I'm not confident much of the public can follow the legal minutia of this all. It has to be explained in simplified terms and then what was unlawful or unethical or improper needs to be outlined, and the harm to the public trust and rule of law made plain.
Plus, they have to be willing to listen.
I look at this thread almost like an engineering vs marketing scenario. Lots of technical legal minds that get into the details of all that is wrong with this case, but the court of public opinion is deeply entrenched on their respective sides and the majority who are most tuned out just go along with whatever late night hosts joke about. It is a bit like the engineers developing a product that works great for them and they love, but they have no idea how to market it to the masses.
Think our legal system can overcome the court of popular opinion? No way. It can't even overcome itself, as evidenced by how far this thing has gotten in the first place.
See also how the world says the Clinton impeachment was about sex.
See also John Roberts and Obamacare.
A huge percentage of Americans have no clue about most of the details in this thread and who is going to tell them?