let down after they realize the depths of his participation.
Can you give us your facts? And I'm no fan of sessions.
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Thread by the former Imperator Rex. It leads to a very sobering conclusion concerning potential complete loss of public trust in the FBI & DOJ. Worth reading.
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Interesting times. There are two completely different narratives out there that are completely at odds:

A) The MSM especially CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo: Mueller and team are circling Trump and slowly cornering him and his bunch of traitors, con men etc. Surely folks are going to prison and Trump may actually wind up impeached and disgraced.

B) Fox/WSJ and a few web sites: Trump was spied on, set up, and the alphabet agencies along with the Obama administration have been undermining democracy and attempting what is in effect, a coup. Brennan, Clapper, etc are going to prison.

I mean, there is very little middle ground there. Someone is going to be deeply disappointed. I have no idea who. I do think if there was really collusion, it would have been found by now.

A question. Is Horowitz only investigating the Hillary email scandal? Because most on here think he is investigating the FISA/spying/Mueller thing as well. Do we have any concrete evidence he is actually investigating the FISA abuses etc? I am hoping that is true.
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A question. Is Horowitz only investigating the Hillary email scandal? Because most on here think he is investigating the FISA/spying/Mueller thing as well. Do we have any concrete evidence he is actually investigating the FISA abuses etc? I am hoping that is true.
The FISA thing he is investigating. Was announced this past March, IIRC. I would assume the spying would fall under that investigation but he only has jurisdiction over DOJ. He would need cooperation of the IGs that oversee CIA, NSA and DNI however to get a clear picture of the full extent of the conspiracy.

And have no doubt, there was a conspiracy.
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Ultimately only one is correct there isn't likely a middle ground of facts in this mess.
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HeardAboutPerio said:

aggiehawg said:

Prognightmare said:

If that is indeed the case, then I believe the SC was created to cover up malfeasance and give immunity to all the bad actors under the auspices of investigating Trump.
I read something yesterday from a questionable source that Rosenstein was blackmailed into appointing Mueller. Supposedly a captured "dark web" conversation between FBI agents right before Mueller was appointed. I tend to ignore such "tin foil hat" stuff but with the way things are now, it seems more plausible that FBI agents would have such an outlet to communicate than it should be.

<sigh> Well, at least Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see his failure of a Presidency far eclipsed by Obama's.

I just hope the general public is able to comprehend and realize this. I'm afraid it will come out decades later as opposed to now in the form of a retrospective analysis tying all this together simply because there is such current deviseness that they are unwilling to hear the truth.

This brings me to another concern, which is the Flynn surveillance starting in 2015. If they are admitting this now, it seems that this is further justification for abuses that "led" the investigators to the Trump campaign as opposed to a convenient retroactive narrative. However, it's a narrative that will be regurgitated by MSM ad nauseam. I'm wondering what form of incontrovertible evidence will the nation require as a whole or at least the majority to result in them saying, Holy **** this was a setup!
Regrettably, it will NEVER be addressed in the history books. Often, the truth hurts and today's public just doesn't have what it takes to admit it. When they look into a mirror...they see what they want to believe and not what's really staring back at themselves. "Truth"'s for "other" people.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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