Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,488,605 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by aggiehawg
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Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?
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VaultingChemist said:

Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

VaultingChemist said:

Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?

Does that also apply to Hillary and her "I don't recall" responses?
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VaultingChemist said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

VaultingChemist said:

Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?

Does that also apply to Hillary and her "I don't recall" responses?

I don't recall is the stock way of avoiding answering without pleading the fifth. It's also near impossible to disprove. But to answer your question "no" not even 57 times in one interview
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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VaultingChemist said:

Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?
You also need to understand that Flynn is a master spook. Spooks don't ever give you a straight answer under direct questioning. They speak a complex language of ambiguous dialect, unless reading from a prepared speech with a specific intent or topic. Ever listen to one of the Carter Page interviews on TV? Boy is he ever difficult to follow, and he is just a green belt compared to a black belt like General Flynn.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Houston Lee
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President Trump will not sit down with Mueller.

There is no crime. There is no collusion. We all know the SC investigation was based on false information

I would dare Mueller to try to subpoena Trump to go before a Grand Jury.
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VaultingChemist said:

Flynn committed a crime because he couldn't recall what someone told him during a conversation?
That is ONE of the crimes he as committed and the least serious one. Just enough to get him to flip
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What are the others?
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

It's not a talking point it was is in their request for two more months.

Sentence one of the guys who can tell you DJT is lying so he can be pardoned before even an attempt is made to interview DJT? That would make no sense from the side of the prosecution or the defense, unless you were just holding out for the pardon.

So you are admitting the whole point of the investigation is to get Trump in a perjury trap.
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Wink said:

What are the others?
Conspiring with foreign governments - almost certainly, but we will see
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So the questions were real and Mueller really is threating a subpoena? Mueller is starting to piss me off.
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Caputo accused members of the Senate Intelligence Committee of working together and contributing to the "swamp" a term often used by President Trump to describe the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.

This point Caputo illustrated by arguing Daniel Jones, a former Senate Intelligence staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was one of two sources in a recent McClatchy report about Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen a report that Cohen himself denies.

"But who is McClatchy's second source? It couldn't be Dan; he was the first source ... So who could it be perhaps one of his former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I mean, you're all in this together. You're the swamp."

Caputo called for an "investigation of the investigators" and said he wanted to know who was "coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump."

"Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election," Caputo said. "I want to know because *********you to hell."
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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mesocosm said:

Wink said:

What are the others?
Conspiring with foreign governments - almost certainly, but we will see

Start another thread.
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Two trolls in a matter of hours, let's just ignore them and not let them get the thread locked again. It's the same perps with the same MO.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Two trolls in a matter of hours, let's just ignore them and not let them get the thread locked again. It's the same perps with the same MO.
That's why they come here. Best to not even respond.
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mesocosm said:

Wink said:

What are the others?
Conspiring with foreign governments - almost certainly, but we will see

You mean like HIllary and Obama conspired with the British to spy on Trump?
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Here we go....... damn .... need to update the archive
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Bird Poo
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RoscoePColtrane said:


Caputo accused members of the Senate Intelligence Committee of working together and contributing to the "swamp" a term often used by President Trump to describe the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.

This point Caputo illustrated by arguing Daniel Jones, a former Senate Intelligence staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was one of two sources in a recent McClatchy report about Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen a report that Cohen himself denies.

"But who is McClatchy's second source? It couldn't be Dan; he was the first source ... So who could it be perhaps one of his former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I mean, you're all in this together. You're the swamp."

Caputo called for an "investigation of the investigators" and said he wanted to know who was "coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump."

"Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election," Caputo said. "I want to know because *********you to hell."

This is ***king terrible. The people launching these bogus investigations need to be put up against a wall.

60 Minutes, 20-20, Nightline. Where are you?
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Please stop replying to the trolls. This thread is too good of a discussion to allow them to take it down.
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OneNightW said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


Caputo accused members of the Senate Intelligence Committee of working together and contributing to the "swamp" a term often used by President Trump to describe the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.

This point Caputo illustrated by arguing Daniel Jones, a former Senate Intelligence staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was one of two sources in a recent McClatchy report about Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen a report that Cohen himself denies.

"But who is McClatchy's second source? It couldn't be Dan; he was the first source ... So who could it be perhaps one of his former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I mean, you're all in this together. You're the swamp."

Caputo called for an "investigation of the investigators" and said he wanted to know who was "coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump."

"Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election," Caputo said. "I want to know because *********you to hell."

This is ***king terrible. The people launching these bogus investigations need to be put up against a wall.

60 Minutes, 20-20, Nightline. Where are you?

Yep. It's outrageous. These people did nothing wrong.
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...The following section titled "Pro-Kremlin NGOs and Think Tanks," also marked as sensitive, discusses the Russian government funded Caucasus Research Network, which helped to spread anti-EU and NATO reports throughout the region. Also discussed is the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative, which was founded by Natalia Veselnitskaya. The Initiative was reportedly "working to erode support for the Magnitsky Act (which imposes sanctions on gross human rights violations). The organization screened an anti-Magnitsky film at Washington's Newseum in June."

The Magnitsky Act attracted public attention earlier this year when it was reported Veselnitskaya obtained a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. with the purpose of seeking to undermine the act. It was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to repeal the act at least in part because it targeted top Russian officials who had committed human rights violations and were the beneficiaries of a $230-million tax fraud that Magnitsky exposed.

"These documents show the Obama State Department under John Kerry gathered and sent its own dossier of classified information on Russia to Senator Ben Cardin, a political ally in the U.S. Senate, to undermine President Trump," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Judicial Watch will pursue information on who pulled this classified information, who authorized its release, and why was it evidently dumped just days before President Trump's inauguration."...

This may not be anything important, but Nunes is now investigating the State Department and it's relationship to the dossier, and here is that Veselnitskaya woman's name in State Department records.

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Agree with others. Don't derail. They are upset that Comey has been shown to be a fake and McCabe lied. If you notice they ignore questions about Pete and Page and the texts. They have no response for that so they ignore and deflect.

And by the way one last night got a great education and was beat down. Great job.
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Mueller learned something that Sumlin never did. The best defense is a good offense.

I can only imagine that he's doing this to protect The corrupt agents in the FBI. Real serious crimes were committed by dozens of people in "the swamp". I think Hawg must have nailed it by calling this a desperation move.
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What's really sad, they aren't much different than the entire justice system. This is not an anomaly. Our judicial system isn't that of our youth, when the lines were less blurred. All these people pleading guilty and cutting deals over smoke and mirrors! Don't get me wrong Manafort is a sleazy guy, but even sleazy guys have rights. If you have the funding to hold on you can fight. And when the funding runs out they come with, "We can charge you with XYZ or you can plead guilty to ABC". Happens every day. This is what happens when a cops/prosecutors are not measured by the fairness of their work, but by how many people they can put in jail, rightfully or wrongly. Joe Friday has been gone for a long time.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:


Caputo accused members of the Senate Intelligence Committee of working together and contributing to the "swamp" a term often used by President Trump to describe the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.

This point Caputo illustrated by arguing Daniel Jones, a former Senate Intelligence staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was one of two sources in a recent McClatchy report about Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen a report that Cohen himself denies.

"But who is McClatchy's second source? It couldn't be Dan; he was the first source ... So who could it be perhaps one of his former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I mean, you're all in this together. You're the swamp."

Caputo called for an "investigation of the investigators" and said he wanted to know who was "coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump."

"Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election," Caputo said. "I want to know because *********you to hell."

Straight out of the Dem playbook. When you've got nothing, financially ruin your enemy. Bankrupt a few like Caputo and Flynn, and bring anonymous and groundless attacks on the reputation of others with the complicity of a few pet "journalist", and anyone else thinking about aiding the enemy will just melt into the swamp. The Dems have perfected the art of groundless personal destruction for political gain, and their fanboys here and elsewhere think it's perfectly justifiable and even laudable. It's a sickness.
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We can only hope that the IG report will deliver justice where it needs to. Also, Rudy needs to replace Sessions as AG.
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Looking over the questions from yesterday, a good portion are regarding obstruction of justice. Rosenstine wrote the memo recommending the Comey firing and then Trump followed that reccomendation. With that reccomendation and the show Rosenstine put on yesterday assuring people the DOJ will NOT be pushed around how is there even a consideration for the obstruction charge? Rosenstime reccomemde Comey to be fired regardless of Trumps reasoning.

Additionally if Mueller is going to pursue obstruction further isn't Rosenstine an important witness, prime mover, and potentially co-conspirator? Shouldn't that warrant a recusal from that part of the investigation?
Lot Y Tailgate
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Rockdoc said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Two trolls in a matter of hours, let's just ignore them and not let them get the thread locked again. It's the same perps with the same MO.
That's why they come here. Best to not even respond.

I came back to this thread because it was linked in another thread as the place to discuss new information.
Ellis Wyatt
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Rockdoc said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Two trolls in a matter of hours, let's just ignore them and not let them get the thread locked again. It's the same perps with the same MO.
That's why they come here. Best to not even respond.

I came back to this thread because it was linked in another thread as the place to discuss new information.
Stop trolling.
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FriscoKid said:

We can only hope that the IG report will deliver justice where it needs to. Also, Rudy needs to replace Sessions as AG.
As I understand it, the main thrust of the IG investigation is the Clinton emails and Clinton Foundation. Is that correct?
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Unpacking the Other Clinton-Linked Russia Dossier

..."One memorandum by Mr. Steele that was not published by BuzzFeed is dated October 19, 2016," write Grassley and Graham. "Mr. Steele's memorandum states that his company 'received this report from [REDACTED] US State Department,' that the report was second in a series, and that the report was information that came from a foreign sub-source who 'is in touch with [REDACTED], a contact of [REDACTED], a friend of the Clintons, who passed it to [REDACTED].' It is troubling enough that the Clinton campaign funded Mr. Steele's work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele's allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility."...

This is a lengthy article about the Shearer Dossier. I don't have time to parse it in detail (have to leave for the day, family member having surgery today), but it contains the above segment. Buzzfeed did not publish the entire Steele dossier...left out one report which obviously deals with the Shearer Dossier. Why??? Looks like this one report could be very troubling to explain before a FISA judge when applying for a warrant.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Just don't quote or respond to the troll.
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Hopefully, it'll lead to additional IG investigations into other shenanigans uncovered.
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